Entry 355 — My Latest Setback
My latest setback is trivial for most points of view, but it has me reeling. I broke down and spulrged on the latest version of the computer game, Civilization, a little over a week ago, ordering it from Amazon. I didn’t immediately try it out when it arrived four or five days ago. For one thing, I was in the middle of a game I was playing on my old version. Once I’d lost that, I uninstalled the old version, and popped the new version in. Boink. After twenty minutes, I found out I had to install it from the Internet, and I was using my second computer for Civilization. It was not hooked up to the Internet.
Not being bright at all about such things, I thought it would be a hassle to get my second computer on the Internet, so tried to go back to my old version. But it could no longer be installed. I couldn’t use my main computer for the game because of lack of space. What the heck, I though, this is a good excuse to stop wasting time with Civilization. I’d put it aside until I have a new computer with much more space on it. Today, though, I realized all I had to do was plug my modem into my second computer. so I did that, got on the Internet. At that point my setback occurred: I couldn’t find the latest version of Civilization. I had five or six disks from two versions of Civilization III but the single one for the new version, V, was not in the drawer I keep all the software disks I use, like Paint Shop and Power Point. I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t there, and still can’t. I’ve gone through it item by item three times. It isn’t there.
I can’t imagine why I would have taken the disk–and the plastic holder it was in which also had a booklet and a folded up map of some sort abd is also missing–out of my computer room. But I searched the whole house, twice, and my computer room three or four times. No dice.
I can endure not being able to play Civilization. That may even be a blessing although I really wanted to find out if V would give me a chance, as III hadn’t (at the higher levels). I can live with the loss of the fifty dollars I paid for it, too. But I am devastated by this latest proof that I simply can’t keep things from disappearing.
No one has been in my house but me during the time the game has been here, by the way, and it’s inconceivable that anyone would sneak in and steal just it. I must have absent-mindedly put it aside somewhere wonderfully concealing.
Don’t be surprised if I don’t post anything here for a while. What I ought to do, and half-think I may do, is do a major job of getting the house straightened out, in part by throwing all all the stuff I ought to. Right now I don’t feel like doing anything, though.