Archive for the ‘Book Covers’ Category

Entry 1355 — A Beining Cover

Wednesday, January 29th, 2014

Going through my RASPbooks, I found I hadn’t done very many covers.  The ones I did generally use samples of the works within.  That’s the case here:


The pen&ink is one of several like it in the book, the mask (or whatever) is part of one of Guy’s collages.  The heart is mine.  An excellent cover, I think, and not a bad visimage, but 88% Beining, only 12% Grumman.


Entry 1354 –Back Cover of S&R

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014


Oddly enough, I truly thought my description  of my book would draw people to it.  I still can’t understand why it hasn’t.  Is my outlook on things that myuch different from everyone else’s.


Entry 1353 — Front of Shakespeare & the Rigidniks

Monday, January 27th, 2014

The book concerns the Shakespeare Authorship Question, which–for me–is how is it possible for seemingly sane people who are reasonably knowledgeable about Shakespeare and his times to believe that someone other than he wrote the works attributed to him.



Entry 1352 — My Haiku Book’s Back Cover

Sunday, January 26th, 2014

Note how unable in my blurb I am to write what all but a few would take a liking to.  Self-defeating?  Sure.  But to do otherwise would be to lie–about my book, and about myself.  Nevertheless, I still find it amazing that no one interested in the haiku has ordered a copy of my book.  If Robert Hass’s name was on its front cover, hundreds of people would buy it.  Many of them would proclaim it brilliant.  It probably would have recouped the cost of publishing it if he’d so much as blurbed it–not, of course, that he would do so in a million years.  Even were he unaware of my unkind remarks about him and his work (not that I don’t actually consider him a good, if far from great, poet, or a well-meaning critic if extremely limited a one).



Note: my book was published in 2007.  Except for my very short A Preliminary Taxonomy of Poetry (2003) I’ve not published a book about poetry since.


Entry 1351 — Front of my Haiku Book

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

After I posted the front and back overs of my Of Manywhere-at-Once, Lazy Robert, one of the most influential members of the Me-What-I-Yam, suggested I could take care of four more blog entries with the front and back covers of the other two major works of mine that I published under the Runaway Spoon imprint, beginning with the ones I did for the World’s Worst-Selling Book about Haiku In America–because, I am certain, it is by far the best book on the subject yet written (in spite of many minor flaws).  He not only convinced me to do this (sorry, but give me credit for warning you), but to go on and post copies of the many front covers of RASPbooks I did.

Embarrassing confession: I thought, and still think, that I am an extremely good cover-designer and that some advertising or publishing firm would see my work and trying to sign me up.  I tend to think that if were even a 5% go-getter, I could have talked my way into getting some kind of job doing covers or the equivalent, but that’s just not me, unfortunately, because I would have enjoyed such a job, and had a better life than I did.  I think.  On the other hand, perhaps my kind of imagination wouldn’t work in the BigWorld–it may, for instance, only work with otherstream art and thinking.  And I did submit cartoons, my children’s book, and greeting-card ideas to the BigWorld with no success.  But I never kept at it anywhere near long enough.

Anywhere, here’s my front cover fo From Haiku to Lyriku:


Note: I consider my visimage for this cover a veritable poem–but one a viewer would need to be familiar with all the works the fragments in it are from. A nice minor poem, but one my collected works should include.

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