Archive for the ‘language poetry specimen’ Category
Entry 1207 — The Experioddicist, July 1993, P.4
Sunday, September 8th, 2013
Note: I consider Geof’s poem a masterpiece–one of more than a few he’s done I wish I’d done.
Entry 942 — “eapt,” by (surprise!) John M. Bennett
Tuesday, December 4th, 2012
The following poem John M. Bennett posted yesterday to Spidertangle and elsewhere, at once struck me as among the very best of the huge number of superior poems he has done. Partially out of laziness, but partially also to give others a chance to reflect on the poem without the temptation of seeing what I have to say about it and possibly being deflected from their own equal or better discoveries, I am going to just let it sit here uncritiqued today.
flooded haphtic duu
stt’s yr nodte nude
)label streaming( to )ss
ed( cash an )slo
shshed( where the
moumouthless lungch
“lost’s tea cher” )fol
ded yellp(
sot ,dusty