Entry 454 — Mathemaku-in-Progress
I continue to believe someday people will be interested in how various poems of mine came about. Hence, the following three stages of my unfinished “Cursive Mathemaku, No. 2″:
I scribbled notes for version one, then took weeks to draw my ideas at Paint Shop, and more weeks to put them together in a work something like version one, which is probably the third version of the finished base of the poem. Almost two months went by before I dared add the final cursive lines I always meant the work to have to make version two. Over a week went by before I made (today) the more well-thought-out third version. I’m pretty sure both that the third version (already revised two or three times–modestly) is the one I’ll go with. I’m looking forward to adding colors, with a good idea of what they’ll be, although I never go with all or even most of the colors I use in a work.
i love these, bob!
Hey, thanks for the good words, Maria. As soon as I saw them, I thought of your embroidered poems and how similar my scribbled poems have in common with them–a kind of looseness, different-colored threads, domesticity (?), sensitivity (I hope!). Main thing is how much fun they are!