It’s interesting that the best cartoonists generally become very popular almost at once, as Randall Munroe seems to have. Is it because one can’t make cartoons that are as advanced for cartoons as my poems, say, are advanced as poems? Not that there aren’t sophisticated cartoonists–but however sophisticated they are (and Munroe is one, it seems to me) they find their audiences comparatively quickly. I do consider the best cartoonists the artistic equal of the best poets. Maybe it’s because a cartoon can’t work if it’s as complex as those superior complex poems that gain an audience of more than a dozen or so. A cartoon has to work in one step, it seems to me; a superior poem can, too, but may need two or many more steps.
Anyway, I visited Munroe’s website to get its URL so I could refer people encountering his cartoon in my previous entry could visit it and found this, which I liked more than enough to post it here:
You can see it and many others of Munroe’s almost-always very funny cartoons here.
This cartoon, by the way, seems to me excellently to illustrate the way scientists always prefer to make things right for machines than for people. I think of the use of “centimeter” in stead of inch by scientists, and their utter expulsion of the best of lengths, the foot, and the fourth best, the mile. The second-best is the inch; the third-best, the yard. Strict logic and speed of use versus organic sensibility–rightness for the symbol center of the brain versus rightness for the rest of the brain–and body. Regarding date, the physically sensible date has to be day, month, year–the part of the month we’re in, then the part of the year, then the year. The smallest area, then the larger area that’s in, then the largest area it’s in. But computer access will be faster going the other way, so it wins. where science rules. But never in my world. (Just as, in my world, the 21st century began on 1 January 2000, not on 1 January 2001–because the twenties, for instance, begin with 20, not 21, even though most people don’t start counting from zero.)
This entry was posted on Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 at 12:00 AM and is filed under Cartoons, Randall Munroe. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.