Entry 611 — Appreciating Mathemaku
I have another Page available for browsing. It’s a pdf file called “How to Appreciate a Mathemaku,” consisting of a slide show of about 25 pages in which I take the viewer on a step-by-step tour of a single mathemaku, “Mathemaku in Praise of the Dictionary.” I’ll have it at my exhibition. I’d be grateful for any comments on it. My main concern is whether or not it will help ordinary people get something out of my poems.
Diary Entry
Saturday, 31 December 2011, Noon. Tennis again after four days off (Thursday because it was in the forties). I’m still not right but played okay. After playing, I picked up some thyroid pills. Now I’m home, not feeling like doing anything productive, but not in the mood for anything to do to evade my chores, like reading. Later note: I worked a little on the lesson in mathemaku appreciation power-point slide show I have in progress. Didn’t do anything else.