SASE Contributor List

This is a list of contributors to a mail art show of SASEs Crag Hill gathered items for, then sent to me. I immediately kicked an attempted field goal with it that went fifty yards wide and seven miles long: just another of the many projects I overloaded myself into back when my Runaway Spoon Press was publishing a new book monthly and I was actually making poems and writing reviews of my own and never followed through on, or didn’t follow through enough on. It now strikes me that a Then&Now publication of the pieces now in my possession and new pieces Crag and I can get from the ones we have old pieces from with news of what’s been happening with them since they sent Crag their SASEs. I think it would be a great art history snapshot of the past quarter-century or so.

I’m posting the list of participants in hopes many of them will see it and send new SASEs to me at [email protected]–with an update on their lives. I’m also hoping non-participants in touch with anyone on the list will let that person know about it. Otherwise, the list will at least let people know whose mail art will eventually be appearing on my blog (

And, hey, if anyone has a few extra bucks to mail me for postage and other expenses that are sure to hit me, don’t be shy about doing so. I’m plunging way too rapidly into credit debt the way I did as a publisher. A friend bailed me out but I’m not sure he can again. Apologies for bringing this up, but . . .

(Ellipsis compliment of Marton Koppany: it may look normal, but . . .)

(Previous ellipsis is mine–although greatly influenced by Marton’s.)








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