Archive for the ‘Urceptuality’ Category
Entry 1674 — The Sun & My First House
Saturday, December 27th, 2014
For the past two days or so I have been feeling like I am on the verge of really getting started on a Major Work beginning with an in-depth survey of my theory of awarenesses. I couldn’t figure out why until I thought of the transitting sun. That’s what the sun is called when one is considering its location in one horoscope: right now the Sun is at 6 degrees Capricorn in the sky, which puts it just in my horoscope’s first house, which begins at around 3 degrees Capricorn. This house, as you might guess, has to do with beginnings!
It’s all rot, but fun. And I have to admit, when my life is suddenly doing something good that my horoscope says it should be doing, it encourages me, however many more times I’ve compared what my horoscope said my life should be doing with what my life was doing and found no similarity at all between the two. I think it’s because nothing in my life is ever encouraging. Okay, exaggeration. What’s more true is that the few things in my life that have been encouraging resulted in nothing but disappointment: get the gig at the Scientific American website, for instance. To be maximally accurate, I should say that the stars are no worse at predicting good things for me than real life is, and not as depressing when their predictions are full of hooey, because I don’t really believe in them.
On the other hand, anything encouraging is good for me, if I can even half believe in it for a few minutes because I think people like me may have an urceptual optimist in us that is sensitive to any sign of encouragement, and able to minimize all that our internal pessimist tries to warn us about.
Note: you have just had a front eye on the birth of the urceptual optimist and urceptual pessimist: neither existed until I began writing the paragraph above. They make sense to me, particularly the urceptual optimist. How else explain the insanity that keeps people like me going no matter how unarguably quickly the unreachability of our goals is increasing?
Hey, I also have three new terms for you: “magni-cerebrevalu-ceptual,” “practi-cerebrevaluceptual,” and “reflexevaluaceptual.” I’ll save my discussion of these till tomorrow.