Columbetry, cuh LUH beh tree, from “Columbus” and “”poetry”: poetry which either does something important for the first time, or does something important effectively for the first time.
Magnipetry, maahg NIH peh tree, from “magnificent” and “poetry”: poetry of the highest excellence.
Textual Design, TEHKS chew uhl dee ZINE: synonym for “textual visimage.”
Textual Visimage, TEHKS chew uhl VIHZ ih mihj, from “textual” and “visual image”: a work of textual visimagery.
Textual Visimagery, TEHKS chew uhl vihz IH mihj ree, from “textual” and “visual imagery” : visual art containing textual elements but no meaningful words.
Visimagery, vihz IH mihj ree, from “visual” and “imagery”: visual art.
Visual Poetry, VIHJ yoo uhl PO eh tree: poetry containing visual elements whose interaction with its words results, in the view of the majority of reasonably knowledgeable, objective observers, in something of central significance to the poem’s full aesthetic meaning.