Entry 60 — #717 through #720

Nothing much going on in entries 717 through 720 from my old blog.  The best thing in them was this aphorism of mine from #720:

.         Sometimes my inferiority complex gets so bad, I think I’m God.

I was thinking about bi-polarism because an interesting chap calling himself “Bipolar Guy” had gotten in touch with me.

In #717 I listed the three major elements of intelligence in my knowlecular theory of psychology, accelerance, charactration (under its now obsolete name of “character”) and accommodance and defined them.  In #718 I mumbled about how few visitors my blog gets and in #719 I mentioned an idea of Dan Waber’s–doing a character-sketch daily for a year, a fun idea but not something I thought I’d be able to do, and my latest Shakespeare Authorship Question experiences.

Nothing more, mainly because I’m wrecked, having played tennis for my senior men’s doubles team.  Ordinarily coulbes woul dnever tire me, but I have a bad back, a bad knee, and a bad hip, all of which I’ve been trying to rest.  Didn’t want to play but our team had only 6 players available, including me, for three matches, so I hadda.  I gimped through a touch match against our opponents’ number three duo.  It was thrilling.  Really.  We had the first set in the bag, 5 -1, but lost four in a row.  Then we lucked out a victory, but lost the next game.  I was shot by then, really hoping only to get the thing over with.  But I actually ran in to get a few short shots that I hit for winners and we won the tie-breaker.  Next set we lost the first game and were out of it from then on, losing 6-2.  Because we’re old, we didn’t play a third set, instead bumbling through a ten-point tie-breaker.  All I can say is that they were a little more eager to lose points than we, and we won–on a put-away by . . . tah dah, ME.  The others on the team who had played and finished, plus several wives and players on our team unable to play but there to root, yelled, “Bobby, Bobby, Bobby!”

Our team is now 16 and 5, and either in second place or tied for first, depending on how the one team ahead of us in the eight-team league made out.


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