Entry 602 — Something by bp
Every Christmas I get something very nice in the mail from bp Nichol’s wife Eleanor. This year it was this:
Diary Entry
Thursday, 22 December 2011, 4 P.M. Another tennis morning–practice, not a league match. I dropped some items off at the Arts & Humanities Council office, then did a little marketing. After getting home I haven’t done much but escape read. Just now, though, I’ve read over what I’d previously written about Jake Berry’s essay on the Otherstream. It’s not bad but disorganized, so I printed out a copy to try to work out something that seems logically arranged from. (Hard to do that on the computer, for me.)
8 P.M. I’m getting very few Christmas cards this year, which does not make me unhappy, but one I like very much to get, the one from Eleanor Nichol and her daughter Sarah, arrived today. I just used it to take care of this entry.
One bp card is worth the thousands that mean nothing.
How luck you are!
I am lucky, Conrad. Glad I can share it with visitors like you!
all best, bob