Entry 451 — My Latest Idiocy
It’s not really important: I can ask Arnold for another copy. But that I lost it drives me almost mad with rage at my continuing stupidity. I feel like there’s just no sense in going on. Once again, you see, I’ve lost something. This time it was a copy of a long piece of . . . surrealistic mathematics, I guess. By someone French. Arnold Skemer was kind enough to send it to me, with the french text translated. I have the envelope it came in and the letter that came in that envelope with it. They are right where they should be, on the table to my right as I type this. Why the surrealistic mathematics isn’t with it, I JUST CAN’T understand.
But I do something like this at least monthly. More times than not, I find what was missing, sometimes in less than a couple of hours. I won’t find this. My house is less disorganized than it’s been in years, mainly because of the filing cabinet I freed up for current items–like this, or it should be. I recently did make a folder for just-answered snail mail, but not one for items like this. And I have several now–a letter from my Oakland poet friend Jody Offer; some great stuff just in from Marshall Hryciuk; Marton’s little booklet The Reader which I’ve had for two months and haven’t lost, who knows why; Arnold’s letter; a little packet of great stuff by himself Andrew Topel left with me during his visit a little while ago as well as wonderful full-color things his press published that he sent me a couple of months ago.
These are what are in plain view. Stored who knows where are many items like them previously in plain view. As I keep telling myself, I have to getmy house in better order. I’m sure I can, for I’m now able to chuck dead magazines–old copies of Discover or National Geographic, for instance. I proved that last year sometime when I threw out . . . I forget what, but it was a magazine I liked but hadn’t read all my issues of, which went back twenty years or more. I’m also ready to pack away old correspondence and zines and the like that I now have handy but never refer to. I may finally toss old paint brushes, broken crayons, and all kinds of painting supplies I once thought I could use to make masterpieces but never did.
Wish me luck. Before I started putting the house in order, I have to get my next column for Small Press Review done. Yesterday I finally finished a full draft of the two-chapter essay that will close my book on the Shakespeare authorship question that I wanted to finish before going to the hospital, so I can devote myself to the column during the next five days. Not today. Today I spend six killing hours at (1) my dentist’s spending $140 having another chipped tooth fixed (my teeth are crumbling at an alarming rate), (2) at the hospital where I’ll be getting operated on for a class in what to expect and pre-op filling out of forms and getting blood and an chest x-ray taken, and (3) at the supermarket getting bananas, milk and six bottles of Propel, the drink I’m trying to replace Mountain Dew with. It was too much for me.