Entry 1123 — Guest Appearance « POETICKS

Entry 1123 — Guest Appearance

One good thing that happened as a result of my recent foolery with an ellipsis is this from Marton Koppany, which he calls, “Hunch–for Bob”:


Meanwhile, I revised my ellipsis poem yet again.  I believe I am now done with it:



3 Responses to “Entry 1123 — Guest Appearance”

  1. karl kempton says:

    a keeper for certain

  2. Bob Grumman says:

    Thanks, Karl! Whether you meant mine or Marton’s! But I know you meant both, right!?

  3. karl kempton says:

    speaking of yours

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Entry 560 — Continuing with my Cat Mathemaku « POETICKS

Entry 560 — Continuing with my Cat Mathemaku

Okay, back to my cat poem.  I thought about it last night while awake at one point.  Two changes came about, which are shown.  The poem may be done except for the final work-up.  I’ll probably do it in my cursive style.

 Tough poem to work on.  Just your standard happy cat, but . . .


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Entry 1119 — Dead Poem « POETICKS

Entry 1119 — Dead Poem



I struggled with this thing most of yesterday–in my head.  Just couldn’t get it right.  I couldn’t choose between having the private eye and the Atlantic as its center.  This morning, I kept foundering, finally giving up: hence the title of this entry.  I tried to cheer myself up by think how good an instructional failure it was.  Then something close to the above occurred to me that seemed to make some sense.  I’m not yet satisfied with it. but may accept it into Mine Oeuvre as is.

Meanwhile, I like my private eye image.  Haven’t been able to think what to do with it, though.  (Thanks, Conrad, for your positive comment on it, by the way.  You see the image just the way I do!)


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Entry 537 — Notes Re: “The Before” « POETICKS

Entry 537 — Notes Re: “The Before”

I think it near-universal an instinct of human beings to want to share knowledge–to find it before anyone else, of course, but then to share it.  Not merely to feel superior but to give others the pleasure of it.  I think I may have this instinct to any extreme.  It is certainly why, unlike most poets, I’m rarely satisfied to present a poem with no comment.  Perhaps I would if I believed anyone would catch on to what the poem was doing without help, but I don’t think so, for I don’t merely want to explain the poem, but hold forth on the creative process; my own quirks as a poet, and person; whose work I’ve stolen from; why the poem I’m discussing is great–or not great; and almost anything else I can think of. 

Here, I want to gab about the work I posted yesterday–mainly about why I consider it a failure.  I believe it began with my thinking of its dividend, “the before/ the best colors quiet/ (permanently) into.”  Probably in slightly different words that I played with.  I still liike this expression although it only means “one’s happiest memories.”  But poetry basically consists of trite comments gussied up.

The graphic at the top is a negative image of a detail from one of my cursive mathmaku.  The blue fragment of text in it is most of “any preposition whatever,” a locution I feel will work anywhere.  The poem, incidentally, was to be part of a set of four inter-related poems, one or two of the others also using details from prior mathemaku of mine. 

Around the time I came up with the dividend’s text, I scribbled “mapling into a full moon.” This enchanted me, I think because L delight in using nouns as verbs.  But I was also thinking of the color of the moon (a favorite image of mine) abd iof maple syrup.  And the latter’s taste.  I added “evening” because of some vague thought of a (printed) evening somehow turning into a (cursive) moon in some maple-like manner.  That is, the sap of evening was being collected by the form of the moon.  Many of my mathamuical terms are touched with this kind of weird rationality, or pseudo rationality.  Sometimes I believe it works, sometimes not.  In this case, not.  In spite of how nice the cursive part of it looks.

The divisor was forced.  I just couldn come up with an appropriate image, so grabbed “pond,” because I like ponds almost as much as I like the moon.  I made the image “poetic” with “breeze-trilled.”  It’s a kind of silly hyphenated adjective that I’m prone to.  Some of them work, at least for those not biased against heightened rhetoric, but I don’t think this one does.  Actually, I believe I may have taken the pond from another mathemaku in my quartet, having found something better for the poem I took it from.  It was more political there than here, the “certification” having to do with the need for places to get away from totalitarianism to.  (I’m semi-obsessed with the BigWorld’s extreme preference for credentials over abilities.)  I think the liquidity of the pond works nicely with mapling, and the darkness of the quotient works with “evening.”  This is important since the term under the dividend is supposed to result from themultiplication of the divisor by the quotient.  But both still seem off to me.  At this stage, I’m not sure whether to change them or replacethem.  So far, I have no ideas for doing either.

My remainder I threw in because I couldn’t think of anything else.  An ampersand can work anywhere, in my opinion, but I use it too often, and should not have here. 

Sometimes when I write out an analysis of a poem I’m dissatisfied with, I write my way to solutions.  That didn’t happen this time.  Oh, well, I found it fun to do!


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Entry 608 — Collage for a Mathemaku « POETICKS

Entry 608 — Collage for a Mathemaku

Once again two trips to take care of one chore: I took my revision of “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes” and its frame, which I was afraid to try fool with, to a frames guy I’ve done business with before, but his place wasn’t where it had been. A nice lady in the beauty shop next to where it was told me where to find it. Happily, it wasn’t far away. DIGRESSION: I used to be contemptuous of the way “hopefully” was used until “happily” made it okay for me–which I mention because I often try to remember other adverbs like “hopefully” and never can (there are several).

I found my frame guy but his place of business was locked although his door said he opened at ten each day but Sunday, and it was near eleven. I waited a little while, thinking he was probably just late. There was no sign on the door or in the window indicating what might have happened. At length I crossed the street. That’s where the Arts & Humanities Council office was. I wanted to drop off the large unwieldy frame. (I was on my bike, needless to say, so worried I might damage the frame. Well, Olivia, Judy the executive secretary’s assistant, was kind enough to let me dump what I had there. Back home, I tried to call my frame guy. I couldn’t find the name of his place, The Rose Gallery, in the phone book but found something called “Creative Framing,” or something, that seemed to be about where the Rose Gallery was, so I called the number for that. An operator told me the number was no longer in service. Great. I tried to get a number that would work fromthe Visual Arts Center, but the girl I talked to didn’t have it. Finally, after three tries, I got it from information; the first two times I was given the old number. Fortunately, when I called the new number my frame man was there. He’d been late because of something he’d had to do with his son. After making sure Olivia wouldn’t be away form the office for lunch (she had locked my stuff in Judy’s office, and Judy is in New York), I rode my bike to the Arts & Humanities Council’s office, got my stuff and took it to the Rose Gallery. Which was locked! Gah.

Well, almost at once, the frame guy showed up. He’d gone somewhere to collect his mail, which wasn’t delivered to his door but to a box somewhere near. Everything then when well. I now have “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes” nicely framed. It looks good. (It always amazes me how good a frame can make a piece look.) The collage below was an attempt to do what Scott was doing at the time (8 or 9 years ago); I was never happy with it, but think it’s okay. It represents “nothing going on” . . . I think. In my piece, I add “the deepest grammar of January” to it to get “STONE.” It may not be my best mathemaku but, not counting sequences, it’s my largest. I’m wondering if there will be some who like it better than my other long divisions. To add variety to the exhibition is the main reason I’m including it. 

Diary Entry

Wednesday, 28 December 2011, 5 P.M.  More gab at Spidertangle, most of which I used to take care of the day’s blog entry.  A trip early in the morning to get copies of one of my long division poems–because my own printer wasn’t doing a good job of printing, due–I now believe–to insufficient ink, although my computer told me it had plenty of ink.  That job, and a little grocery shopping taken care of, I got home only to find out I’d forgotten to collect my flash drive from the people at Staples.  I went back for it a couple of hours ago.  I feel worn out, as always.  I haven’t done anything with my reply to Jake (but yesterday, a little tinkering I did with it seemed to me just what it needed to merge to large blocks of it into a reasonably coherent, flowing whole, so I think I’m close to getting it done).


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From My Poetry Workshop « POETICKS

Archive for the ‘From My Poetry Workshop’ Category

Entry 654 — A Fifth of a Mathemaku

Monday, February 13th, 2012


Yesterday a glimmer of a mathemaku crossed my mind just when I was about convinced I was finally permanently non-creative.  I’d read an essay in praise of the piano, and I’ve always loved the piano although self-teaching myself to play Fur Elise, or whatever that standard for beginners of Beethoven’s is, was as far as I ever got.  In fact, I sometimes consider its invention the most important invention ever.  Certainly it’s in the top ten.  Competitors would be the invention of writing, the phonograph, the mathemaku . . .  I don’t include the invention of language since that was no more an invention, it seems to me, than the human voice, or upright walking. 

Anyway, yesterday (and maybe a little of the previous day), I wondered how to make a mathemaku in praise of the piano.  “The piano” would be either the poem’s dividend or sub-dividend product.  I was able to add only one of the other four elements the poem would need.  After thinking my way through three or four versions of it, I wrote, “the way an April countryside celebrates a brook’s twisting, revived consideration of it.”  I almost at once added “enthusiastic” to the adjectives modifying “consideration.”  Just now, though, I revised it to “the pleasure a countryside takes in a brook’s joyful, revived consideration of it as March turns into April.”  Then I deleted “joyful” and changed “of” to “through.”  I see a problem with this: it suggests the effect of a piano, not the piano itself.  In fact, I’m not sure what exactly it may be a metaphor for.  Stay tuned.



Entry 635 — The Improvement

Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

What I hope is an improvement to what I’ve been working on (a subdividend product) is very simple.  I think it makes more sense than the previous version, for it shows my text going into somewhere else whereas previously the text went into somewhere else and came back.  It also makes for a slightly more challenging puzzle for the engagent, and my best engagents will like that. 


Entry 634 — Faereality as a Major Theme?

Tuesday, January 24th, 2012

After making the textual design with the sailing ship in it, I got an idea for a mathemaku featuring the ship’s entrance into the world it’s shown in as a partial metaphor for faereality.  I worked out a full sketch of the poem but haven’t converted that to an actual poem yet.  Now I’m fumbling with another faereality long division in which the following is a partial metaphor for faereality:

When I got this second idea, I immediately went megalomaniac, as I so often do, with thoughts of a Major Triumph.  In this case it would be a sequence of faereality long divisions in which faereality would symbolize the wonders of the worlds imaginative children live in.  My third frame of the sequence needs just a remainder; I should say, my sketch of my third frame just needs that.  I have no other ideas for the sequence, though.  I hope I get some–a dream that if I got at least ten, the result would be Very Accessible–and appealing to the many with my nostalgia for childhood.

Note: if you’re stumped by the extract from my poem-in-progress above, decode the following to understand it: ju jt ”cpzippe”–dpejoh jut xbz joup gbfsfbmjuz.  Hmmm, I just thought of a better spelling.  I’ll save that for tomorrow when, again, I’ll no doubt be having trouble thinking of something to put here.


Entry 629 — A Poor Poem Poem and a Mathemaku

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

          Poem’s Latest Visit to Nowhere

          Poem spent the day interviewing
          a spoke from a bicycle wheel that was all
          that was left of a Schwinn he’d had ten
          years ago.  He was interested
          in the spoke’s relationship
          to quantum mechanics
          considered chromatically.
          This caused a flap.

          His present bicycle went nowhere.                             
          Criticism intervened, trying
          to rescue the incredibly dead patch Poem
          had gotten himself into by
          using it to illustrate his thesis
          that little boy blue’s absence
          was impossible for any poem
          to overcome.

Yes, I am as out of it as I’ve ever been. I was hoping my non sequiturs would get close enough to sense for me to do something with them. They never did. But behold: I still eventually steered my text into an at least slightly intriguingly unsettling epiphany. Not that it makes up for the badness of the rest of the poem. But wait.  So this entry won’t be 100% worthless, here’s my “Cursive Mathemaku No. 2,” again. While going through my 2011 entries I came across this and changed my mind about it: it suddenly seemed to me the best version of the poem, not the third-best. So I’m using this entry to make public its officially being granted the title of “Cursive Mathemaku No. 2.”  Weird how much I prefer it to the one I once greatly preferred to it.


I really like the black lines, I don’t know why.  They’re very simple.  I think they give the thing thrust, they increase its seeming to be going somewhere.  Aside from that, spirals are always a plus.

Note: the yellow cursive reads, “any preposition whatever.”


Entry 624 — A Change of Mind

Saturday, January 14th, 2012


In Entry 536, I called the following a “misfire.” It made no sense to me. Coming across it again a week or so ago, I completely changed my mind: it makes perfect sense to me, now (if only meta-rationally). I now think of it as being as good as anything I’ve yet done. I also decided my “Cursive Mathemaku No. 2″ is probably better without the colored background I added to it.  Sometimes, though, I actually finish a piece permanently.


Entry 608 — Collage for a Mathemaku

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

Once again two trips to take care of one chore: I took my revision of “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes” and its frame, which I was afraid to try fool with, to a frames guy I’ve done business with before, but his place wasn’t where it had been. A nice lady in the beauty shop next to where it was told me where to find it. Happily, it wasn’t far away. DIGRESSION: I used to be contemptuous of the way “hopefully” was used until “happily” made it okay for me–which I mention because I often try to remember other adverbs like “hopefully” and never can (there are several).

I found my frame guy but his place of business was locked although his door said he opened at ten each day but Sunday, and it was near eleven. I waited a little while, thinking he was probably just late. There was no sign on the door or in the window indicating what might have happened. At length I crossed the street. That’s where the Arts & Humanities Council office was. I wanted to drop off the large unwieldy frame. (I was on my bike, needless to say, so worried I might damage the frame. Well, Olivia, Judy the executive secretary’s assistant, was kind enough to let me dump what I had there. Back home, I tried to call my frame guy. I couldn’t find the name of his place, The Rose Gallery, in the phone book but found something called “Creative Framing,” or something, that seemed to be about where the Rose Gallery was, so I called the number for that. An operator told me the number was no longer in service. Great. I tried to get a number that would work fromthe Visual Arts Center, but the girl I talked to didn’t have it. Finally, after three tries, I got it from information; the first two times I was given the old number. Fortunately, when I called the new number my frame man was there. He’d been late because of something he’d had to do with his son. After making sure Olivia wouldn’t be away form the office for lunch (she had locked my stuff in Judy’s office, and Judy is in New York), I rode my bike to the Arts & Humanities Council’s office, got my stuff and took it to the Rose Gallery. Which was locked! Gah.

Well, almost at once, the frame guy showed up. He’d gone somewhere to collect his mail, which wasn’t delivered to his door but to a box somewhere near. Everything then when well. I now have “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes” nicely framed. It looks good. (It always amazes me how good a frame can make a piece look.) The collage below was an attempt to do what Scott was doing at the time (8 or 9 years ago); I was never happy with it, but think it’s okay. It represents “nothing going on” . . . I think. In my piece, I add “the deepest grammar of January” to it to get “STONE.” It may not be my best mathemaku but, not counting sequences, it’s my largest. I’m wondering if there will be some who like it better than my other long divisions. To add variety to the exhibition is the main reason I’m including it. 

Diary Entry

Wednesday, 28 December 2011, 5 P.M.  More gab at Spidertangle, most of which I used to take care of the day’s blog entry.  A trip early in the morning to get copies of one of my long division poems–because my own printer wasn’t doing a good job of printing, due–I now believe–to insufficient ink, although my computer told me it had plenty of ink.  That job, and a little grocery shopping taken care of, I got home only to find out I’d forgotten to collect my flash drive from the people at Staples.  I went back for it a couple of hours ago.  I feel worn out, as always.  I haven’t done anything with my reply to Jake (but yesterday, a little tinkering I did with it seemed to me just what it needed to merge to large blocks of it into a reasonably coherent, flowing whole, so I think I’m close to getting it done).


Entry 596 — A Final Version of my Sonnet, Again

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

I couldn’t stay way from it.  I kept running it through my mind since posting the previous version here a week or two ago, finally coming up with the version below the night of 15 December.  Note, each line should be pronounced as an iambic pentameter, including the third.     

     Sonnet from My Forties

     Much have I ranged the kingdoms Stevens forged
     Of deeply penetrating inquiries
     Into, and deft use of, the metaphor,
     And volumes filled in vain attempts to reach

     The heights that he did. Often, too, I’ve been
     To where the small dirt’s awkward first grey steps
     Toward high-hued sensibility begin
     In Roethke’s verse, or measured the extent

     Of wing-swirled, myth-electric, royal light
     That Yeats achieved, or marveled down the worlds
     That Pound re-morninged splashingly to life,
     But failed as dismally to match their works.

     Yet still, nine-tenth insane though it now seems,
     I seek those ends; I hold to my huge dreams.

 Diary Entry

Friday, 16 December 2011, 11:30 A.M.  I have a few small exhibition-bookkeeping chores yet to do that I’m letting go for this weekend so I can concentrate on the stack of reviews for Small Press Review I have to do.  One of them will be of I, a novella by Arnold Skemer that I find excellent but a very slow read, in the best sense of the description. 


Entry 590 — Playing at Being an Abstract-Expressionist

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

This is a third version of the subdividend product in my division of “the the” poem:

I quite like it.  I experimented with quite a few different colors, none of them seeming to work until I added the maroon, which made a huge difference for some reason.  Now I have to figure out how to use it in a poem.

* * *

Saturday, 10 December 2011, Noon.  I have to get my Christmas chores–basically a Christmas letter and cards–out of the way.  So I’ll be concentrating on that for a few days.  I just posted my blog entry for today, and I arranged it so my second printer can print some copies of my “Christmas Mathemaku, No. 1,” which takes care of my pledge to work daily on something connected to the exhibition–but I hope to do more, like print out some copies of it.  I want to try to sell a few signed copies at the A&H office.  I lost the morning to tennis, and the after-tennis coffee session, this time at a Dunkin’ Donuts place.  I sometimes think I should give up tennis–becauwse (1) I’m lousy at it and (2) it takes time from my cultural activities.  But I’m pretty sure I need it–as a break from cultural activities, and for simply being with others.  The exercise is probably good for me, too.  I have to admit that it can be fun when I’m not too horrible (as I was this morning). 

6 P.M.  This afternoon I went out on my bike again.  I got two more picture frames, some ink for my new printer ($100!) and had some things printed out–parts of my very large “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes.”  Since then, I’ve put my “Christmas Mathemaku, No. 1″ into a frame.  Haven’t done much else.


Entry 585 — A Decorative Touch

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

For me, one of the saddest things about my final years is how much I’m continuing to learn about making poems.  For instance, consider the value of simple decorative touches you can apply to a word in a visual poem, such as the ones in the remainder of my “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes,” that I’m trying to put into exhibition-worthy shape:

Previously the letters were all black.  I changed them to brown.  That was all I thought I would do, but then I thought I might as well experiment with background colors in the manner above.  I had the change shapes a number of times, but eventually was satisfied with the above.    I didn’t learn to do this kind of thing when I worked up the remainder, but learned it more solidly–and I was old when I first learned, four or five years ago, when I did, “Mathemaku for Geof Huth”–if I remember its name correctly.  No big deal–in fact, it should be in this case since a remainder shouldn’t be to visiopoetic as to possibly detract from the core of a poem.  Just an added pleasure (if successful).

I think the reason so many old people want to teach is that, since they know they won’t have time fully to enjoy the little things they learn, they want to feel others, if they get to them early enough, will.  So listen to your elders, you young shits reading this!  (Oops, there I go again.) 

* * *

Monday, 5 December 2011, 8 A.M.  I feel a little blah but eager to get some work done.  I just finished breakfast–after getting the blog entry for today done, and setting this one up for tomorrow.  Now to the main chore of today: putting together some stuff to show Judy at Arts and Humanities.  I thought tomorrow, when I have a doctor’s appointment near her office, would be a good time to see her for details about my show.  I want to leave a specmen for advertisement–the “Hi!” one–and maybe something else–with commentaries.

It’s now two-and-a-half hours later.  I reframed my “hi” piece–to get it into a frame with a thing on the back allowing it to be displayed on a flat surface, in this case, a counter that’s in the middle of the room my exhibition will be in.  A trivial job but one I have all sorts of trouble getting myself to do generally.  This morning, I just did it.  I haven’t taken any pills, either!  I also revised the seventh frame of my “Long Division of Poetry,” printed it, then took care of a commentary on it.

Noon Report: I did some effective work of my “Mathemaku for Scott Helmes,” then used a few comments on my revision of its remainder in my next blog entry, so that’s out of the way.  I’m really humming, but I won’t be able to keep it up.


Entry 582 — Ten-Year Mathemakuical Triptych

Saturday, December 3rd, 2011

Kathy Ernst a long time ago was kind enough to commission a work of mine for to hang in her husband’s place of business.  When I dawdled, she suggested I send them my “Mathemaku for Tom Phillips,” which I had done, partly in water color, at the Atlantic center of Art in 2011, and Kathy had taken a liking to.  I wanted to send her something new, though, that would fit her husband’s scientific/technological business.  So I worked up a triptych.  There was one big problem with it:  I had to make it in pieces because my computer was too small to hold an image the size I wanted this to be (eleven by seventeen inches).  At length, I printed all the pieces involved, intending to make three collages.  At that point I got collagist’s block.  That lasted six or more years–until today.  Today I got it on disk.  It only took two or three hours of work.  Ridiculous.  Of course, I haven’t had it printed yet, but I feel optimistic that it will look okay.  Here’s the third frame, which is what it originally looked like except for a few very small changes:

 * * *

Friday, 2 December 2011, 9 A.M.  The big news of today is that last night or this morning, while I was lying in bed between periods of sleep, I realized that now the I had a computer with much more storage space than my previous one had, I could make decent copies of the frames of my “Triptych for Tom Phillips” and have them printed from a CD at Staples.  I’ve already made copies of the images I’ll be using–only to discover I already had better copies in a computer file.  All that exhausted me.  Time for a nap. 

No nap.  Little done until I finally went back to work on the Phillips piece.  I finished it at just after two.  When I started putting it together, I thought it a dazzling summation of my whole life.  Halfway through it, I told myself I ought to finish it despite how worthless it was.  It’ll probably look okay framed, though.


Ross Priddle « POETICKS

Archive for the ‘Ross Priddle’ Category

Entry 1208 — Visiomathematical Play Time

Monday, September 9th, 2013

A couple of days ago Ross Priddle posted the visiomathematical piece below in Facebook, asking what I would make of it:


By chance, I was at the time working on something that had much in common with his piece:


I posted my piece at Otherstream Unlimited, mentioning that Ross’s piece and it seemed to me promising works-in-progress.  The next day (yesterday, posterity, I’m sure, will want to know) I tried to push mine somewhere, .with the following result:


 Didn’t get far, but had fun.  One thing I learned that maybe every visual artist knows: scribbled colored lines that don’t seem like much start to acquire semi-potent meaning wen you have enough of them.  Or so it seemed to me.  Why, I wonder.  I will think about it.  I will also think about why this is still a work-in-progress and what to do about that.  Sure, many works are most suggestively “complete” when left unfinished, but I don’t think this is one of them.


Entry 558 — Notes for a Cat Poem « POETICKS

Entry 558 — Notes for a Cat Poem

Weeks ago I scribbled the following notes for what I thought at the time might be a series of cat poems but later decided would probably be good for onlyone cat poem.  This was during one of my poetically creative periods.  My last one, in fact.  It ended a few days after I made these notes, and a couple of others for poems also left unfinished. 

Yes, I’m still straining for entry-matter.  But I like scraps like these from other poet’s workshops so hope some of my readers will find these from me interesting.


The poem-in-progess is very sentimental.  The key is the word, “purr,” outlining a heart.  Maybe I’ll have a rough draft of the poem tomorrow, or even a final draft–but I’m hoping to concentrate on my Shakespeare book the rest of the day.  (It’s now 8 AM, so I’m getting this entry out of the way early!)



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From My Poetry Workshop « POETICKS

Archive for the ‘From My Poetry Workshop’ Category

Entry 1747 — Some Bedside Notes

Monday, March 9th, 2015

Some notes from a week or so ago that I hoped to make a long division poem of.  I keep scrap paper at my bedside in case I have enough ideas I feel the need to record them while lying in bed at night.  The second sheet are my notes about the previous notes.  The poem I was preparing these notes for was to be the second in the set begun with the poem in Entrymy second long division of boyhood.  Nothing further has come of these.  Until now, when I’m having too tired a day to be able to think of anything else to put here.



For Easy Reading:

all the climbable trees and bushes for hiding in the hill our house was on

I like this but it is not worded properly and I still can’t see how to fix it–without simply sticking a second “on” into it.

a summer day three wishes more distant than Atlantis

This I find wonderful, the one really nice term I came up with.

faereality–actually a version in code that I didn’t want to take the time to work out, knowing I’d remember to later.

A continuing favored image of mine I want one day to have a cluster of poems about (and already have several).

a decoder disk fresh from the cereal box

I never had such a disk but wanted something about the making of codes that was so important to me as a boy.

secrecy (used as an exponent, an idea I dropped because–fancy this–it didn’t make mathematical sense to me)

Nothing more wonderful in boyhood than this.

an ancient tale-spinner’s path dreaming into a yes with mountains in it

A second fairly inspired term, particularly the “yes with mountains in it”

a boy’s book

Just a possible term if needed, and chosen because books were the ur-source of the best adventures of my boyhood.

I’m not bothering with the second page’s notes because none of them seem good to me–except the use of “secrecy” as a multiplier rather than as an exponent.  The idea of a map of something ridiculous to have a map of, except in a poem.



Entry 1735 — A Visiopoetic List

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

Here’s a list I threw together for a group show in Minneapolis last year that Harriet Bart curate(or co-curated, I can’t remember which). I got my copy back a few days ago. I think the items in the show were all for sale. If so, I forget what price I put on it. Not the ten dollars that someone might have paid not because he liked it but because he thought someday some nut might be willing to pay a lot for it for some reason.

I consider it an interesting rough draft that there’s a chance I could make something of inspired. Aside from that, it’s a genuine list of ideas. I need to start making visiomathematical poems again, so have it nearby in hopes I’ll idly look it over and suddenly want to follow through on one of the ideas. Meanwhile, even though I may have posted it here already, it’s here today, which is another day on the edge of my null zone. If it gets me to make anything, I’ll post it here. Unless it’s so terrific I fear someone will steal it and make a bundle offa it. (Note, I never worry that anyone will steal anything from me: I may be wrong but I believe no one intelligent enough to think anything of mine worth stealing would steal anything of mine. Aside from that, maybe such a person could actually get something of mine to a reasonably large audience. Even if no one knew the True Author of it, I would enjoy knowing that something of mine was reaching more than my friends and relatives.


Later note: I’ll be very upset with myself if I don’t soon make something of the one with “qbfsfbkhsz” as its dividend–or should have that that since it looks like I wrote it wrong.



Entry 1730 — Fooling With Another Of My 39

Friday, February 20th, 2015

Here’s what I had:

               Q Quaverful of Deedle                   Although he knew he wasn't                 responsible for the summer's cymbular round                 decline to words, Poem flickered ever-                 inxiously prior.                   The pure blue churches paying his rent                 reasingly beyond the sky,                       failed to comfort him.                 And all the science myraculously                       shimmyred more than blue in the zeal                 of their covenant with the clouds.                                  The rain laughed but did not fall.                 The ocean revised the prayer it had                      formed a small wharf of just to the left                          of Poem.

Here’s what it is at the moment:

               A Summer Day's Ascent to Words                   Poem was barely a flicker in                 the summer day's cymbularical ascent                 to words.                   The ocean began revising                 the prayer it had                      formed a small wharf of just to the left                          of Poem                   and fourteen sciences myraculously                       shimmyred more than blue in the zeal                 of their covenant with the clouds.                   Was he being epiphanied again Poem wondered.  

About all I’ve done has been to take out the stuff I don’t understand.



Entry 1729 — “A Quanthrille of Grrr-rille”

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

I found another Poem poem from that batch of 39 I made early in 2014 and discovered I liked it quite a bit:


There’s a large problem with this, though: it’s too much like this, which I posted back on the seventh:

               A Quadrille of Deedle                   The rain lifted, but over-churched                    somewhere by the glymmyr the first                          ocean's philosophy,                        Poem                                   fell into the West                                   lighk a thousand                                spandered leaves                   A prayer away, a cloud rose just behind the dis                   tant wharf and                 remained in place.                      A girl in pale blue loy                     tered on it.                   Wordsworth and       Shelley                     joined her.  The                    rain re                         turned.  Heavily.                                           The girl                                      dissolved to the left of the poets,                                                                                                      silently,                                            in an obsolete meaning of "the."

There’s at least one more variation on the above.  What to do?  I suppose just making a theme and variations set?  Or perhaps a splice of the two here with some of the repeated material changed?  The bottom one seems before the second.  I’ll have to think a while about them. . . .



Entry 1725 — The Current Poem-in-Progress

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

Here’s what I had two days ago:

        At the First             At the first ocean-wisdom, the lazy questions of                               the dolphins, folooping around his starplug,                 centered what thoughts Poem had.              Gradually, his vocabulary wore away into warmth,             proud to the touch, and galleoned              to the top of the laughing April morning                          unnorming, unnorming, unnorming              every worn where a syllable was abled against.                  Poem was uninquiserentlyy delubricated about                  what the word,                                 “starplug”                                        meant.               Of        course he knew                                                   it wasn’t a word the way, “way” or “why” were, just a                nonciation of his high-blimeyed cre                                       ator.         Still                                    it whatted for him at the leastest least's fringe.                       Was that girl somewhere in it?  The one             in that poem of long                      ago                who was      not    at                            the whirlf?                   A potentially usable vocabulea far dis              tant but still in view, Poem              inquiserently salubricated the grrrlplug                into his deepest wayre                       duculently achime                                                          in the Agincourt of his widening kingship.                       True merry the celubriation now inned                              around the now full-faring flitter Titania                                         had choired about                                         the many-whatted girll, and all the long-agone                          youmth of a particular summmermurrrr                                                            dayyy              renorming into cockleblithe murmythry. . .

Here’s what I have now:

        Poem Among Dolphins             The lazy questions of                               the dolphins folooping around his starplug                 centered what thoughts Poem had.              Gradually, his vocabulary wore away into warmth,                    unnorming, unnorming, unnorming                     every worn where a syllable was abled against.                  But he spundered over                 what the word,                                 “starplug”                                        meant.               Of        course he knew                                                   it wasn’t a word the way, “way” or “why” were, just a                nonciation of his high-blimeyed cre                                       ator.         Still                                    it whatted for him at the leastest least's fringe.                       Was that girl somewhere in it?  The one             in that poem of long                      ago                who was      not    at                            the whirlf?                   A potentially usable vocabulea far dis              tant but still in view, Poem              inquiserently salubricated the grrrlplug                into his deepest wayre                       duculently achime                                                          in the Agincourt of his widening kingship.                       True merry the celubriation now inned                              around the now full-faring flitter Titania                                         had choired about                                         the many-whatted girll, and all the long-agone                          youmth of a particular summmermurrrr                                                            dayyy              renorming into cockleblithe murmythry    
                  galleoning up                          to the top of the laughing April morning


I only spent a few minutes with this.  My main change, the removal of the “galleon” passage from early in the poem to the end, was due to my thinking it was a proper climax to the poem as a whole, so inappropriate where it was.  I’ll have to let the poem sit for a few days.  My changes today were too abrupt, and I don’t have time to reflect on them.  (I have a neighbor coming over sometime to fix my oven, and not knowing when he’ll be here makes it hard for me to work on Important Things.  I need to feel I can use all the rest of a day exclusively on my writing in order to get anywhere with it.  Or, any excuse to avoid getting anywhere on it.)


Entry 1724 — A Poet’s Self-Criticism

Saturday, February 14th, 2015

A day late with this, again because I thought I marked it “public” but had not.

I was thinking about my Poems the other day after reading the three poems in the latest issue of The New Criterion, and wondering how my Poem poems compared with them. One was a landscape in rhymes at the end of some kind of 5-beat lines that was pretty good. The second by someone else but in shorter rhymed free verse lines about a more intimate landscape featuring a glove wedged in a tennis court fence that I also liked. The third was unrhymed free verse about two scenes with commentary I found a little overwrought. One of those poems I don’t much like but can’t say has much wrong with it.

Here’s the beginning of my poem from yesterday for comparison:

        At the first ocean-wisdom, the lazy questions of                               the dolphins, folooping around his starplug,                 centered what thoughts Poem had.              Gradually, his vocabulary wore away into warmth,             proud to the touch, and galleoned              to the top of the laughing April morning                          unnorming, unnorming, unnorming              every worn where a syllable was abled against.



With no particular Poem poem in mind and, needless to say, a desire to find a way of convincing myself that my Poem poems are significantly better than the three I’ve just mentioned, and the many other very much like them except not usually rhyming that I come across in just about all the poetry magazines I’ve been reviewing for Small Press Review, I quickly came up with (1) linguistic enlargement and (2) size of the reality created as the two ingredients of my Poem poems that mainstream poems lack.

Evidence from the above of (1): “folooping,” “starplug,” “galleoned,” “unnorming” and “abled”; or a Joyceation, some kind of nonce-word, a DylanThomic noun as verb, another nonce-coinage, and an adjective as verb.  A few Joyceans that seem superior ones to me like “nonciation” and “murmythry” occur later in the poem.  Such words say my poem new, which is much more important for me than whatever it is mainstream poems are doing (and one thing they are doing mine don’t try to do although it’s a virtue, is connecting fairly quickly and directly with the majority of their readers).  Such words also tend to say my poem more compactly, by combining more than one denotation in a single word, and compactness I consider as important as freshness in a poem.

That the language of my Poem poems increases their compactness means they say more per syllable than conventional poems do; that seems to me evidence that the reality each creates is larger than the reality poems of equal length like the ones in the latest issue of The New Criterion do.

Of course, how large the reality a given poem of mine creates is a subjective matter, although I feel it can be near-objectively argued (in part) by making a list of everything it speaks of plus what it ought to connote to most people.  For the list to indicate largeness, though, some kind of near-objective, or plausible, unifying factor needs to be advanced.  I had none, I have to say, when I wrote the three poems that became thhe single one I’m now discussing.  I had an under-glimmer of a unifying mood while making the present poem that I think fairly effective: the growth of Poem’s celebratory mood of various melodic strands, so to speak, harmonizing and contrasting with each other about . . . ?

Interesting.  I think I’m understanding the poem better now.  This may be a good thing, but may be a disaster, for I believe I need to revise it, to make it more emotionally logical

More about this tomorrow.



Entry 1722 — A Trio of Poems-in-Progress

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

Today these three, composed on consecutive days during my 39 days of one spontaneous Poem poem daily:

        At the First             At the first flum of sequiserenity,             the ocean contacted Poem, wise in his aged gills as                        he was.              Folooping, inquiserenty far to                   the starboard, the silent questions of                               dolphins centered what thoughts he had.              The starplug had been breached,             so wherefore the full fare?  (Quoting elms,                   notwithstirring, as the centaurs unprimly                 maintained.                     The vocabulary wearing away into warmth,             proud to the touch, and galleoned              to the top of the laughing April morning                          unnorming, unnorming, unnorming              every worn where a syllable was abled against.                After the First             After the first flum of sequiserenity,             Poem was uninquiserenty delubricated about what              in the world the word  ,                                “starplug”                                          meant.               Of        course he knew                                                   it wasn’t a word the way, “way” or “why” were, just a                nonciation of his high-blimeyed cre                                       ator.         Still                                    it whatted for him at the leastest least.                       Was that girl somewhere in it?  The one who was      not    at                            the whirlf?     After After the First                   The vocabulea far dis              tant but still in view, Poem      inquiserently salubricated the grrrlplug         into his deepest wayre                       duculently achime                                                          in the Agincourt of his widening kingship.                       True merry the celubriation now inned                              around the now full-faring flitter Titania                                         had choired about him                                   Still                                                            the many-whatted girll, and all the long-agone                          youmth of a particular summmermurrrr    dayyy              unnorming into cockleblithe murmythry. . .

I believe two of them, perhaps all of them, were here back in May. They are here again because I plan to make a single poem of them that I’ll post tomorrow–and because I’ve had a tiring, unhappy day with losing tennis in another senior men’s league match in the middle of it at distant courts. Our bad season is getting to me, although just playing with different guys (most of whom are fun to play against, win or lose, and today’s pair was definitely that) would more than make up for the losses, if there weren’t so many of them! We’ve now been shut out 3-0 three times in a row, after winning one of three.


Entry 1710 — More Thinking About Zeus

Saturday, January 31st, 2015

A week ago, my blog entry began with:

A math poem that is resisting effectiveness (so far!): the sun times wonder, rhyming stairs up to a blazing need to be heroed over equals Zeus. Ah, I will replace the word, “sun,” with color. And “wonder” with “wUnder?”

I soon realized that either my dividend should be Apollo, the sky god, or my divisor should be the sky, which is the main thing Zeus is god of.  I preferred keeping the head god, so worked on a new divisor, coming up with versions of the following:

towering clouds nobling steepness into the latest sky

“Nobling” was in every version due to my being a sucker for make verbs of nouns and adjectives.  I haven’t gotten any further with it, but I now think that my working on it helped get me able to get a finished version of the poem in yesterday’s entry done.

Clearly, the poem’s quotient concerns the need of believers in a supreme being for a leader, so I’ve been reflecting on that lately.  Are believers born slaves?  Born partial slaves either fantasizing a supreme father for themselves, or wishing they could?  I feel I have such need, at all, but much of what I’ve read by believers seems explicitly to express a need for someone to follow.  It certainly accounts for the insane analogy of Jesus to a shepherd and his followers to sheep (insane because sheep in the real world are somewhat worse than slaves–but those able to believe nonsense rarely can think more than one step from any idea, in this case, Jesus is a shepherd, you are one of the [living] members of his flock).

Christianity abhorred self-reliance until the protestants finally allowed, then glorified, partial self-reliance–i.e., full reliance on the Good Book, but self-reliance on one’s interpretation of it.

Perhaps some cerebral mechanism activated at puberty that negates the mechanism responsible for full obedience to one’s father is a late feature of our species that so far only a small minority of us has.  Or maybe we all instinctively search for a god, but our instinct to be rational overcomes it.  Our life-view is a product of countless battles between conflicting instincts; our tribe’s life-view is the same–as is our species life-view.

My poem, so far, shows great sympathy for those instinctively desiring a sky-god to worship.  I think I do regard the sky as a god, but certainly not an anthropomorphic one–well, not a fully anthropomorphic one.  But not to worship or follow, although to revel in at times, and fear when appropriate . . . and compose poems to honor.   And the Greek gods have been subsumed in a genuine mythology, and mythology, as opposed to theology, and 700% opposed to opinions some clown doesn’t agree with, and mythology is wonderful.  So I’d love to come up with some image that is a near-approximation of my view of Zeus to use as my poem’s sub-dividend product.  Nothing even hints of occurring to me, though.



Entry 1647 — “My Hunt for Poem”

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

I finished this draft of a new Poem I quite like, at the moment.  I believe it is the longest of my Poem poems I consider keepers.  And I hope to double its length eventually (as well as improve it here and there.  I had a lot of trouble formatting it, ever getting more than 50% of its indentations right, thanks to all of my beastly word-processors–except one I now realize I forgot about–the one on the oldest computer I’m still using.  Anyway, here it is:My Hunt for Poem.


Entry 1634 — “Poem’s Triumph”

Monday, November 17th, 2014

Here’s “Poem’s Attempt to Return,” again, with some changes, including a new title:

                             Poem's Triumph  
                      o                        o                        o                        o                        o                        o                        oe                                             Poem at long last remembered himself out                          of where he had been not.                                            He was all stamens, gristle and flames,                          an archelectrical counter-sun                          circusing angrily back to his origins,                             yearning to cleanse its sky of thought                      and all the discordant music that caused it.                              And it came to pass that he succeeded, wherepon                                      Poem                        oe                        o                        o                        o                        o                        o                        o                        o

I think it’s improved but needs more work.  For one thing, the “Poem/ oe/ o,” etc., at the end is a brilliant movte, but seems to me to be using the rest of the poem rather than emerging as a result of it.  Perhaps more has to happen between “whereupon” and “Poem/ oe/ o,” etc.


Entry 535 — My Latest Variation on a Work by Koppany « POETICKS

Entry 535 — My Latest Variation on a Work by Koppany

Today I’m getting work done on the little chapbook I’m publishing of Marton Koppany’s The Reader.  One of its pages, tentatively is the one below, without the extra instances of “change.”  They are my additions, which I impulsively added because I thought them terribly clever and witty.  As a variation by Me, certainly not to be included in the book.  Adequate to fill an entry I would have trouble filling otherwise.  And it will give Marton an idea of what I’m doing to his poor manuscript (i.e., what I’m doing to crowd its lines so the book will be affordably short to publish.


Note: I rarely encounter anything by Marton that I don’t want to do some variation on.   I’m sure I’ve done more than five or six, maybe as many as ten.  I think one or two have been not completely lame.

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