Entry 590 — Playing at Being an Abstract-Expressionist
This is a third version of the subdividend product in my division of “the the” poem:
I quite like it. I experimented with quite a few different colors, none of them seeming to work until I added the maroon, which made a huge difference for some reason. Now I have to figure out how to use it in a poem.
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Saturday, 10 December 2011, Noon. I have to get my Christmas chores–basically a Christmas letter and cards–out of the way. So I’ll be concentrating on that for a few days. I just posted my blog entry for today, and I arranged it so my second printer can print some copies of my “Christmas Mathemaku, No. 1,” which takes care of my pledge to work daily on something connected to the exhibition–but I hope to do more, like print out some copies of it. I want to try to sell a few signed copies at the A&H office. I lost the morning to tennis, and the after-tennis coffee session, this time at a Dunkin’ Donuts place. I sometimes think I should give up tennis–becauwse (1) I’m lousy at it and (2) it takes time from my cultural activities. But I’m pretty sure I need it–as a break from cultural activities, and for simply being with others. The exercise is probably good for me, too. I have to admit that it can be fun when I’m not too horrible (as I was this morning).
6 P.M. This afternoon I went out on my bike again. I got two more picture frames, some ink for my new printer ($100!) and had some things printed out–parts of my very large “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes.” Since then, I’ve put my “Christmas Mathemaku, No. 1″ into a frame. Haven’t done much else.