Entry 368 — Of Signifliture and Other Matters

Yesterday, I posted the following snide comment to The Best American Poetry website: “It seems to me that a Worst American Poetry series would be beneficial–composing a kind of poetry ignored by the editors of the Best American Poetry series is not anywhere enough of an affirmation.”

Later I read that “Nobel laureate Seamus Heaney. Famous for retelling that medieval dragon drama Beowulf, the Irish poet, 71, declared in 2003 that Eminem ‘”created a sense of what is possible. He has sent a voltage around a generation. He has done this not just through his subversive attitude but also his verbal energy.’”  The subject header for the poet quoting the above was “Eminem becoming a force in the literary world.”

That inspired a new coinage: “signifliture,” for significant literature.  The adjective would be “signiflerary.”  Distinguished from “literary” because not including people like Eminem . . . and Nobel Prize Winners.

Meanwhile, I visited Geof Huth’s dbqp blog yesterday.  He does a piece on me every Groundhog Day.  This one was Very Nice–although he as usual said a few things I do not entirely agree with.   He also featured one of my mathemaku, one–in fact–that I changed after sending him the version he posted.  Now I more and more feel his version is better.  What I changed (or maybe it’s the main thing I changed–I’m too lazy to try to find my later version) was the quotient–from “soon” to (I think) “Persephone.”  I always liked “soon, but Geof told me that one of the Poetry editors who rejected it for their magazine dissed “soon” for rhyming with “June,” and I agreed that it shouldn’t for a while.  I can be very suggestible, however stubborn many think me.

Oddly, I hadn’t even noticed that “soon” rhymed with “June” when I picked it–I was revved up by the way I’d converted it from an adjective to an image.  I’m almost sure I’ll bring it back.  Should I cancel the other version or label it a variation?  I don’t know.

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