Kaz Maslanka « POETICKS

Archive for the ‘Kaz Maslanka’ Category

Entry 40 — #675 through #670

Saturday, December 12th, 2009

In #675, I posted Endwar’s “Ten X Ten,” having liked it so much, I assume, that I’d forgotten I’d posted it a week of so before at my blog.  Under the Endwar piece, I had three mathematical poems by Kaz Maslanka, one of which is also a visual poem but too large to reproduce here without losing most of the text.  One of the others has the same problem, but the one below should be readable:

a-mans-intelligenceOops, you may need a magnifying glass.  My choice of reproduction seems to be the size above, or four times as large.  Anyway, it’s called “A Man’s Intelligence” and may be more informrature–a specimen of informratry–than poetry.  Let me quote what it says: “A man’s Intelligence” equals “intelligence Quotient” divided by the product of “The measurable level of Dionysian blood transfused in a saffron masseuse boasting whispers through the cool crystal shot glass of the finest golden tequila” times “The amount of passion fueled by a young pink Venus–her hand wandering in slow circular patterns, a seemingly aimless whistle up the man’s inner thigh.”

#677 and #678 are about the Christmas mathemaku I’d done a draft of the previous year, and worked some more on at this time (December 2005), and have worked on since then, finishing it, I believe.   Then a reproduction and revision of a long division poem I used in the autobiographical essay in the mainstream series of such things I got it into many years ago, without its making any difference whatever in my vocational reputation.  I don’t like it well enough to reproduce it here.  I had another of my mathematical poems in #680 that I don’t like enough to reproduce here.