Entry 298 — The Realities


I don’t have anything for today so will philosophize.  I’ve been going over what reality is.  Latest axioms:

Subjective Maxolute Reality (that reality whose existence comes closest absolute certainty): my mind plus all that it can directly experience through my body’s sensors.

Subjective Probsolute Reality (that reality that exists beyond reasonable doubt): the constituents of maxolute reality according to logic (pure rationality), and is not contradicted by anything I know about maxolute reality.  It is not necessary for it to parallel what I know to be maxolutely real, but it helps.  Others’ minds, for instance.

Objective Maxolute Reality: That portion of my maxolute reality that (I believe) a majority of others accept as mazolute reality.

Objective Probsolute Reality: That portion of my probsolute reality that (I believe) those (I consider) knowledgeable about the portion involved agree with me about.

Metaphysical Reality: Anything outside the above realities; fun to think about, but irrelevant

Note: I’m sure some real philosophers have written things similar to what I just have.  My way to understanding, though, is (primarily) to go as far as I can on my own, and then check with others.  I say “primarily” because I also unmethodically read and listen to others.

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