Entry 1659 — 4 Emails Back&Forth

Again, I wanted to get my blog entry for a day done as quickly as possibly.  Since I also felt at my witful best in an exchange of emails with Gregory St. Thomasino earlier this morning, I grabbed mine and his for here.  I hope you’ll find them as entertaining as I am positive they are, but the link to Truck will get you to some excellent work

On 12/12/2014 8:58 AM, St. Thomasino wrote:

dear bob,

is this email address still good for you, and can i direct people to it if they want to buy copies of igne?

otherwise i trust you are okay.

did you see this?


thanks, bob


Saw it (Yeeks, I’m so off in the cranium right now, Gregory, that when I typed “saw” and saw on the screen what I had typed, I was immediately was befuddled: what was I writing a bout what some carpenter’s tool does?  At least I did see it as a verb, so should get some credit for non-dementia.)  Anyway, now that I’ve parenthetically made this email something you have to preserve for posterity, let me say that I was pleased to see your Go, which I’ve always like in spite of my suspicion about who the bubbler was, and am always pleased by an Internet reference to Mr. Grumman, a lad I’ve always admired–especially a reference by someone of the Highest Rank!

As for mine health, I’m weller than I’ve been for two months: pretty close to fully okay, in fact.  This after having what turned out to be a pinched nerve that practically disconnect my feets from me: i.e., I could barely feel them and the rest of my legs up to my knees; had to concentrate when walking–but could ride my bike with no trouble (which was very fortunate).  Back surgery seemed likely but my doctor had me give physical therapy a try, and 15 or so sessions, and home exercises, paid off.  I figure I’m now up to 90% of where I should be, and improving daily.  Most important for my physically, is that I’m playing team tennis in the senior men’s league I’m in again, and not doing badly.

Ah, email address for igne (which requires italics, you oaf–because of its publisher not its author, needless to say): yes, [email protected] is best.  Price to you now $3, to others $5, incidentally, due to inflation (and my poverty).  But free to anyone who really wants a copy and can’t afford one or has something to trade.

Specking of money, one reason I’m unusually giddy, or whatever it is I now am, is that I just went $1500 further into credit card debt.  Reason: a failed external drive that has a lot of important data on it I never backed up, thinking if the drive was external, it was safer than the hard drive inside my computer.  Apparently excessive heat&humidity did it in.  I’d never paid much attention to the temperature of my house before this happened.  Now keep it down in the summer at a not negligible cost.

Don’t think you have to reply in kind quantitatively–you just caught me in one of my garrulous . . . syndromes (I was going to use “moods,” but realized it was not the right term; “syndrome” isn’t either, but much better, I think.  Check with your psychotherpist acquaintances on that, though, and let me know what they think.)

Wow, I think I may now get myself to stop.  Except to sign off . . .


On 12/12/2014 11:19 AM, St. Thomasino wrote:

thank you, bob. i made a post on my blog:


i hope that is okay with you. (not that i expect anybody is gonna want to acquire a copy, but what the heck it’s better than doing nothing.)

i came upon the jpegs of the cover and of the title page with my signature by accident. seems some bookseller over in london has a copy for sale and he posted the jpegs (which i then thieved) at his site. don’t recognize the gentleman bookseller’s name. i know some copies are for sale at alan halsey’s site, west house books, but this ain’t that.

i’m glad you are playing tennis. you are more active than i am. i don’t even own a bicycle.

the bubbler is you, bob. and i am happy to say the coast guard rescued you just in time!

thanks, again, for getting back to me (you always do and i appreciate it very much).

Oops, does that mean I gotta reply to this?!  I guess I will because still in my excessively garrulous zone–on land, not bubbling

btw: i have an external hard drive also, a lacie, but it’s for my floppy disks. i use apple time machine as my external backup — it even backs up my email! i can go back in time and retrieve an email from years ago!

I think I’m backing every thing up now, too, but have more than one program doing so, with three computers involved, so am not sure what’s going on.  I just bought a flash drive that now has back-ups of my most important files as far as I know.

Keep keeping in touch.  This coming year will be Very Important in My Life (as I say every end of a year with near maximal inaccuracy), and that means Important in the Lives of All Worthy Colleagues, including those who have bubbled me nearly out of existence.

all best, Bob


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