Entry 604 — A Visimage by Bill DiMichele
Here’s something from Bill DiMichele’s latest painting exhibit at the Lindsay Dirkx Brown Gallery in San Ramon, CA. It reminds me a lot of the way I shape my (much lesser) canvasses.
Go here to see more of his works. More will be appearing here.
This is the link to the Cross-Section of a Moment exhibit.
Diary Entry
Saturday, 24 December 2011, 6 P.M. Pretty much a crappy day. I had trouble taking care of my diary entry–until I remember a book of images Geof Huth had sent me that I could steal images from to display. I just finished doing that. I did very little else all day, just a paragraph on my response to Jake Berry’s essay. I did finish the thriller by Tom Clancy I was reading, though. It was about a war–American and Russian against China. Silly stuff but I did enjoy reading about a militarily competent USA, for which I hope my friends in poetry will forgive me.