Entry 1748 — A Different How-To Book

March 10th, 2015

While writing yesterday’s entry, I thought–as I often do–that I was giving a lesson, for writing about poetry often brings out a need in me to teach others to be able to appreciate, and thus enjoy, the poetry I write about as much as I do.  Again today I thought about that while adding another passage to my notes of yesterday.  Then it occurred to me that so far as I knew, no one had written a how-to book for beginning otherstream poets.  Maybe I should.  At worst, it would give me lessons that would take care of my daily blog entries.

I had another tough day, though, and wasn’t up to throwing together a lesson.  One reason for the toughness of the day was that I’d come up with a good idea for my first lesson: the use of one of my own early poems as an example . . . but could not find the poem!  I still don’t know where I hid it.  But I eventually managed to remember how, or about how, it went, so I’ll be able to at least post that here:

            sky's piecemeal white                                development down buildings'                            dark sides into                                   tr;af:fi,c.



Entry 1747 — Some Bedside Notes

March 9th, 2015

Some notes from a week or so ago that I hoped to make a long division poem of.  I keep scrap paper at my bedside in case I have enough ideas I feel the need to record them while lying in bed at night.  The second sheet are my notes about the previous notes.  The poem I was preparing these notes for was to be the second in the set begun with the poem in Entrymy second long division of boyhood.  Nothing further has come of these.  Until now, when I’m having too tired a day to be able to think of anything else to put here.



For Easy Reading:

all the climbable trees and bushes for hiding in the hill our house was on

I like this but it is not worded properly and I still can’t see how to fix it–without simply sticking a second “on” into it.

a summer day three wishes more distant than Atlantis

This I find wonderful, the one really nice term I came up with.

faereality–actually a version in code that I didn’t want to take the time to work out, knowing I’d remember to later.

A continuing favored image of mine I want one day to have a cluster of poems about (and already have several).

a decoder disk fresh from the cereal box

I never had such a disk but wanted something about the making of codes that was so important to me as a boy.

secrecy (used as an exponent, an idea I dropped because–fancy this–it didn’t make mathematical sense to me)

Nothing more wonderful in boyhood than this.

an ancient tale-spinner’s path dreaming into a yes with mountains in it

A second fairly inspired term, particularly the “yes with mountains in it”

a boy’s book

Just a possible term if needed, and chosen because books were the ur-source of the best adventures of my boyhood.

I’m not bothering with the second page’s notes because none of them seem good to me–except the use of “secrecy” as a multiplier rather than as an exponent.  The idea of a map of something ridiculous to have a map of, except in a poem.



Entry 1746 — A Possible Invention & A List

March 8th, 2015

himlli esyaen r  txv eee scn tat li o n

An email from Richard Kostelanetz got me thinking about invented moves in writing of the kind he tries for–in everything he writes except his conventional prose works, it would seem.  Result: the possible invention above.  Its difference from all other such works is very minor, but does distinguish it from all other such works, if I really am the first to make such a thing.  The are a great number of permutations of the basic idea possible.  Would each be consider a lexical invention, I wonder. . . .

Now the list:

The Knowleculations, or kinds of knowlecular data in accordance with size

KNOWLEBIT smallest unit of knowledge
KNOWLEDOT all the knowlebits in a mnemodot[1]
KNOWLECULE the equivalent of a word’s worth of knowledge
KNOWLECULANE the equivalent of a sentence’s worth of knowledge
KNOWLECUMIZATION the equivalent of a paragraph’s worth of knowledge
KNOWLEPLEX the equivalent of a chapter’s worth of knowledge
KNOWLAXY the equivalent of a book’s worth of knowledge
KNOWLIVERSE  a person’s entire store of knowledge

[1] a mnemodot is a single storage-unit in one or another of the cerebrum’s many mnemoducts; it is what all the percepts (i.e., units of perceptual data coming from the external or internal environment) and retrocepts (i.e., activated units or data stored as memories) of the kind the mnemoduct is responsible for that reach it during an instacon, or instant of consciousness [2]

[2] This seems to be the new proper way to make footnotes.  I hate it.
I love my list, though!  It’s my latest eurekaplex, for sure.  Makes me feel like I’ve summed up epistemology for good!  5 brand-new terms, all from the eureka moment I had last night in bed (although it didn’t feel more than mildly satisfactory at the time).  Okay, I know it won’t be of much use to anyone but me, but it will greatly help me to finally understand my knowlaxy of knowlecular psychology.
Since I’m listing knowlecular stuff, here’s another list I made just to be complete about the kinds of knowleplexes there are: rigidniplex, eurekaplex, milyoopiplex (i.e., excessively changeable knowleplex), pseudo-rigidniplex (a rigidniplex forced on someone by indoctrination, verosoplex and . . . various kinds of defective knowleplexes I’ve already named somewhere else (when writing about verosophers, cranks and kooks, I think) but can’t remember, nor locate them easily enough to bother to try to.  Ah, maybe “pseudosoplex,” from “pseudosopher” the way “verosoplex” is from “verosopher,” is one of them . . .



Entry 1745 — Denial

March 7th, 2015

An “argument” far too often used in debates between the impassioned (I among them) is the assertion that one’s opponent is in denial.  “Denial,” I suddenly am aware, belongs on my list of words killed by nullinguists.  It has come to mean opposition to something it is impossible rationally to oppose.  When used in what I’ll a “sweeper epithet” (for want of knowing what the common term for it is, and I’m sure there is one) like “Holocaust-Denial” (a name given to some group of people believing in something), it has become a synonym for opposition to something it is impossible rationally to oppose–or morally to express opposition to!  Thus, when I describe those who reject Shakespeare as the author of the works attributed to him as “Shakespeare-Deniers,” I am (insanely) taken to mean that those I’m describing are evil as well as necessarily wrong.  Now, I do think them wrong, and even think they are mostly authoritarians, albeit benign ones, but I use the term to mean, simply, “those who deny that Shakespeare was Shakespeare.”

Or I would if not having the grain of fellow-feeling that I have, and therefore recognizing that small compromises with my love of maximally-accurate use of words due to the feelings of those not as able to become disinterested as I am may sometimes be wise.   Hence, I nearly always call Shakespeare-Deniers the term they seem to prefer: “Anti-Stratfordians.”  But I have now taken to call those that Anti-Stratfordians call “Stratfordians,” “Shakespeare-Affirmers.

(Note: now I have to add “disinterested” to be list of killed words, for I just checked the Internet to be sure it was the word I wanted here, and found that the Merriam Webster dictionary online did have that definition for it, but second to its definition as “uninterested!”  Completely disgusting.  Although, for all I know, my definition for it may be later than the stupid one; if so, it just means to me that it was improved, and I’m not against changing the language if the improvement is clearly for the better as here–since “disinterested” as “not interested” doesn’t do the job any better than “uninterested,” and can be used for something else that needs a word like it, and will work in that usage more sharply without contamination by vestiges of a second, inferior meaning.)

Of course, to get back to the word my main topic, “denial,” means the act of denial, and indicates only opposition, not anything about the intellectual validity or moral correctness of it.  Except in the pre-science of psychology where it means, “An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.”  I accept such a mechanism, but would prefer a better term be used for it.  For me it is a probably invariable component of a rigidniplex.  Hey, I already have a name for it: “uncontradictability.”

No, not quite.  It seems to me it is a mechanism automatically called into action against certain kinds of contradiction: facts that contradict the core-axiom of a rigidniplex, directly or, more likely, eventually.  Maybe “rigdenial,” (RIHJ deh ny ul)?   For now, at any rate.  Meaning; rigidnikal denial of something (usually a fact or the validity of an argument) due entirely to its threatening, or being perceived as a threat to) one’s rigidniplex, not its validity (although it could be true!).

When I began this entry, I planned just to list some of the kinds of what I’m now calling “rigdenial” there are, preparatory to (much later, and somewhere else) describing how it works according to knowlecular psychology.  I seem to have gotten carried away, and not due to one of the opium or caffeine pills I sometimes take.  I’ve gotten to my list now, though.  It is inspired by my bounce&flump with Paul Crowley, who sometimes seems nothing but a rigdenier.

Kinds of Rigdenial

1. The denied matter is a lie.

2. The denied matter is the result of the brainwashing the person attacking the rigidnik with it was exposed to in his home or school

3. The denied matter is insincere–that is, the person attacking the rigidnik with it is only pretending to believe it because the cultural establishment he is a part of would take his job away from him, or do something dire to him like call him names, if he revealed his true beliefs.

4. The denied matter lacks evidentiary support (and will, no matter how many attempts are made to demonstrate such support: e.g., Shakespeare’s name is on a title-page? Not good enough, his place of residence or birth must be there, too.  If it were, then some evidence that that person who put it there actually knew Shakespeare personally is required.  If evidence of that were available, then court documents verifying it signed by a certain number of witnesses would be required.  Eventually evidence that it could not all be part of some incredible conspiracy may be required.

5. The denied matter has been provided by people with a vested interest in the rigidnik’s beliefs being invalidated.

6. The denied matter is obvious lunacy, like a belief in Santa Claus.

7. The rigidnik has already disproved the denied matter.

8. The person advancing the denied matter lacks the qualifications to do so.

9. The rigidnik, as an authority in the relevant field finds the denied matter irrelevant.

10. The rigidnik interprets the meaning of the words in a denied text in such a way as to reverse their apparent meaning.  (a form of wishlexia, or taking a text to mean what you want it to rather than which it says)

11. One form of rignial (as I now want to call it) is simple change-of-subject, or evasion.

12. Others.

I got tired.  Some of the above are repetitious, some don’t belong, others have other defects.  Almost all of them are also examples of illogic.  But the list is just a start.  I’ll add more items to it when next facing Paul–who has a long rejoinder to the post I just had here.


Entry 1744 — An Organization for Culturateurs

March 6th, 2015

First something from a comment I made yesterday at HLAS when some wack brought up the quotation from Emerson cranks and others who can’t argue well love:

Emerson is a hero of mine, and I love “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.” But “With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall,” is insanely stupid–the way the writings of Foucault and the other French literary critics whose idiocy has dominated academic literary criticism in the US for so long are.  Perfect consistency is probably not possible, but maximal consistency–ULTIMATELY–is what all the largest minds try their best to end in, even Emerson, even if he might not have been aware of it in his need to be allowed to say anything he wanted to purely on the basis of how much he liked it rather than on the basis of how much reality it reflected.

“With consistency a philogusher (lover of gush) has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall.”  Grumman, 5 March 2015

Better the shadow of himself he sees on the wall than one of himself that he sees on the side of a hairy green & purple unicorn eating marmalade in a thunderstorm on the moon.

–Bob G.  Hmm, I realize decades too late that I should have been signing myself “Bobb” rather than just “Bob.”

As for the “organization for culturateurs, it’s “The Academy of American Culturateurs.”  It does not yet exist, nor is it likely it ever will, at least not as anything more than an organization with just one member, ME.  I like the idea of it.  Its members would consist of all the culturateurs in America.  My definition of culturateur being “a person who makes a meaningful contribution to the culture of his time, that being either the arts, verosophy or technology,” and my definition of “meaningful” being at the level of Beethoven’s or Wagner’s to music, or Cummings’s to poetry (i.e., not the equivalent of simply composing great music or poetry but of also contributing something importantly new to one’s field),” its membership would not be large.  It would, of course, exclude anyone who had ever been rewarded in any significant way for his accomplishments by any of the country’s cultural establishments–a Pulitzer, say, or MacArthur grant.  Even a Guggenheim fellowship.  Okay, maybe this would keep one or two deserving culturateurs out whom some establishment had accidentally recognized as a mediocrity but the rule would be right too often not to use it.



Entry 1743 — Hillary Clinton’s Latest Scandal

March 5th, 2015

As I have frequently said, I hate politics and wish I could totally ignore it.  I’ve managed to keep it out of this blog most of the time, but wish I’d kept it completely out of it.  Nonetheless, today–again for lack of anything else to post–I am reacting to a bit of political news making the rounds in conservative Internet circles: Hillary Clinton’s illegal non-governmental email system.

Here’s a quotation from Jim Geraghty’s conservative newsletter about it: “ABC News political director Rick Klein said he was at a loss to come up with an innocuous explanation for Hillary’s ‘home-brewed’ system. There is no innocuous explanation. The whole point of it was to create an e-mail system that Hillary and her team would control completely, that would be beyond the range of federal record-keeping rules and laws and beyond the range of FOIA requests. If any message seemed embarrassing, politically inconvenient, or incriminating, she could erase it, and rest assured it was gone forever, beyond the reach of any investigator, FOIA request, or subpoena.”

I’m no fan of Hillary’s, but in this instance I’m on her side.  I oppose sunshine laws.  Politicians, and everyone else, in a free country, would be allowed to meet and discuss things in private.  Let the voters vote for or against them on the basis of the laws they favor and oppose, and vote for and against, who cares why.  Here’s my most horrible thought: if a politician promotes some law I favor, or–more likely–works to repeal some law I hate, I don’t care if he is doing so because bribed to.  In fact, I have nothing against bribery since those with the most are more likely to be right than those with less.

Okay, that would only be true in an economically much more free country than ours is where making money depended on how good your product was, not in how good you were at getting the government to make laws against your competitors, or grant subsidies to you, etc.  Not, in other words, based on the kinds of legal briberies so widespread now.

To get back to the sunshine laws.  The main thing about them that bothers me is how inhibiting it would be to know that you are in effect revealing all your relevant thoughts to everyone whenever you try to work what you think should be done about something your office is in charge.  Plus the extreme difficulty (I should think) of finding out what others think.

It makes me thing of the ridiculous hate laws, which are developing into laws against saying anything that a hyperoffendable  finds demeaning or negative in any way.  One of the books I’ve always wanted to write but never will would be a defense–nay, a celebration–of anger.

As for sunshine laws, I also dislike them simply because they are laws, but mostly because I am a zealot about freedom of speech, which I think should be total.  In other words, it should include the freedom of silence and concealment.  I should be able to say anything I want to–and say it privately if I want to.  And say nothing if I want to.  No fifth amendment right but the absolute right to say, “that’s none of your business.”

I’m over 500 words so ending this minor rant.  It ain’t likely I’ll say anything of consequence.  But I may be the first one utterly to oppose sunshine laws.  No, I can’t believe no one else has, but I don’t keep up with stuff like that.  An irony of my being against them is that I probably reveal more vile things about myself than about anybody.  But that’s mainly because this blog is so private.  I guess.  Actually, if ten million people suddenly began reading my entries, they’d probably stay the same.  Mainly because I’m no longer young enough for it to make any difference to me what others think of me.

Oh, one thing that is against Hillary is that she broke her contract with the government since using the government’s email system for all her government-related emails was part of it.  I lean toward breaking stupid laws, though.  Too bad she didn’t have me working for her: I’d have had a censor letting emails that were innocuous go to her private email system and to her government system, but only questionable ones going to the former.  If Hillary could find a way to finance it, I’d hire experts to revise the questionable ones and put the revisions into the government system before sending the originals to the private system.


Entry 1742 — A New Page & More Crowley

March 4th, 2015

Here’s the link to what will become but is not yet The Runaway Spoon Press Homepage.  You can also get to it toward the bottom of the entries to the right under “Pages.”  I hope eventually to have a table of contents from which you can click to any of the authors of works my press has published and read about their Runaway Spoon Press books and see samples of the work in them.  (Thanks to Karl Kempton for the good suggestion to create it.)

* * *

And here I am, finishing my latest “discussion” with Paul Crowley (which, who knows why, I failed to post yesterday although it was ready to post):

PART TWO of Bob Contra Paul
> > Why do almost all those that have encountered it, consider it
> > insane?
> They ‘know’ that the poems were written by an
> illiterate, who had illiterate parents and illiterate
> children.

Why does almost everyone with any knowledge of Shakespeare who has encountered this assertion of yours consider it insane?

> > Oh, and why have you presented no valid argument against
> > MY interpretation of Sonnet 18 as a comparison between a
> > summer’s day and the poem’s addressee, which ends with the
> > idea that the poem has made the addressee immortal?
> Because it’s not disputable. That’s how it was
> meant to read — especially for people incapable
> of seeing any more.
Not so.  My interpretation of the sonnet is that it is a comparison of a summer’s day to the sonnet’s addressee, etc,, AND NOTHING ELSE.  My arguments for the “nothing else” include my subjective opinion that your subjective interpretations of various locution and passages in the sonnet are invalid; that there are no other poems in the English language that do what you say this one does (except, for you, others of Shakespeare’s poems; that your interpretation requires the sonnet’s author to be someone a huge amount of direct evidence says was not its author; that it is my subjective view, which I share with many others, including poets and critics of note, that the sonnet is a superior example of lyric poetry as we interpret it, and would be debased by the kind of sub-text you find conceal in it, but severely disturbing its tone and breaking its unity and tangling its readers up in childishly stupid word-games.

(Note: Paul believes puns and other word-games, once solved, reveal the poem to be addressed to Queen Elizabeth and concern Queen Mary of Scots, and other nobles, during 1566, when its author, the Earl of Oxford, was 16!)

> > Why is it invalid for me to simply assert that all your attempts
> > to invalidate my interpretation are too inept to count as
> > arguments?
> Because I have never made any such attempts.

Good.  Now I can say my interpretation completely explicates the poem because no one has proven it wrong, or even produced an argument against it.
> > Paul, you have no idea at all of how science, history, literary
> > criticism, the human mind and people work.  You can’t just
> > gather facts and apparent facts and force them into a theory
> > you like, then assert that it is unarguably true because you
> > alone say it is.
> Every new statement in science, history, literary
> studies, etc., starts out that way.  It’s up to the likes
> of you to point out where it goes wrong — if you can.

I can’t recall any new statement in science that started out with its author claiming it was true because he alone said it was.  Nor do I know one that was wholly rejected by EVERYONE knowing of it, as your has so far been–unless you can produce someone will to say he accepts your interpretation as valid, or even more valid than any other.

> > What you really have to do is first write a detailed exposition
> > as to you methodology and why it is valid.
> I have, and there is nothing special.  Read the
> words and phrases and check them against
> the events in (and during) the life of the poet
> which could have prompted them.

That’s not “nothing special.”  What all competent explicators of poems do is read the text and figure out what they mean, checking a dictionary if necessary, and being on the look-out for figures of speech and literary allusions.  If that doesn’t produce a plausible, unified of what the poem is saying, then one might study the poet’s life to see if there’s anything in it that the poem might relate to.  However, we need know absolutely nothing about the author of Sonnet 18 fully to gain full normal appreciation of it as a poem–although appreciating it as a part of literary history or as an example of the human creative process or as an item out of the life of a known once-living human being or the like ius possible, too.

Your method is close to worthless, and has been classified as such by critics for close to a century as worthless.

> > You should also discuss how others determine authorship and
> > tell us why their methods, most of them greatly different from
> > yours, are flawed.
> There is — broadly — no difference.  Everyone
> who studies the Sonnets asks ‘How do they
> relate to the life of the poet?’

No, they don’t.  Most just read them.  Many literary scholars, however, have a NON-LITERARY interest in them because they want to find out about their author.  Your question, for them, comes after the question of what the sonnets are about and their evaluation as being so good that one wants to findout who their author was, if unknown, and anything else about they can.

> Strats come up with absurd crap such as that the line ‘from
> hate away she threw’ puns on ‘Hathaway’. And that’s the sole thing they can get to ‘match’

Actually, it makes a better match than anything you’ve come up with for Oxford.  But Stratfordians, as you seem unwilling to reveal, have found a much better match, the passage, “My name is Will.”

> from the 154 Sonnets!   There could hardly be
> better proof that they have the wrong guy. Marlites don’t do any better, and likewise for
> Baconians and the rest.  Sabrina does not
> try, AFAIR.

I think Sabrina does in her second book, which is mainaly about Sackville.  But DOZENS of people have found all kinds of things in the sonnets that they think reveal the personwho wrote them, and that includes a lot who think Shakespeare wrote them.  Rowse comes to mind.

Here’s Wikipedia on Rowse and the sonnets:

Rowse’s “discoveries” about Shakespeare’s sonnets amount to the following:

The Fair Youth was the 19-year-old Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, extremely handsome and bisexual.
The sonnets were written 1592–1594/5.
The “rival poet” was the famously homosexual Christopher Marlowe.
The “Dark Lady” was Emilia Lanier. His use of the diaries of Simon Forman, which contained material about her, influenced other scholars.

Christopher Marlowe’s death is recorded in the sonnets.
Shakespeare was a heterosexual man, who was faced with an unusual situation when the handsome, young, bisexual Earl of Southampton fell in love with him.

Rowse was dismissive of those who rejected his views, but he did not make such assertions without supplying reasons. In the case of Shakespeare, he emphasized heterosexual inclinations by noting that Shakespeare had managed to get an older woman pregnant by the time he was 18, and was consequently obliged to marry her. Moreover, he had saddled himself with three children by the time he was 21. In the sonnets, Shakespeare’s explicit erotic interest lies with the Dark Lady; he obsesses about her. Shakespeare was still married and therefore carrying on an extramarital affair.

Frankly, I thought Rowse was a jerk.  Imagine my chagrin when I found out just now that I also believe “Shakespeare was a heterosexual man, who was faced with an unusual situation when the handsome, young, bisexual Earl of Southampton fell in love with him.”  I also lean toward the ascription of Southampton as the fair youth.  Sabrina gives a good argument for that: there is a line in one of the sonnets about how the author has NAMED the fair youth in his writings, and the only person Shakespeare ever named was Southampton, in his dedications to his narrative poems.

> The Oxfordian PT merchants are just as bad —
> generally ‘reading’ each Sonnet and asserting
> that it matches some crazy scheme that (for no
> good reason) they have decided is appropriate. Whittemore decides (for no reason in particular)
> that the poet wrote one Sonnet a week while his
> son (Wriothesley) was in prison, starting at #1
> and ending at #154.  He ‘matches’ them week
> by week.  Alan Tarica (another PT nut) decides
> (for no particular reason) that the Sonnets were
> written in reverse order.  So he starts with #154
> and works backwards to #1. https://sites.google.com/site/eternitypromised/
> These schemes (and all others) require that you
> ignore the words of the Sonnet, merely claiming
> that each one says what you vaguely think it
> vaguely ought to say.

So you assert, Paul, but your opponents are as convinced that they are right as you are that you’re right.

> >> So all you have to do is show that (a) Sonnet 18
> >> could _just_as_well_ have been written for the
> >> Battle of Hastings, or the Siege of Troy — or any
> >> historical episode that you care to select  OR
> >> (b) finding some other sonnet or poem that could
> >> _just_as_well_ fit the events at the court of Mary
> >> Queen of Scots around February and March 1566.
> >
> > It exactly fits both the battle of Hastings, and the Australians
> > conquering of Atlantis in 9,456 B.C. because “so long” is
> > used twice in it, and salami was the chief food of both the
> > Australians and the Chinese who fought in the Battle of
> > Hastings.
> Yeah. yeah.  Deep criticism.

You can’t refute it.

> >> IF my reading is false, either of those courses would
> >> be easy.  Look at some really bad readings of the
> >> Sonnets — such as from Hank Whittemore or from
> >> Jim F. in this newsgrouip or from any Strat perfesser.
> >> Anyone could readily take one of their ‘interpretations’
> >> of a particular poem and show that it is so shallow
> >> that it could apply to almost any text or any occasion
> >> OR (b) when they do get into some kind of detail,
> >> showing that it bears little relation to either the
> >> words of the text or the facts of history, or both.
> >
> > Your confidence in your interpretation is entirely subjective.
> No.  Part of it comes from the purely rhetorical
> nature of the ‘objections’ that I get from you and
> others.

Sure.  Nothing we say is of any substance,  How do you know?  Because you have examined what we’ve said and found it to have no substance.  That doesn’t work in real scholarly pursuits, Paul.

> > To assert it is right will not make it right for anyone but you.
> It’s your total inability to present sensible arguments
> against it that is so convincing.

Ah, “my TOTAL inability.”  Odd that I’ve never met anyone who was totally unable to present ANY sensible arguments against my views.  How can you believe your argument to be so exquisitely perfect that no one can present a sensible argument against it.  But a sane person would know, for instance, that the fact that in more than one sonnet their author calls his addressee “a boy” is a sensible argument that the addressee is a boy.  An assertion that the author is joking, if accepted, would defeat the argument, but NOT make it not sensible.  To get the assertion accepted, though, evidence for it would be useful, and you have none.  Only your recognition that your delusional system would fall apart if if were false.

> >>> Showing it impossible would be impossible.
> >>

I suspect that I took the word, “impossible,” from you.”

> >> Your rigidnikry again. In effect, ‘highly unlikely’ in
> >> this context means ‘impossible’.  For example,
> >> there is no reasonable likelihood that Mamillius
> >> (in Winter’s Tale) represents Raleigh (which is
> >> what you or someone said was Richard Malim’s
> >> claim) — for the reasons I gave yesterday.
> >> Mamillius was royal and immediate heir to the
> >> throne. Raleigh was a low-born cad — in the view
> >> of every courtier of Elizabeth, especially in that
> >> of the 17th Earl of Oxford.

Here again you put one of your main flaws as a thinker on view, Paul: you fail to recognize how various people are.  It is quite likely that Raleigh, who made quite a name for himself, and was an important member of an intellectual group Marlowe and Spenser were part of, so he must have had SOME friends.  He may even at times been Oxford’s friend.  He was Elizabeth’s at times.  And Oxford could have only pretended to like him during a time when Raleigh’s star was ascending.  Friendships can change from day-to-day.  You weren’t there.

Note: he has a much higher reputation today than Oxford among non-Oxfordians.  In fact, your denigration of him is ridiculous.

> [..]  (Paul’s snip)

> > First of all, Paul, you are arguing that a fictional character
> > represents someone else.  You have to show why the
> > character is not entirely fictional.  You don’t.
> Of course I do.   Hamlet’s mini-play “The Mousetrap”
> was supposedly fictional.  But we all know — as King
> Claudius also sees — that it wasn’t  Many in that court
> could have shown it wasn’t ‘entirely fictional’ by
> pointing out the parallels between King Claudius and
> the actions depicted in the mini-play/.  They were too
> many and too close to have been there by chance.

Very direct parallels but the only direct evidence we have that the play was supposed to be about a real event is that Hamlet tells us it is.  Who tells us Hamlet is really about Oxford?  As for the parallels, there are many parallels between Hamlet and the life-stories of other besides Oxford, including King James, and there are many differences between Hamlet and each of them, which you ignore.

There is also NO document indicating that anyone took any of Shakespeare’s plays to be about the real court of the time.

Aside from that, the convincing parallels are between Hamlet and  its source.

> Likewise for Sonnet 18, or for Viola being Raleigh,
> or for Elizabeth being ‘the Phoenix’ and Oxford ‘her
> Turtle’ or for the numerous other parallels.  You
> dodge every challenge to deny them — resorting to
> rhetoric and other crap ‘arguments’.

You have no direct evidence of any of that.  I can’t remember my arguments against Raleigh as a girl, but I’ve repeated a few of my Sonnet 18 arguments, and they are not “rhetoric” or crap arguments, unless I agree to let you be sole judge of the matter, which makes the debate irrelevant.  You need just publish your findings, and in a preface tell the reader that you’ve examined everything you’ve said in your book and found it to be correct, so they have no reason to doubt any of it.  Just to make sure they accept your findings, add that no one has ever refuted any of them or even present a sensible argument against them.

I believe it was Copernicus’s failure to do this that kept his ideas from being universally accepted for so long.  It makes science and related disciplines So much easier.

> >>> Why should we have more works in his name?
> >>
> >> Good authors are not common.  When someone
> >> demonstrates good writing skills, we’d expect to
> >> see them employed.
> >
> > You’re missing my point: I’m assuming that if Sackville was the
> > True Author, we’d only have work from him in his front’s name,
> > not from him, as because the case, you claim, for Oxford.
> In practice, the most difficult part of any anti-
> Stratfordian case is to demonstrate the WHY
> and the HOW such ‘an extensive’ cover-up was
> mounted.  Many Oxfordians fail in the respect
> (as a result of  adopting far too many Stratfordian
> assumptions) and, in  desperation, they fall back
> on PT crapology.  Most non-Oxfordians don’t even
> bother to try — since they know they have no case.
> For example, Sabrina dodges every question
> about HOW and WHY.  With the monarch and her
> successor providing the backing, it’s very easy to
> see how it worked.  Without the monarch, and
> her successor, it’s near-impossible.  But Marlites,
> Baconians, Sabrina and PT theorists rarely allow
> for the interests of the monarchy and its presence
> in the cover-up.

Don’t you realize that you asked why we have no late works from Sackville as we should have if he were a great author, and I told you why–we did, but they were in his front’s name.  You couldn’t let yourself admit that you had lost that argument, so jumped into a different argument against Sackville.

Sabrina’s answer makes sense to me: it is that Sackville did not want to his authorship known.  So it didn’t become known.  The court had nothing to do with it.

We have no strong reason not to accept that Sackville was simply odd.  You simply can’t understand that anyone might behave differently from the single way you think he would.  But how about a great author who suddenly becomes so bored with what he’s been doing, or becomes depressed due to an endocrinological problem related to old age, and stops thinking his life’s work has any value.  Did you know that Groucho Marx as an old man once view one of the greatest of the Marx Brothers films and said he could figure out why anyone thought it was funny?

Anyway, the beauty of Sackville’s not caring about posterity is that it greatly simplifies the Great Hoax.  Just a few people knew The Truth while Sackville was alive, and within a decade or two of his death no one any longer did.  And there would have been no need to leave fatuously silly “clues” for posterity.  Just about everything could be taken as above board.

> If Sabrina provides no indication of the HOW
> and the WHY, then there is no point in bothering
> with her theory.  It’s not got off the ground.

Her WHY is the standard “stigma of print” for noble authors.  She argues it better than other anti-Stratfordians have, it seems to me.  You should buy her book and study it.  I’d be surprised if there were nothing in it you could use.

Her HOW is far more elegant than yours: Sackville simply wanted to write plays for the public theatre and did so anonymously until he met Shakespeare, a second-rate playwright who had priated a play of Sackville’s and rewritten it as his.  Sackville saw how well he could conceal his identity if he let the Stratford hack continue taking credit for his plays.  Sabrina allows just a few others to be in on the secret, including Jonson.

I think it would be very difficult for you to find anything wrong with it except the flaws I find as a Stratfordian in it which you could not accept because they work as well against Oxford as against Sackville.  For instance, the stigma of print.  You can’t refute it for Sackville without refuting it for Oxford.  And the absence of direct evidence works the same way against all anti-Stratfordian candidates, so can’t be used.  Etc.

I do know you think Oxford had to conceal himself because of how damaging his plays would be taken to be if known to be by a noble, expecially one as high up as Oxford.  I don’t think Sabrina uses this argument for her man, but she could.

Whew, I got through your whole post.


Entry 1741 — Arguing Against a Crank, Again

March 3rd, 2015

Today I felt too tired (although I’d had a decent night’s sleep, for me–over six hours), to do anything after just a little over an hour of tennis (doubles, which isn’t that demanding), and–earlier–my set of exercises which now take me about a half-hour, and a run of about a mile and two-thirds, very slowly.  After lunch, though, I came into my computer room to at least post something here.  As a warm-up, I got involved in the SAQ (Shakespeare Authorship Question), which is probably my most insane hobby, especially when it involved my Primary Opponent, Paul Crowley, as it often does, and did this time.

As I was bouncing along giving as good as I got (I think) I began wondering what I was getting out of my interaction with Paul.  Hey, I thought, I spend so much time getting nowhere with Paul in order to find out why I spend so much time getting nowhere with Paul.

I’m sort of serious here.  One thing I’m trying to do is work out a definitive analysis of crankery–and, it looks like–of counter-crankery, which is close to as insane.  Another thought: that by studying a crank theory one gets a better idea of what I’d call a validiplex or sane understanding of some significant field, or significant portion of a field.

It’s a genuine sport for me, too–a chance to exercise my brain, with very little of importance in the balance.  Finally, when I’m in a day that’s clearly going nowhere, I can shove what I’ve said to Paul into a blog entry like this one, hoping others may find it amusing, and at times interesting (because I sez profundities all the time, even to Paul!)

My ado out of the way, here’s the latest episode of the Bob ‘n’ Paul show:

On Monday, March 2, 2015 at 8:21:04 AM UTC-5, Paul Crowley wrote:
> >> That’s just not the way they were thinking.  They
> >> (entirely justifiably) believed that as soon as anyone
> >> looked properly at Stratford and it environs, and at
> >> the nature of the Stratman, and his background,
> >> those investigators would forget any possibility that
> >> he could have written a poem, let alone any of the
> >> great works.
> >
BOB:They were extremely mistaken, which suggests they were not
> > very intelligent, after all.
PAUL: It’s very easy to underestimate stupidity, and
> very hard to predict the future.  Also they did not
> grasp the extent to which ignorant uneducated
> low-class people (editor’s note: Paul does not
> consider himself any kind of snob) delighted in the idea that a
> great writer could emerge from their own ranks.

BOB: Many educated and even upper-class people went along with it.  Aside from that, there are many ways of arranging things so as to pretty much insure that the Truth would be revealed in much less time that it has taken–for instance.

You simply assume that a perfect hoax was easy except for making sure Oxford got proper credit within a reasonable time, which was impossible, and impossible even for the geniuses carrying out the hoax to realize.  Because you say so.  You have no direct documentary evidence of such a hoax whatsoever.

> >> My statement that “Sonnet 18 was written in
> >> London in (or close to) April 1566″ is a very simple
> >> factual one.  IF it was false (and if the supporting
> >> arguments were erroneous) then it would be very
> >> easy to demonstrate the falsity.

BOB: It is false for probably at least a hundred reasons, but impossible for you to accept any of these reasons as even arguments.  For instance, Shakespeare’s name, not Oxford’s, is on Sonnet 18, but that’s not an argument against your theory because the name was a lie–according to you, although there’s no direct evidence that you are right.  Oxford, who you say wrote Sonnet 18, was only 16 at the time, although the sonnet can be shown to have been (1) far superior to any poem Oxford was known to have written; (2) far superior to any poem known to have been written by a 16-year-old; and (3) equal to the best of the works of its author when he was surely a much older man, as well as far better than other works of its author when he was surely older.

There is also the literary history of the period concerning how the poets of the time influenced each other, which would have to be scrapped if Oxford wrote Sonnet 18 in 1566. This literary history is subjective, but based on a huge number of facts about the times, and about the way creative poets work.  You merely assert that those who have contributed to this history are incompetents.

It occurs to me to ask you why they are incompetents–besides the fact that they refuse to accept Oxford as Shakespeare.  Granted, from your point of view, that is an insane mistake, although there is no direct evidence that ought to make a competent scholar accept that Oxford was Shakespeare.  But what else?  Did they get the English victory over Spain right?  Were they right about Francis Drake?  Were they right that Spenser wrote the Faery Queene?  Possibly not.  It seems to me, as a dabble in your thinking, that you consider them COMPETENT wherever their reasoning matches yours.  So you probably consider their thinking about Jonson correct, except regarding Jonson’s Shakespeare-related writings.

My problem is that the more I think about your scenario, the more incredibly complex it becomes–without leaving any direct evidence that things were as you say.  Take Lyly, for example–credited with important novels and plays influencing Shakespeare, but for you a front man for Oxford–or was he just a mediocre writer that Oxford helped?  Greene was fictitious, although many other writers wrote about him.  Marlowe probably fictitious.  The whole literary history of the times was, according to your scenario, much less like the experts in the period say it was than the Christian fundamentalists idea of biology is like Darwin’s.

You really should carefully write up your history of England from 1530 or so until 1630.  Why won’t you?  You shouldn’t want someone like me to give my version of it.  And you have no followers who would do it for you. The HLAS archives might be lost–and even if not, the material there by you would be hard to organize.

PAUL explains his method of determining what a poem means:
> >> The question is something like “Does this piece of
> >> this jigsaw fit this gap?” — when it’s a complicated
> >> shape, with many patterns on the piece in question
> >> and in that part of the picture of the jigsaw.  You can
> >> disprove the matching by (a) showing that such a
> >> piece could readily go elsewhere, OR
> >> (b) showing that there were many other pieces that
> >> would fit the gap as well.
> >
BOB: If this is so, why do no other attribution scholars use your
> > procedure in determining authorship?
PAUL:  There is nothing exceptional in what I do. If you
> come across an unsigned letter, you identify
> who wrote it by linking some person to the acts
> and circumstances mentioned.

BOB:  Shakespeare’s works were signed.
PAUL: Whereas most  ‘attribution scholars’ are looking at
> works they see as completely non-autobiographical

BOB: How can you keep saying that, Paul?  What you MUST say as a sane literary investigator is that “most ‘attribution scholars’ are looking at works they see as NOT SUFFICIENTLY autobiographical TO BE MUCH HELP IN IDENTIFYING THEIR AUTHOR.”  Actually, however, attribution scholars are making no effort to identify the author of Shakespeare’s works.  You’re speaking of what might be called ‘attribution-defenders.’  As one of them, I say that (1) the hard evidence for Shakespeare, a man known to have lived at the right time in the right place to have written the Shakespearean Oeuvre, is sufficient for him to be taken as their author insomuch as there is no direct evidence against him, so we need not bother trying to relate his life to his works; (2) we know too little about his life to relate it in any kind of detail to his works; (3) his works, except the sonnets, are clearly not based on their author’s life–e.g., he didn’t become bewitched in an Athenian forest by a faery named Puck.

PAUL: and they are trying to pick up clues from style and
> word-usage.  They would be only a small part
> of my interest.

BOB: It’s the only part that is in any way scientific, and–however flawed now–will almost surely settle the matter eventually.  (Paul elsewhere had claimed that literary history is just as scientific as anything else, including physics.  Hence, if his theory was wrong, I should be able easily to scientifically dismantle it, which–needless to say–I can’t.)

BOB: Why do no historians use your methods in determining what
> > happened at various points in history?
PAUL: Of course they do. They study the documents of the
> day, and glean what they can about the interests
> and motivations of the people involved. So they
> often change their minds on people like Richard III,
> or Thomas Cromwell and Thomas Moore.

BOB: Do they decide certain prominent figures were fictitious, or as good as fictitious the way you believe Shakespeare (the owner of New Place, according to the deed to that property), was?  How much of what they say can they claim is objectively true the way in chemistry its true that a base plus an acid will yield (in normal conditions) a salt and water?
> > BOB: Why does no one agree that your interpretation of the sonnets is correct?
>PAUL: Like you, they have not put in the work.

BOB: How is that a good dodge considering that you can re-use it indefinitely?  (I am sure, by the way, that I’ve put more work into Sonnet 18 than you have.  I am also sure that many who have written complete books on the sonnets, which you have not, have done at least as much work on them as you.  They just don’t realize that all who have preceded them in their field have been incredibly wrong about who, when and where the sonnets were written and what they really mean–have, in short, taken them to be poems like all poems except for their details, and not the new kind of literature you think Oxford invented, the mixture of confession/personal philosophy/autobiography/journalism/gossip/who-knows-what disguised as world class lyrical poetry and verse plays.

HERE I decided to stop, although possibly more than halfway through Paul’s post.


Entry 1740 — Of Meaning & Meaningfulness

March 2nd, 2015

I think a lot of gush and counter-gush in philosophical discussions has been caused by the use of the word, “meaning,” to mean two different things: (1) a description of a named entity in material reality that relates it to one or more named and defined entities in material reality in such a way that a person knowing the language its name is part of will, upon hearing or reading that name, be able to distinguish it from what it is not—by pointing to it on a table or the equivalent; and (2) a description of some real or alleged function of a real or unreal named entity that allows the entity to carry out or contribute to the carrying out of some mission important to whoever defines it as having this kind of meaning.

I’m satisfied with my definition of the first meaning of “meaning,” but consider my definition of the second meaning rough.  The following examples should help clarify it:

Keats’s bust of Shakespeare had a great deal of meaning for him for reminding him of the possibilities of poetry.  That is, the function of the bust was its help in encouraging him to follow Shakespeare’s lead as a poet.

The New Testament has a great deal of meaning for a sincere Christian for reminding him that Jesus died to allow him a chance for Heaven–i.e., its function (or one of its many functions) is to remind a Christian that immortality is possible.

Winning the first world series game has special meaning for a baseball manager because winning the first game in the other team’s ballpark gives a team an advantage, and winning it in one’s own ballpark prevents the other team from having an advantage–i.e. winning the first game regardless of where played has the function of increasing a team’s chance of winning the series (in addition to the advantage an victory will have.

Each time I list one of these “meanings,” it is plain to me that the word I should be using is not “meaning,” but “meaningfulness.”  So my simple insight concerning the meaning of “meaning,” is that the second meaning should be junked.  The main place it crops up is in the phrase “life’s meaning.”  I maintain that “life’s meaning” should be, simply, “a state of being certain entities in material reality possess which allows the entity to move of its own volition, and in other ways act as living organisms in accordance with the latest scientific understanding of the state,” not “life’s purpose.”  If you want to discuss the latter, the correct term should only be “life’s meaningfulness.”

And the question central to much of philosophy should be, “What gives life meaningfulness? not what gives life meaning?  Linguistics with the aid of biology gives the word, “life,” its only proper meaning, a meaning that it is important to point out is objectively-arrived at, because based solely (for the rational) on the material attributes of the state of being the word, “life,” represents.  (I’m ignoring the inexpressible intangibles those who believe in the existence of immaterial entities or substances consider part of life’s state of being as irrelevant because either non-existent or existent but not material, so incapable of having any effect on anything.)

There, another attempt to form a minor understanding of an over-rated question without great success.  But if I’ve only gotten a few people to use “meaning” only in its linguistic sense, never in its philogushistic sense, I’ll be happy.



Entry 1739 — In the Eurekan Zone

March 1st, 2015

I often write here about being in my null zone, or almost in it.  I guess I’ve mentioned a few times I’ve been in a good zone.  I rarely mention being in a good zone, though: I’m too involved with more important things to.  When I’m in my null-zone, though, I tend not to have anything else to write about.  Anyway, a few minutes ago, I was getting all kinds of ideas.  I was feeling energetic and enthusiastic.  It was like I felt for about an hour while writing about the rigidniplex.  Ergo, I should call where I was the “eurekan zone.”

I was not in it for long, not wholly in it for long.  I feel mentally in it at the moment, but physically in the null zone, and in a so-so mood.  My mood may be good enough to allow me to take care of the entry–if I can remember any of the ideas I had.

One was simply my counter to something I read in the latest issue of The New Criterion about how foolish so many thinkers were for believing that “a hard science of human affairs has been or soon will be achieved.”  I think a poor hard science of human affairs has been achieved, and that neurophysiological understandings will eventually make it equal as a science to chemistry in hardness, especially once academics are aware of my theory ( . . . I hope).

Gary Saul Morson, the writer whose words I quoted against the notion of hard science because if political science were a hard science, there would be no room for reasonable doubt for the same reason there is no room for reasonable doubt about most aspects of chemistry.  I find this no problem because (1) however hard a science is, it will never be complete, so there will always be important differences of opinion.

ns about aspects of it;  and (2) the axioms chosen to base a given hard science on will necessarily be a subjective matter, so squabbling at the roots of political science will always occur.

It may be exclusively the moral axioms of physical science that people will argue about, as they do now: for instance, which is better, a collectivist society or an individualistic one?  Answer: it would depend on whom you ask.  Security versus freedom.  The first is better for certain people, the second better for others.  Which is why our nation and others mix the two.  But how much of either is the right mix will always be debatable.

* * *

I’m definitely out of my eurekan zone.  While briefly in it, I coined a few new terms, as I tend to do when I feel at my best.  One was “conclusory,” which consists of verosophical conclusions and the actions taken because of them.  I was thinking about the many people involved in the sciences who are not seeking important understandings of anything but using the conclusions such understandings lead to as the basis of technological accomplishments.  But that would mean they are working in technology, so “conclusory” is not needed.

“Techthetics” was my word for the equivalent field in Art.  It would be for the technological use of art for decoration.  I was trying to differentiation those artists who advance their art from mere “techthetists” who just use received art to make salable paintings that go nowhere man has not been before.  But the umbrella term “technology” covers such people as readily as it covers those whose field is applied science.  So, good-bye “techthetics.”

* * *




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