Archive for the ‘Exhibitions of My Work’ Category

Entry 789 — The Keller Law Firm

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012

The Keller Law Firm’s offices in Punta Gorda (across the Peace River, south of Port Charlotte, where I live) is where my third, and last, one-man exhibit of 2012 is.  The offices are on the second floor of this building, which (I assume) is owned by the bank using its first floor.

I’m a terrible photographer, so my indoor pictures are lousy.  I should be using a flash bulb, I guess.  Anyway, below are two of the four walls I had pieces on.  The bottom picture, hard to make anything of, includes my “Triptych for Tom Phillips,” revealed on the Internet for the first time.  It may be my most ambitious long division sequence.



Now that the show is up, I wonder if having something like twenty pieces on exhibit in hopes that everyone will find at least one he likes is better than having only five or six–to make the viewing experience, especially for those new to this kind of thing, easier to take in, and perhaps study rather than skim.  My next exhibit is not scheduled until November of next year, although I’m eligible for another one in 2013.  I think artists will be chosen for exhibits at the end of this year again, but maybe that happens only every other year.

Meanwhile, no word back from the Aldrich.  I do expect a reply.  I have no idea if I’ll get more than a polite thanks for sharing.

Entry 671 — My January/February Exhibition

Thursday, March 1st, 2012


My lousy pictures of my just-closed exhibition as the Port Charlotte Chamber of Commerce building (but the first one includes two portions of my bicycle!):







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