Entry 588 — Back to “the the”
A brand-new mathemaku I got the simple idea for a few days ago and made on my computer yesterday. One thing I dislike a great deal about it is that it is an opinion poem–worse, the opinion is a political one. But it has a nice graphic taken from my Long Division of Poetry series to which a photograph of outer space taken by the Hubble telescope has been added. A central meaning of its remainder, which I stole from the fourth frame of my “Suite for Odysseus” is “mystery.” As you all should know, its dividend, which I use in lots of poems, is from a poem by Wallace Stevens.
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Thursday, 8 December 2011, 3 P.M. I’m in a good mood. The poem above came out reasonably well, and smoothly–and gave me something for this blog entry. It will probably be in my show, so counts as work done for that. But I also got one of my piece for that into a frame that can be set on a counter, which counts indisputably as work for the show. Meanwhile, I’ve disconnected completely from my Shakespeare book. Next, I have to get a press release for the show done. Should be easy but I’m having trouble pumping myself up to do it.