Entry 384 — A Poetic Coinage
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As Cummings might have had it. I coined it for use in the mathemaku I made last night for the one-mathemaku-a-day-no-matter-how-bad project I start five days ago to force myself to think mathemakuically–in hopes that that would eventually perk me up. It’s the dividend. I haven’t gotten the quotient quite the way I want it. At this stage, it’s “clouds softening/ out of a long-lost haiku/ toward a full-hued day.” I need it positive because the poem’s divisor is a raging storm. Which now makes me think a better quotient would be something like “17th-century haiku about a butterfly”–i.e., something not so obviously the opposite of a storm. The poem needs work, but it’s the first I’ve thought good enough to tinker with. The first four don’t come close to making sense nor do anything interesting. No matter as long as I end with 365 things that qualify as mathemaku 360 days from today.