Comprepoetica Biographical Dictionary
Comprepoetica BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY of Contemporary American Poetry
This file was begun 12 October 1997. Some of its entries, condensed and perhaps otherwise modified, will eventually appear in the Comprepoetica Dictionary of Contemporary American Poetry, Poetics & Poets. Both those entries used in the dictionary and those not will be kept here for the life of this site.
Note: some of the entries here consist of the raw materials of biographies only; due to the sitemaster’s not getting around to finishing them. For this he begs the reader’s indulgence. He would very much appreciate being informed of any mistakes any entry contains.
Index of Biographical Entries
Charles Alexander
Chris Alexander
Kit Austin
Maura Alia Bramkamp
Michael Basinski
David Beaudouin
Thomas Bell
Ken Brandon
Janet Buck
Bill Burmeister
Harry Burrus
Brandon Carpenter
Joel Chace
Blaise Cirelli
Dark Poet
Catherine Daly
Michel Delville
Debra Di Blasi
Thomas Downing
Joseph Duemer
Patrick F. Durgin
Patrick Thomas Durgin
James Eggeling
Eliza Jane Farley
Annie Finch
Chris Flink
Sely Friday
Tim Gilbert
David Gitin
Henry Gould
Bob Grumman
Crag Hill
Michael Helsem
Jan D. Hodge
Jenny Houston
Louise Huebner
Pierre Joris
Scott Keeney
Michael Kelleher
Karen Kelley
David Kopaska-Merkel
Richard Kostelanetz
Ralph La Charity (bio missing)
Pete Landers
Geoffrey Lavelle
Billy Little
Brent Long
Bill Marsh
Courtney Maxwell
Errol Miller
Sheila E. Murphy
desiree niteowl
Mark Ostrowski
Danielle Oviatt
Clemente Padin
Mark Peters
W.T. Pfefferle
Mark Prejsnar
dan raphael
Rochelle Ratner
Johnathon Reinier
Rebecca Reynolds
Harland Ristau
trace s. ruggles
Laura Ryder
Joe Safdie
Brian A. Salchert
Tony Seldin
David Shohan
Alan Sondheim
Douglas Spangle
Harvey Stanbrough
Hugh Steinberg
David Stone
Aviva Vogel
Irving Weiss
Bobbie West
Laura E. Wright
Daniel Zimmerman
Biographies on the above can be found in separate files, each for poets and critics whose names begin with a given letter of the alphabet.