Entry 556 — Connie Illoveras

The specimens of Connie Illoveras’s work below I got from an e.mail ad.  Nice!  The painting is a viaula poem, but just barely.  It seems to me more a word–really, letters– given a graphic background than something verbal combining conceptually with something graphic to produce the piece’s aesthetic effect.  Maybe I’m wrong.  It does seems to have to do with language’s secret place between sky and
earth. . . .  In any case, I have an averbal liking for it.   The boat with the chairs is delightful–like Klee’s work, but not visiopoetic, as far as I can tell.  But if I were to examine it in person, I might change my mind.  The third boat may well be a visual poem, as well.  I suspect it is about the voyage of language–which wouldn’t make it, for me, a visual poem, but a depiction of language.  I can’t tell anything about the middle one from the picture of it.  (A necessary note, because some people are a bit dense: whether any of these are visual poems has nothing to do with their aesthetic value.  I just have trouble understanding things without a taxonomy for them. Oh, and I’m all for visimagists’ working with letters–and punctuation marks when they do more with it than whoever it was yesterday’s painting is by.))




From 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Exhibition will continue through
 November 30, 2011

214 Andalusia Avenue
Coral Gables, Florida 33134




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