Entry 212 — The Simplest Final Universe

After rambling through yesterday’s entry, I remembered that the main thing I had wanted to discuss was my theory of a primary universe.  I’ve chattered about it before here.  I haven’t change it any, though I’ve added details, I guess.  What interests me now about it, though, is that I believe it is the simplest possible universe that can exist.  That, I think, makes it a significant contribution to the study of what existence ultimately is, whatever branch of philosophy that is.   (By “universe,” incidentally, I mean all of existence.)

Initial assumption: that the universe consists of nothing but space, or emptiness (not the thing with properties that modern physics takes space to be), and egotoms.  “Egotom” is my coinage for the awareness each of us finally is, and which each of us thinks he calls “I” or “me.”  He isn’t: his brain is calling his body that.  But, at the time, one’s egotom coincides with one’s body.  All of which is irrelevant to this discussion but I have a tendency–I mean, my brain has a tendency–to  go off on tangents.

An egotom is permanent.  Its ultimate size is very small, say about as small compared to a period as a period is to what current science says this universe is.  But it can expand to become possible as large as our universe is said to be, or larger, though not infinitely large.  Most egotoms are far larger than they are at their smallest.

An egotom has two properties: materiality and awareness of other egotoms.  Its materiality allows them to touch neighboring egotoms, its awareness to sense the contact.  An egotom automatically moves toward anything it touches, in effect trying to maximize the area of contact.  This results in egotoms pushing each other around and continually changing shape.   If it pushes hard enough, an egotom can protrude from the mass of egotoms that the ultimate universe (the universe under the one we know as human beings) is.  It will continue to move in the direction it has ben moving in, but only for a certain time period.  At the end of that time period, it will move in an direction opposite to the one it has been moving in.  Hence, the ultimate universe will never fragment.

Besides its ability to sense other egotoms, an egotom has an evaluatory sense.  It is happy to the degree that it attains stability, unhappy to the degree that it fails to.  The rest of the universe it will experience in accordance with what egotoms it is in contact with and where it is in contact with each.  It will “perceive” this experience in many possible ways, perhaps an infinity of ways, one of which is the way each of us is now perceiving it.  For instance, an egotom in contact with egotoms 2,6 and 908 at points 77, 423 and 888,746 may perceive existence at that moment to be what a human being experiences in a rowboat drawing close to a beach on Long Island one summer.  A slight change in where egotom 6 touches it may change its experience to hearing a seagull.  Etc.

Space is infinite.  It has to be unless what it’s in is.  Simplicity requires minimization of the number of terms in an explanation.  So space is infinite.

This description of the ultimate univers explains everything, as far as I can see.  That doesn’t make it true.  Nothing can do that, or make it false.  It’s just the description of the universe that accounts for everything using the least unexplained objects and characteristics of objects.

To complicate it to make it fit what I as a human being want to feel it does, I add that each egotom innately prefers certain egotoms to others, and uses more of its energy to get in and stay in contact with those eogtoms and ways from other egotoms.  That allows love of a mother and others to dominate an egotom forever, which my brain considers a nice idea.

I also like the idea of my egotom’s being better able than any other eogotom to understand existence in detail–which being in contact with a maximun number of other egotoms would be.

This is metaphysics, needless to say.  It does not negate the quest to understand this secondary universe of ours, for that can be thought of as simply how we experience our egotom’s under-quest to understand its existence.  That is, both our this-world-quest and our ultimate-universe-quest are going on simultaneously, so I can think of my investigation of quarks as simply a marker for my egotom’s simultaneous spreading over egtoms 487 and 836.847,008.

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