Entry 435 — The A/V Ratio

I’m not sure whether I’m back or not, but I’m working on an entry I believe will be one of my Valuable ones, and just made a post to New-Poetry I thought interesting enough to post  the following version of here:

Certain attempts at New-Poetry to explain why I post such disagreeable opinions at times inspired a thought: that everyone varies in the anthrocentricity/verosophy ratio of what he says and writes.  By this I mean that we all write with at least some aim of producing a certain reaction in others AND with at least some aim of expressing some truth as we see it, without regard for others’ reactions (except their versophical ones).   Those whose usual a/v ratio is, say, 80/20 will tend to think that those like me, whose usual a/v ratio is the opposite, speak and write to elicit reactions from others when in fact all we’re doing is saying what we think as exactly as possible (true, without making too many enemies).

I further think that many people, perhaps the majority of people, are incapable of predominantly versosophical thought, and thus have difficulty recognizing it in others.   I would add that an reasonably intelligent person’s a/v ratio will change, sometimes a great deal, depending on the situation.

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