Entry 456 — My Latest Poem
I posted it at New-Poetry early this morning. No comments back yet. I was hoping someone would say, “Wow, that’s great!” I really think it’s possible that few if anyone at New-Poetry–or maybe anywhere, can appreciate it as I do. I really do think that few people are not segreceptual, or incapable of quickly darting from one sensual modality to another, in this case from verboceptuality to wherever we process spelling and the conceptual significance of spellings quickly enough to appreciate the poem. A word-frame as the house of vowels, and then vacant.
I will be leaving my house tomorrow morning around six for the hospital and my hip surgery, so may not post an entry then, or for a while. I am not sure when I’ll next have access to the Internet. So don’t be surprised if there’s nothing new here for a week or more.
Note: I got all the things written I felt I had to before going to the hospital–after dawdling on all of them for days or weeks. Weird. I just couldn’t get them done–until I had to. Same thing happened most of the time with me in high school.