I liked this poem when I saw it many months ago–enough to get permission from Gregory if I could post it here. I didn’t until now because I had intended to include a critique of it with it but never got around to it. That was mostly because I was pretty sure the critique would offend Gregory, who is very touchy. Not because I planned to say anything negative about the poem, but because, in discussing what it did, I would fail to appreciate the innovativeness of the techniques he’s used in it, and given his own idiosyncratic names to. Right. Just like I do. I’m still not up to critiquing it, but I need something for this blog, so here it is:
one bus,
said of certain places
which may, at sites, be
or, for such as certain sites
a, saying, or, for standing
a, may be holding places
and doubtless other combinations
one bus.
and if it is but agreeable
a hand or glove or calendar
as, he was
but not in certain places
which, when sounding
just above, and, sounding just above
are gone, or, for some time
by rote or involuntary action
between highest and lowest
is present, and absent, is gone and when
that aspect, to be events
alike, in which they are alike
between highest and lowest
the features
perceived or thought about
seem suddenly, to fit
also spelled insight or solution
the use of, or, as means his present station
and doubtless other combinations
which are themselves
his means
the skin, the hair, the coat
are fairly, then, it matches, either of the two
in which, unfit variations
are discarded
are held at mutual right angles, say
as when a new hat
or sometimes used as synonyms
is part
as a rule, a new hat
is considered of involuntary action
in respect to suspended judgment
in which, a measure of degree
they are, so alike
being highest, possible highest
the skin, the hair, the coat
an irrepressible action
due to lips
and doubtless other combinations
attained by involuntary action
as when a new hat is considered part
of one’s coat
or rival, or station
I’m listing it as a language poem. Gregory will kill me for that, if he ever finds out.