Column076 — July/August 2006 « POETICKS

Column076 — July/August 2006

Mini-Survey of the Internet, Part One


Small Press Review,
Volume 38, Numbers 7-8, July-August 2006


Webmaster: Anny Ballardini


Michael P. Garofalo’s Index to Concrete Poetry

Michael P. Garofalo’s Concrete Poetry Website

Michael P. Garofalo’s Concrete Poetry

minimalist concrete poetry.
Blogger: Dan Waber

Blogger: Bob Grumman

Blogger: Malcolm Davidson


On the Internet, someone lamenting David Lehman’s dismal The Oxford Book of American Poetry opined that popular music would be the saviour of contemporary American poetry. Not so. Popular music isn’t doing anything for American poetry that it hasn’t been doing for decades, maybe centuries. If (serious) poetry is to be saved, it will be computers that save it. The Internet will blog it to the few interested in it, and computer-enabled publish-on-demand outfits will make inexpensive hard copies of it available to the fewer who actually want to spend money on it. In fact, it already does.

I won’t say anything about Lehman’s anthology except repeat my long-expressed vain hope that someday a viable list of schools of contemporary American poetry will be created to serve as the basis of an anthology in an edition of more than a few hundred copies like The Oxford Book of American Poetry that will cover the full range of superior contemporary American poetry. It’d have to be edited by someone conversant with far more kinds of poetry than Lehman; ideally, by a group of editors, each of whom is an expert in the school of poetry his section is on. Back to the Internet, and how important it is for serious poetry.

Firmly establishing that is the central aim of this column, and my next two or more. First, though, a bit about an amusing site I happened onto recently, I’d had my first bad computer crash early in March, and was doing a search on my own name to try to round up lost links to work of mine on the Internet. (One quiet but wonderful virtue of the Internet is that you can use it as a display cabinet for your work–but you need to know the addresses of the sites your work is at.) One of the links I turned up was to this “Googlefight,” which I’d never heard of. Curious, I went to it.

It turns out that Googlefight is a cyber-arena at which a visitor can find out which of two words or phrases appears most on the Internet, or so it seems to me. In any case, someone had put my name up against Ron Silliman’s there. I was amazed at my score: near 40,000, an absurdly high number–though Ron trounced me: he scored 280,000. When that contest was over, I started one between catsup and poetry. I forget the score but poetry won by a huge amount. Fun site. (Note, some names, like those of poets Mike Snider and David Graham, are shared by too many people for Googlefight to work well with them–although Mike felt he got a fairly accurate score with “Mike Snider, Poet.” Also: it’s important to put quotation marks around your name or other term: I beat Ron when I ran my name without quotation marks against his without quotation marks because of Northrup Grumman and other firms using the Grumman name.)

Okay, now to the blogs and similar websites I happened on during my search, some because my name was there, others because the ones my name was at had links to them, and the rest because I was previously familiar with them or those running them. I don’t know how I got to Xerocracy, which is run by Malcolm Davidson–in Gdansk, Poland, of all places. He has a series of entries subtitled: “The rules of poetry as derived from whatever I happen to be reading .” Such long-running discussions of poetry are common on the Internet, and most encouraging to those of us who sometimes fear no one at all cares about the art. Among Davidson’s rules is “Rule 17: contrary to one common anti-art complaint, you can’t just randomly insert line breaks into a text and get a poem. “Reading strategy: take a poem you don’t know well, pull out all the line breaks, then come back to it later and see if you can put them back where they were. “Are the line breaks need where they were? Are they needed at all? Look at the Bukowski piece again to see why he wrote this:

from the sad university
these hucksters of the
despoiled word
working the
still talking that
dumb shit.

“and why he did not write this:

from the sad
university lecterns
these hucksters
of the despoiled
word working
the hand-outs
still talking
that dumb shit.

“So it may not be the greatest poem in the world, but it has been constructed with some care, not just bashed out with random line breaks.”

This drew three comments. Someone signing himself, “Michael,” changed Bukowski’s lineation, without comment, to:

from the sad university lecterns
these hucksters of the despoiled word
working the hand-outs
still talking that dumb shit.

The blogger, Davidson, I assume, but calling himself, “eeksypeeksy,” said, “That’s pretty good. Maybe better than his, though his shorter lines may be better for throwing vicious little concrete chunks up at the lectern.”

I then came in with, “Bukowski’s version is much better than Michael’s because the line- breaks are much less expected–or certainly were when he wrote it. His kind of line- breaks are pretty common now, I guess. But I hit your blog’s comment button to air a minor gripe. I say you most definitely CAN “just randomly insert line breaks into a text and get a poem.” What you won’t get is a GOOD poem. For me, what I call “flow-breaks” are what differentiate poetry from prose. Line-breaks are the main kind of flow-break.”

A major problem with blogs is that no one ever answers me. Okay, I exaggerate–Geof Huth does. Eeksypeeksy didn’t. But, ah, the pleasure of being able so frequently to fire off a response to what someone says in print and know it will be published, unlike almost all letters to the editors of bigCity publications.

Gee, I thought I’d say a lot more about the many blogs and other websites I’ve been visiting, but I’m already out of room. Nonetheless, I’m going to leave the names of those I didn’t get to on my list, Anny Ballardini’s because it boasts what is probably the most eclectic collection of poems on the Internet (including a selection of mine, which is the real reason her site made my list, of course), my own blog because it’s mine; and the sites of Dan Waber and Michael Garofalo because they are excellent sources of first-rate concrete and related poetry, and commentary thereon. Dan’s has an especially interesting essay by Karl Kempton on the history of visual poetry.

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Column063 — September/October 2003 « POETICKS

Column063 — September/October 2003

Why My Opinion of Newspapers Is So Low


Small Press Review,
Volume 35, Numbers 9/10, September/October 2003

Another South
Bill Lavender, Editor
277 pp; 2002; Pa and Cloth;
The University of Alabama Press,
Tuscaloosa and London $27 and $60.

“Ptry, you say?”
Sonny Williams
from the Sunday, April 13, 2003 edition
of the New Orleans Times-Picayune
710 Apple Street, Norco LA 70079


A few columns ago, I reported on Another South, a recent anthology of otherstream poetry I had some poems in. It was actually reviewed in the New Orleans Times-Picayune in April. Unfortunately, the review was the pits. And my letter-to-the-editors correcting its errors and complaining of its unfairness was ignored.

According to the Times-Picayune website, the review was by a local New Orleans college English teacher named Sonny Williams. It appeared in their Sunday, April 13, edition. I should have been happy about it, because it stars me. Even its title, “Ptry, you say?” is a reference to a poem of mine, and its subheading, “That’s POETRY, ‘encrypted for metaphorical purpose,’ as it would be at home in ‘Another South,’” is a slam against something in the contributor’s note I wrote for the anthology.

Williams’s review begins with a neutral overview that speaks of “Interesting questions” and compliments the anthology editor, Bill Lavender, for “Judiciously present(ing)” the anthology’s contents. Thereupon, it slides into one of the two standard Philistine dismissals of unconventional poetry: that it isn’t really new. Even though Lavender says almost immediately in his introduction, “(This anthology) is not intended to represent a new ‘Southern Lit.’ It has not been my goal to define a new genre, style, or movement, and I make no claim for any sort of dominance by any of the styles and genres included. I only want to claim that the work represented here is happening. a simple fact that would be hard to deduce from reading the standard southern publications.” On the other hand, the mathematical and cryptographic poems of mine that were in the anthology, and similarly pluraesthetic poems (i.e., poems using more than one expressive modality) by a few others, such as Jake Berry, are certainly as new as poetry can be.

Williams takes the word of Hank Lazer, who wrote an introduction to the anthology, that the anthology’s poetry has evolved out of theory, particularly French post-structuralism. To demonstrate his with-it-ness, he quotes Marjorie Perloff to support his position. Such poetry as he takes Another South mainly to contain, is at its best, according to Perloff, when it “engages in a ‘textual activism’ that challenges language and actively pursues social and political ideas, questioning how we come to know our world and our place in it.” This is malarky: while Perloff knows a little about language poetry, she is ignorant about most other forms of poetry that have been taken up since the eighties, and are represented in this wide-ranging collection, and have a multitude of concerns not mentioned by Perloff.

Not surprisingly, it is here that William brings to the fore the second main Philistine argument against adventurous writing: it don’t make no sense. For him, the “attempts (of the anthology’s poets) to ‘derange the language,’ as Bernadette Mayer puts it (make) much of (its) poetry . . . literally unreadable. . . .”

At this juncture, I (a believer in new criticism and opponent of the French slush all my life) re-enter the essay. Williams’s example of “theory-based poetry” at its worst is one of my poems, “Cryptographiku for Wallace Stevens”:





Not content with having misspelled the poem’s title (a very minor error), Williams gets its third word wrong, as well, spelling it “cwuvmm.” This severely damages it since it is clearly a code-containing poem with a need to have every letter right. Williams goes on to badly misspell a passage he quotes from my contributor’s note–and misrepresent what I said, to boot. He claims I represent this poem as “one of (my) ‘more sophisticated ‘cryptographers’ (i.e., texts encrypted for some metaphorical purpose) and that I’ll leave to the reader to puzzle out.’” What I actually said (with italics added) was that it and another poem “contain more sophisticated ‘cryptophors’ (i.e., texts encrypted for some metaphorical purpose) that I’ll leave it to the reader to puzzle out.”

A bit of sloppiness bothersome only to a super-sensitive author, you say? Perhaps. But Williams does worse in not referring to what I said just before his quotation. I was speaking of my first cryptographiku in the anthology, “Cryptographiku No. 1″: “at his desk, the boy,/ writing his way b/ wywye tfdsfu xpsme.” This, I said, “simply depicts a boy writing a message in code. My hope is that a reader, in solving the poem’s (very simple) code, will experience the joy of working with codes; but the coded material is intended also to speak metaphorically of the boy’s writing his way into a secret world, of making/finding a world that is to the conventional one what an encrypted message is to a normal one.”

Is the “metaphorical purpose” Williams mocks really so obscure? Can what I said about the boy at his desk not be applied to “Cryptographiku for Wallace Stevens” to figure out “what ‘metaphorical purpose’ that poem has? Am I really so indifferent to and implicitly contemptuous of anyone who would read my poems as Williams seems trying to make me out as? I’ll leave it to the readers of this column to decide–as I wish Williams had given his readers the chance to.

Before signing off, I have one more philistinism of Williams’s to discuss. It is the too wide-spread notion that a poem that has to be explained to be appreciated is no good, a variation on the anti-obscurity plank of the Philistines’ platform. Such a notion neglects the fact that that all poetry composed a hundred or more years ago is vigorously taught in school, first through frequent exposure to it, and then through lessons on things like rhyme, etc. It neglects, too, the fact that all later established poetry is equally vigorously shown and taught to students in later grades, and in colleges. Poems like mine in Another South, on the other hand, are hardly so much as noticed much less read or studied in any school. Is it any wonder that their authors might think instruction in how to read them like that given for all other poetry might be helpful (if not necessarily to everyone)? That said, I would agree with the claim that a poem that has to be explained to be appreciated is defective–except that I would amend it to read, “A poem that needs to be explained to be appreciated by a knowledgeable reader who has given it a reasonable amount of concentrated, sympathetic attention is (probably) defective.

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Chapter Ten « POETICKS

Chapter Ten


Long ago, I read the book by Calvin Hoffman that advanced Marlowe as Shakespeare, The Murder of the Man Who was Shakespeare. I got a kick out of its plot, and strongly identified with the outspokenly non-conformist Marlowe. Certainly, he had the mental equipment to have become a Shakespearean-level playwright (if not necessarily the personality and character to have become Shakespeare.) Moreover, his tendency to say blasphemous and/or unpatriotic things, and to make enemies made it much easier to believe he might have disappeared, but continued to write plays using a front, as Hoffman contended, than it did to believe that some noble used a front merely to escape the derision of other nobles for writing, gasp, for the public stage, which was the main motive given for their man’s use of a fake-name by the Oxfordians and Baconians then.

Alas, the conspiracy required for Marlowe to have lived long enough to have written the plays is preposterous. Here’s what happened, in brief, according to the inquest report: on 30 May 1593, Marlowe spent a day with three other men, all of them in some degree suspicious characters, Robert Poley, a government agent; Nicholas Skeres, who had probably once been a government agent and could still have been involved in some way with government work, and Ingram Frizer, who apparently was not in government service but, like the other two, was a con-man who is on record as having cheated sons of well-to-do families out of money. Finally, Marlowe quarreled with Frizer about the bill (le reckoninge). This led to Marlowe’s trying to stab Frizer, who re-directed Marlowe’s knife into Marlowe, killing him. At the inquest two days later, a coroner with a jury of sixteen local citizens believed the testimony of Poley, Frizer and Skeres on the matter and found that Frizer had killed Marlowe in self-defense. The body of Marlowe was on view at the time, though the conspiracy-buffs are sure it was someone else’s (or maybe his own, rendered inert by some strong drug). There is no direct evidence of any conspiracy to counter the direct evidence of the inquest report, needless to say, and little indirect evidence. Not that there were not anomalies, but an anomaly-hunter can find anomalies in any criminal or like incident.

For instance, many Marlowe-advocates claim that Marlowe could not have “then & there instantly died” from the wound he got, as the coroner’s report stated. But, assuming he actually died instantly (instead of only seeming to have), there would have been nothing anomalous about it. Here’s what Marlowe-authority Charles Nicholl says about it in his book, The Reckoning:

Frizer, still hemmed in by Skeres and Poley, struggled with Marlowe to get the dagger off him. “And so it befell, in that affray, that the said Ingram, in defence of his life, with the dagger aforesaid of the value of twelve pence, gave the said Christopher a mortal wound above his right eye, of the depth of two inches and of the width of one inch.” From this wound, Christopher Marlowe “then & there instantly died.” Judging from this description, the point of the dagger went in just above the right eye-ball, penetrated the superior orbital fissure at the back of the eye socket, and entered Marlowe’s brain. On its way the blade would have sliced through major blood-vessels: the cavernous sinus, the internal carotid artery. The actual cause of death was probably a massive haemorrhage into the brain, or possibly an embolism from the inrush of air along the track of the wound.

Most of the other “anomalies” can be explained as readily.

Worse for the Deptford Hoax than the absence of direct concrete evidence for Marlowe’s faked death coupled with the direct evidence of his unfaked death is the extreme unlikelihood that any sensible conspirators would have worked up so wacked-out a scheme. We are to take them to not have considered unworkable an undertaking that could only succeed if: (1) a jury (16 men!) would not know either Marlowe or the man whose body was switched for his; (2) all the connivers would be willing to risk fairly serious punishment if they were found out, and Frizer a murder rap if not; (3) a loose cannon like Marlowe could keep himself concealed indefinitely; (4) the powerful enemies Marlowe was being protected from (according to most Marlspiracy theorists) would not send at least one representative to observe the public inquest and make sure privately of what had happened, even to the extent of digging up the supposed Marlowe; (5) no one would observe or hear what really went on at Mrs. Bull’s house during the many hours Marlowe and the other three were together there, which would include, presumably, the delivery of a corpse; (6) the corpse used in the proceedings could be gotten without any problems; (7) no one involved in the many subplots, such as the stealing of the corpse, would talk.

Instead of this, why not just have Marlowe leave the country? Or disappear, maybe at sea? Or have a doctor (one person) sign a death certificate stating that Marlowe had died of the plague. If a body needed to be buried, and there’s little reason one would have, another body could be buried quickly (because the custom was to bury plague victims quickly) in place of Marlowe’s (as in the Deptford Hoax except that few or none need have seen the burial, and if the body were examined, it could more easily pass as Marlowe’s because of the disfigurement the plague would cause, which could easily be enhanced, I would think—as a knife wound could not).

One counter argument to the above is that an official writ of someone high up in the government stating that Marlowe had died would be more credible than, say, some friend of Marlowe’s saying Marlowe had fallen off a boat and drowned. There are two problems with that: (1) an official writ could still come out of a simple back-alley death, or death by the plague, or several other possible scenarios, with many fewer people involved; and (2) if Marlowe were so important to the government that a hoax like the one proposed by the Marlowe-advocates could be carried out, the pro-Marlowe forces in the government would have been powerful enough to get him off the hook much more simply: by telling his enemies that he was guilty of none of the evil they suspected him of, but had only posed as a villain for reasons of state.

Peter Farey, the most gallant defender of the faked-death scenario, remains adamantly convinced of its plausibility. I’m afraid I can’t cover his arguments in full, but I hope in the following few paragraphs to give a fair sense of them, and why I reject them. His central argument is that from what we know about the men who met in Deptford and the circumstances, the most likely explanation by far for their meeting there was specifically to fake Marlowe’s death. The jurors didn’t know enough about these men and the circumstances to even consider that possibility. Here are Farey’s points, with my counter-comments interspersed:

(a) “Marlowe was in deep trouble, required to report daily to the Privy Council while further evidence was collected concerning suspected heresy. Comment: but what we also now know is that he was almost certainly in imminent danger of arrest, trial and execution for writing seditious literature. Three people had already been hanged for this within the past couple of months, despite Lord Burghley’s attempts to save at least two of them. That Marlowe would at such a time have chosen to spend a relaxing day in Deptford Strand ‘for no particular reason’ (as I at one stage argued–BG) is unthinkable.”

Response: even if Marlowe thought he’d be executed the next day, he may have decided to enjoy a social function. Human beings are not predictable. This is not likely, I agree, but what is likely, it seems to me, is that either he didn’t know how strong the case against him was, so was sure he’d not be punished, or he was aware of how strong the case against him was, but was still sure he’d not be punished (for any of a number of reasons including his knowledge that he was an Important Spy, or had friends in high places—or even that he was not rational). I might add that we do not know that “he was almost certainly in imminent danger of arrest, trial and execution for writing seditious literature,” although Farey presents some evidence (none of it direct) for supposing he may have been.

(b) “Marlowe’s friends and/or acquaintances were people like the ‘most ingenious’ Earl of Derby, and the ‘deep-searching’ Earl of Northumberland, together with his three ‘magi’, the mathematician Thomas Hariot, scientist Walter Warner, and geographer Robert Hues. There were his friends among the ‘university wits’, Thomas Nashe, Robert Peele, and George Chapman, and there was his patron, Thomas Walsingham. Instead of people like this, would he really choose to spend what were likely to be the last few hours of freedom he would ever experience with two confidence tricksters and a former agent provocateur with whom there is no evidence whatsoever of previous friendship? I think not.”

Response: this is excessive certainty (and snobbishness) as to how Marlowe, a variable human being whose circles of friendships are incompletely known, would have acted.

(c) “For the whole of the time he was in Deptford, Poley (one of the three at Deptford with Marlowe) was on duty—’in her majesty’s service’ the record says. He had left the country on 8th May, and – despite having with him ‘letters in post (ie in a hurry) for her Majesty’s special and secret affairs of great importance,’ had gone from the Hague to Deptford before delivering them. When exactly was this relaxing day with a few ‘friends and/or acquaintances’ (as one Stratfordian scenario hypothesizes) organized? The whole idea is absurd. And (other than attending the inquest on 1st June) what on earth was he doing in her majesty’s service between 30th May, when the event happened, and 8th June when he at last got round to delivering those letters?

Response: First of all, outings do not need to be organized. Secondly, that Poley did not deliver the post till six days after the inquest pretty strongly demonstrates he was in no hurry to deliver it. What was he doing instead? Goofing off, probably. Why the lack of hurry to deliver the important message? Who knows, but some possible reasons include his knowlege that the message wasn’t really important, and/or that his boss always wanted things “in post,” which meant for him, “in a week or two,” and/or that Poley was insolent and didn’t bother with orders. We must also be aware that the record of Poley’s having had “letters in post” has to do with his pay, where the importance of the letters may well have been exaggerated to justify his being paid as much and/or for as many days’ duty as he was.

(d) “At the time of this happening, Frizer and Skeres were right in the middle of some rather shady financial chicanery together. To make a healthy profit (about a hundred thousand pounds at today’s rates), all they needed was to get things settled with a young man called Drew Woodleff. That they would at this very moment ‘decide for no particular reason to get together’ with a couple of other people in no way involved with this (and, as we have seen, with far more pressing concerns of their own) is just out of the question.”

Response: “Just out of the question?” Poppycock. We weren’t there, so we can’t know that they didn’t know that they didn’t have to wait a few days before proceeding with Woodleff. But the Woodleff business does suggest that perhaps Frizer and Skeres got together with Poley and Marlowe because they needed their help with Woodleff for some reason we can never know, as we can never know such a great deal about this incident.

(e) “Even if we were able to ignore all of the above, however, (which of course we can’t) why on earth would they choose Deptford as a place to meet? The obvious answer is to meet Poley off the ship, but this would be ridiculous. Arrivals by sea were never as predictable as that, and an adverse wind could have had them spending days waiting for him to turn up. Marlowe was reporting to the Privy Council at Nonsuch every day, and Poley had urgent and important letters to take there, so somewhere in that vicinity around the time of his return would have been far more sensible. Or why not at or near Scadbury, where Marlowe was apparently living, and Frizer was Walsingham’s ‘servant’? Deptford, in this context, makes no sense at all.”

Response: They had to pick someplace. But who says they met there rather than on the way there? One possible scenario is that Mr. A was going to Deptford for one of any number of reasons, met Mr. B and Mr. C along the way and invited them along—and Mr. D., by coincidence, turned up there, too, and joined them. Or maybe they did all decide to go to Deptford because they had heard Mrs. Bull served terrific mutton, or ran a terrific whorehouse, or because none of them had ever been there and wanted to see what it was like, or because they were trying to go to Paris but got lost.

Farey sums up as follows: “All of the above is based upon written records. We can, of course, invent various imaginative reasons why such things might not matter, but that’s only if we are determined to deny the possibility of some other purpose being the real reason for these people being there. And that would be cheating!” With that, Farey goes on to say that his scenario explains some fifteen things that he feels need explaining, and which no other scenario explains. For example, it “fully explains why Marlowe would choose to spend the day with these people rather than with his known friends and acquaintances.”

My response: No matter whom you put with Marlowe, Farey’d find a way to say why they, and only they, could have been there.  I would add that I certainly do not “deny the possibility of some other purpose being the real reason for these people being there.”  What I deny (what I, in fact, consider unthinkable) is that the “other purpose” Farey believe brought them together is not the only possible one, nor the most plausible one.

Farey also claims that his scenario “fully explains why the three ‘witnesses’ needed to be accomplished liars.” I would see no need to–and suggested to Farey that if the three “witnesses” were an army officer, a bishop and a judge, all of the highest moral repute, he would argue that only such unimpeachable witnesses could have been there. It seems to me that all he is doing with his fifteen items in need of explanation is demonstrating that he can make any datum fit his predetermined conclusion.

Here’s Farey’s worst argument for his scenario: “With (it), a dead body said to be Marlowe lying there at the end of the day is exactly what would be expected. With (a scenario that assumes the four persons involved came together for who knows what reason but not to pull off a faked death hoax), it is last thing you would expect.” From this it follows that had Farey been in England at this time and known all the facts he lists—e.g., who was involved, where they went, what we know about them, etc.—he would have been able to predict what actually happened. Of course, I would have been able to predict Marlowe might have been killed in a tavern brawl or the like since I would have known that Marlowe had gotten into two or three recorded potentially lethal fights before. He was known to be bad-tempered. It is most certainly not the last thing I would have expected. But, then, I would not have expected anything. What happens, happens, for people like me; what happens is the result of a conspiracy for anti-Stratfordians (if it has anything conceivable to do with the Bard). Clickety-click.

Farey simply assumes that every known detail concerning the Deptford event and its participants is relevant, and that no unknown details concerning it are. He’s like someone asked to identify the contents of a pitch-black cage who touchs a hoof and something pointed, hears a moo, and smells something that reminds him of the way his pet cat smells. He then says the cage contains a small hoofed cat with antlers who moos. He refuses to accept that there may have been more than one animal in the cage, so that some or all of the “facts” he discovered may not apply, nor that there are the many facts that he has missed that very likely would apply. However unlikely his identified animal is, it best fits the few known facts (if only in his view), so that’s it for him.

Farey, I suppose I ought to report, pooh poohs those of us who find the faked death scenario implausible. We have no way of knowing that many faked deaths have not occurred successfully since we’d never find out about them if they had succeeded. The same is true, naturally, of successful authorship hoaxes: if they were successful, it follows that we could not know that they were successful.

The problem with this reasoning is that we still should have heard about at least one faked death that succeeded for a long time—until, say, the person involved no longer had to pretend to be dead, because he was. We haven’t. On the other hand, we have heard of much simpler faked deaths that did not succeed, some of them involving just a single person who disappeared. That such faked deaths failed suggests, I should think, the difficulty of pulling off a very complicated one that went without being so much as suspected for centuries (in spite of its being widely known that the person whose death was faked had extremely good reasons to fake it). The same reasoning holds for being skeptical that many authorship hoaxes as complicated as any of the alleged Shakespearean ones could have been carried out too successfully even to have been suspected.

Aside from the implausibility of the conspiracy needed for it, the Marlowe candidacy is unsupported by any kind of substantial evidence.   Hoffman produced little more for his man than parallels between his written works and Shakespeare’s. The feebleness of those parallels was what first turned me against his theory. Moreover, if one writer used phrasing like the other, so what? There seems little reason not to expect Marlowe and Shakespeare to know and be influenced by each other’s work. Shakespeare, the actor, may even have acted in one or more plays by Marlowe. No doubt, if I were fair, I’d list all the parallels Hoffman, and others after him, found. I’ll just list two examples: “Ah, cruel brat, sprung from a tyrant’s loins” which is supposed to parallel “O, tiger’s heart, wrapped in a woman’s hide”; and “Love is too full of faith, too credulous” which does parallel “O hard-believing love, how strange it seems/ Not to believe, and yet too credulous”—as do probably five zillion similar lines by other writers. Amazingly enough, the supporters of all the other candidates for the role of The True Author have found equally inexplicable parallels between what their man wrote and what Shakespeare wrote, which should give all parallel-hunters pause for thought, but never does, the parallels they find being the only really good ones.

The best support for the Marlowe hypothesis is his having been a poet and playwright of genius and of the proper age to have written Shakespeare’s works. And, of course, although Marlowe was a commoner, he was not only college-educated, but came to know many of the more important cultural figures of his time such as Thomas Hariot, Thomas Watson and Sir Walter Ralegh. He was almost certainly part of the English equivalent of the CIA, too, which makes it easier to believe there may have been more strange, secretive goings-on in his life than in the lives of others of the candidates.

Stylometrics (the statistical analysis of such things as sentence-length, ratio of adjectives to nouns, number of unusual locutions, etc.) has also been used in Marlowe’s favor, particularly Thomas Mendenhall’s finding early in the twentieth-century that Shakespeare’s pattern of relative word-lengths—percentage of three-letter words, four-letter words, etc. is almost exactly the same as Marlowe’s but significantly different from other writers whose writings Mendenhall analysed. Modern stylometricists rarely claim their results to be conclusive indications of anything (nor, in fact, did Mendenhall, although Hoffman reported his findings as though he did). And more than one have carried out other studies that have found great differences between Marlowe and Shakespeare. Not that Marlowe advocates don’t believe themselves able to explain away those differences. Farey, for instance, attributes them primarily to the effect of passage of time on Marlowe-as-Shakespeare’s style, arguing that it is unfair to compare young Marlowe’s style with that of Shakespeare ten or twenty years later; it should only be compared to the young Shakespeare’s (which, Farey believes, it fairly closely matches). He is probably right, but I think few objective persons, knowledgeable of the state of stylometrics at this time, would deem it mature enough to be more than mildly suggestive; Farey himself does not put a great deal of stock in it.

The final kind of evidence that has been adduced for the Marlowe theory consists of secret messages. For instance, the prologue to Marlowe’s play, The Jew of Malta, is spoken in the name of Macheval, which—for Marlowe-advocates—must almost certainly be the author himself, for Marlowe was often referred to as Machiavellian, and the first four letters of the name, MACH, produce Ch. Ma. So what, someone might ask? Well, it so happens that “Ch. Marl.” is the name under which Marlowe’s Dr Faustus was published in 1604!

The passage begins: “Albeit the world thinks Machevil is dead,/ Yet was his soul but flown beyond the Alps,/ And now the Guise is dead, is come from France/ To view this land and frolic with his friends.” For the Marlowe-advocates this can not be an entertainingly fanciful playwright’s explanation for the presence of Machiavelli onstage after his death, but has to be a proclamation of Marlowe’s not having died as supposed. Later parts of the passage, about Macheval’s deeming religion a childish toy, could apply to Marlowe as well, but “Though some speak openly against my books/ Yet will they read me, and thereby attain/ to Peter’s Chair: and when they cast me off,/ Are poisoned by my climbing followers” can only apply to Machiavelli, since Marlowe had no followers, nor could his books reasonably be said to help anyone gain “Peter’s Chair,” or the papacy.

Equally or more silly is the interpretation by some Marlowe-advocates of a sentence spoken by Touchstone during his conversation with Audrey (iii. 3): “When a man’s verses cannot be understood, nor a man’s good wit seconded with the forward child understanding, it strikes a man more dead than a great reckoning in a little room.” Supposedly, this could not have been written by the man from Stratford, because he could not have known that the inquest on Marlowe’s death spoke of “le reckoninge” (the bill) as the cause of the knife fight that did Marlowe in. But Shakespeare could, of course, have heard about “le reckoninge,” and heard that phrase itself, which could easily have gotten into circulation even before the inquest and reached him in the gossip he would surely have heard about Marlowe’s end. Or it could have been a coincidence that he used that particular word.

Much more elaborate than the preceding is Farey’s interpretation of the Shakespeare Monument. This is the instance of secret-message-finding that I have previously said I would spend some time on because I find it representative of all the Shakespeare-rejectors’ word-work—at its best. Here, again, is the text of the English part of that monument’s inscription. which is all we will be concerned with here:


To most scholars, this means something like:

(l.1) Wait, fellow traveler through mortality—why rush by so quickly?
(l.2) Read, if you are able to, who it is that death, envious of his high value, has caused
(l.3) to be put into this monument: Shakespeare, with whom
(l.4) the vital portion of the natural world went, as well; whose name on this tomb,

(l.5) is of far greater value than the tomb’s material cost since all that its bearer wrote
(l.6) leaves living art, (though) only paper (and also as a page/servant), to assist his wisdom (in making itself known).

Anti-Stratfordians are loud about how few scholars would agree on every detail of my interpretation above, or on any other interpretation; this makes the inscription, for them, ambiguous. But, of course, scholars disagree on the exact interpretation of just about all poems, particularly those from centuries ago; and they certainly agree on all that is important in this one: the fact that the passer-by is asked to take note of the name of the man, Shakespeare, who is buried here, and that this man was an uncommonly fine writer as the accompanying text in Latin verifies. Peter Farey would agree that the text’s surface message approximates my interpretation of it, but that the text is ever so slightly warped here and there so as simultaneously to contain the more important message he finds hidden in it. For starters, he—pursuing the time-honored anti-Stratfordian tactic of seeking anomalies—zeroes in on the inscription’s peculiar request that a passer-by read its message if he can (as if he could do that if he couldn’t read). Farey theorizes that a passer-by will look twice at this, and—on reflection be led to the “alternative meaning” that is inviting him to “solve if thou canst.” An unprecedented instruction for such an inscription to make, Farey agrees, but what of it? There has to be a first time for anything.

Nor does it bother Farey that such a text’s asking a person to read it if he could was not unusual (something he himself points out). For instance, Ben Jonson’s “An Epitaph, on Henry L. La-ware,” which was probably written in 1628, the year of La Ware’s death, begins, “If, Passenger, thou canst but reade/ Stay, drop a teare for him that’s dead…” My main guess as to why that such seeming absurdities existed is that literacy was still new–too new for many to recognize the circular thinking involved in “read if thou canst” in asking a person to read something if he was able to read. Some kinds of obviousnesses have to be pointed out by the very clever before the rest of us notice them. Then, of course, followeth our amazement at not having seen them before. An example few have remarked on is Shakespeare’s “remembrance of things past.” How can one remember anything that is not in the past, or has not passed?

Farey’s interpretation of the text as a whole is as follows:

(l.1) Stay, traveller, why go by so fast?
(l.2) Work out, if you can, whom envious Death has placed
(l.3) with, in this monument, Shakespeare – with whom
(1.4) his living function died. ‘Christ-
(l.5) ofer Marley’. He is returned, nevertheless. That he did the writing
(1.6) leaves Art alive, without a ‘page’ to dish up his wit

It seems to me that Farey’s translation makes reasonable sense up to “He is returned, nevertheless.” It strikes me odd that someone would be placed in the monument with Shakespeare but possible. The phrase, “living function,” seems a null phrase, but too short to count for much. “He is returned, nevertheless” loses me entirely, for I don’t understand why Marley, who is in the monument with Shakespeare, has returned. Farey says in his Internet essay on the subject that the sentence “implies that, despite what we thought, he has nevertheless . . . in some way returned from the dead.” But Farey’s translation gives us too few details to let us know in what way or from where Marley has returned.

Then comes “That he did the writing” . . . What writing? For Farey, it is the writing that we traditionalists think Shakespeare did, but there is nothing in Farey’s translation of the inscription that tells us this. Whatever it is, it assures the continued existence of Art that lacks a page to dish up Marley’s wit. It is here that we have to go outside the covert text for clues. According to Farey, we have to guess that Marley’s art will no longer have Shake-speare as a page to serve up his wit, Shakespeare having in his lifetime acted as a front for Marley. We are to further assume that because Marley is still alive, and has written Shakespeare’s previous works we will get more such works from him (although Marley neglected to follow through on this, so far as the historical record indicates).

It is at this point that one wonders what the point of the secret message is, from its schizpirational author’s point of view. It is absurd to believe that anyone who did not already believe Marlowe was Shakespeare would bother to look for a secret message in the inscription, much less such a secret message. It is near-infinitely absurd to believe that anyone not believing this would find Farey’s message (as we shall see when we examine how Farey found it). So: what is the point of a message that secretly tells a few people something secret they already know? Farey’s guess: “This is simply a way of providing Marlowe with his share of (appreciation), whilst (for reasons I do not pretend to know) preserving the secret of his survival.”

If, on the other hand, the message is intended (more in keeping with the way human minds work) to tell posterity The Truth, why the vagueness? Why would a clearly ingenious puzzle-maker not secrete a knock-out message into the inscription like, “Bless the Man buried here for pretending to have written the works of Christopher Marlowe of Canterbury to preserve that man’s Life?” Or, sticking closely to the text as given, why not (after line one), “Read, if you can, who is in this monument with Shakespeare: Christ-ofer Marley, since it was he that writt/ Our England’s most majestic works of witt?” This would also make the overt message a clearer one: “Read, if you can, whom death put in this monument; whose name decks this tomb far more than cost—since it was he that writt our England’s most majestic works of wit.” Why so tangled a secret message when much better ones were available? Why, in fact, is it a given that any message dug up by a Baconian or Neo-Baconian Word-Sleuth will invariably be clumsy if not stupid, and equivocal at best? Anti-Stratfordian answer: to allow the secret-message writer, if caught, to be able to deny the message was intentional! The idea is to make the secret message so ridiculous that any sane person would take it as an accident, and not ferret out its author and punish him for revealing . . . the Truth.

I trust the reader will agree with me that Farey’s uncovered secret message would not be worth leaving for posterity—or, really, anyone else—as Farey has it. Aside from that, is it really there? Its first two lines are reasonable enough, however unlikely. Farey’s reading of “with in” as two separate words in its third line to get “with, in this monument, Shakespeare” is horrendously awkward but can be excused as poetic license, I suppose–although “within” was often spelled as two separate words in Shakespeare’s time, and seems rarely if ever used to mean anything but “within” whether spelled as one or two words.

Not so easy to excuse is Farey’s unwarranted conversion of “nature” to “function.” The problem with “nature” as function” is not that “nature” can’t, with straining, mean “function,” but that in this context, nature can only (untortuously) mean “the physical universe”—because it lacks “the” or “an” or some other such modifier. Unless the secret message is intended to tell us that “functionality” or some such thing had died, which wouldn’t make much sense, but I suppose would be permissible.

Then we come to Farey’s “decoding,” or whatever he chooses to call it, of “WHOSE NAME, DOTH DECK YS TOMBE, FAR MORE, THEN COST: SIEH ALL,” to “Christ-ofer Marley. He is returned, nevertheless.” He begins, having determined that there is a puzzle to be solved, by considering, “whose name doth deck this tombe (question-mark understood)” to be a clue in a riddle. He elects to disregard the monument as a tomb since it doesn’t act as a tomb, in his considered opinion. Since the monument is said to hold Shakespeare (at the behest of Death, I might add), it would seem (and has seemed to nearly everyone who has given the matter thought) that “this tombe” refers to, and further specifies the exact nature of, “this monument,” and that the name that decks it is Shakespeare’s. For Farey, though, “this tombe” most logically must refer to Shakespeare’s actual tomb, which is the tomb nearest the monument. This leads him to conclude that the only name that can satisfy the clue he has found is “Jesus.” That’s because the only name (as a name) on the gravestone over Shakespeare’s tomb, is Jesus (in the phrase, “for Jesus Sake forbeare”). “Jesus,” of course, is the name of Christ. Christ, then, is the person whose name is on “this tomb.”

I have all kinds of what I can only term grammatical problems with this. If we are asked to find out whose name is on “this tomb,” and decide—arbitrarily, it seems to me—that Shakespeare’s grave is meant, then the proper answer would be, “Christ’s”—possessive—if not “Our Saviour’s” or “the Messiah’s,” etc. Even if we ignore that, how do we know to go on? As Terry Ross shows in an analysis of all this he did at HLAS, “Jesus” is a more than sufficient answer to the riddle. Death has placed Shakespeare, a good Christian, with his God. Then, using Farey’s translation of “sieh” as “he is returned,” and assuming “he” to refer to “Shakespeare,” we can take the words directly after our solution, “Jesus,” to say that “he (Shakespeare) is returned far more than cost” (by which is meant, the cost of dying). All else reverts to its surface meaning.

Against this, Farey has, he believes, revealing punctuation marks: the commas before and after “far more.” The second of these isn’t certain—and the placement of commas throughout the inscription seems random, but for Farey they indicate that we must take “far more” and “then cost” as two separate semantic units that go with “whose name doth deck this tomb,” or “Christ.”

Doing this, we soon discover–that is, Farey first among mortals has discovered–that “far more” is an anagram for “ofer mar.” He has no explanation as to why, having found an answer to a riddle to get “Christ,” we are now to play anagrams to get, “ofer mar,” but it is breath-taking to find that we now have, “Christ-ofer Mar!”

Then what? Here the inscription tells us: “then cost.” “Than” in that era was often spelled, “then,” as the inscription has it, but could, of course, mean, “then,” too—and does here, for Farey. Once we play our third game—this time the simple crossword game of finding a synonym—and convert “cost” to “ley,” we have “Christofer Mar,” then “ley,” or “Christofer Marley,” which is the way Christopher Marlowe spelled his name in the one signature we have from him! One has to admit that it’s ingenious. But it’s hard not to consider it nutty, as well.

Oh, “cost” becomes “ley” because the Oxford English Dictionary has an entry for “lay,” which can also be spelled, “ley,” that gives one meaning of it as “impost, assessment, rate, tax”—and each of those is a kind of cost. This use of “lay” is so obscure that the OED’s editors have found only one recorded instance of it. Amusingly, it was in a manuscript from the 1300s that was not printed until centuries after Shakespeare’s monument was erected, and it was not then spelled “ley.” Nor was it used as a synonym of “cost”: “He . . . bad his hostes feede hem that day And sette heore costes in his lay.” The “lay” was not the costs but was a bill for the costs. No matter: Farey is convinced that he has found his name.

His adventure is not over, though. Faced with “sieh,” he must continue, because “Christopher Marley since all he has writt/ leaves living art but page to serve his witt” would not make sense, even to him. This text results from a fourth game Farey decides to play for no reason except that he likes the result. (In defending his playing games to find his solution, Farey offers the example of a funerary inscription that contains an acrostic—a quite obvious one (one using the first letter of each of its lines) that spells “Francis Walsingham”; he presents no precedent of an epitaph’s requiring one to play two games, much less four, instead relying again on the certainty that there has to be a first time for everything.

“Sieh,” to get back to Farey’s “solution,” is “He is” backwards, or “returned,” as one definition of “back” in the OED has it, and it—”sieh”—is with “all,” or “withal,” which Farey takes to be a possible synonym for “nevertheless.” Farey deems it important because of another set of clues: that in certain words in the inscription (all of whose letters are upper-case) “a larger capital is unexpectedly present or missing.” There are six such: “read,” “with,” “tombe,” “quick,” “sieh” and “he.” It’s clear why “read” would be important since without it no one would examine the inscription cryptographically—or however it is that Farey can be said to have examined it. “With” needs to be emphasized to make sure the word-sleuth doesn’t read it as merely the first syllable of “within.” The “tombe” is where we find Christ’s name. As for “quick,” well, I can’t see why it should be considered important, myself. It is actually superfluous, since “nature,” whatever it is, is said to have died, so must previously have been alive, or “quick.” I think only Farey could consider it more worthy of emphasis than “nature”—or, especially, “far” and “more,” which are absolutely vital since they help spell The True Author’s Name; or “cost,” the Final Clue to the Name; or “page,” the brilliantly clever pun without which there’d be nothing in the secret message to tell us that Shakespeare acted as Marley’s front. That “he” should be emphasized makes little sense, either (unless, as Terry Ross suggests, it refers to Jesus). It is thus close to unarguable that the extra-large capital letters are there at the whim of the engraver, just as the extra, and missing, punctuation marks are (where they aren’t the result of wear on the metal bearing the inscription).

Of course, in Farey’s favor, “sieh” is misspelled. But Terry Ross has found other examples of worse misspellings of funerary inscriptions of the time: in one, for instance, “Christ” lacks a proper “s”—one has clearly been later squeezed into it as a sort of super-script. They weren’t world-class at the art of punctuation back then. Even today gravestones—expensive ones—get things wrong. On his, Isaac Bashevis Singer was described as a “Noble” (rather than “Nobel”) laureate. Elvis Presley’s middle name was misspelled on his stone, and an Edgar Allan Poe monument in Baltimore included both a misspelling of his name and a double “the” in a quotation, that took two goes to correct.

Of the remaining liberties Farey takes with the inscription, little can be said in defense of his switch of “that he hath writt” to “that he did the writing”; paraphrasing the former as “that he did writing” would be quite proper, but sticking in “the” is cheating, pure and simple. His reading “but” as “without” seems quite strained; the OED, however, does give “without” and “unprovided with” for “but” . . . in Scottish use at the time of Shakespeare, and for all we know the author of the secret message may well have been Scottish, so I’ll let that go. Nonetheless, the verdict seem undeniable: the message Farey finds is no more on the monument than similar messages found by Baconians, Oxfordians and other anti-Stratfordians are where they turn them up right and left.

In defending the word-games he plays to find his solution, by the way, Farey offers the example of a funerary inscription that contains an acrostic—a quite obvious one (one using the first letter of each of its lines) that spells “Francis Walsingham”; he presents no precedent of an epitaph’s requiring one to play two games, much less four, instead relying again on the certainty that there has to be a first time for everything.

Whatever one thinks of Farey’s uncovered secret message, one thing has to be admitted about it: it is superior to the one found by a certain Hugh Black using Lord Bacon’s cipher on the poem on Shakespeare’s gravestone. By fooling a bit with the text’s captializations, then arbitrarily using combinations of upper- and lower-case letters to stand for various letters in the alphabet, he got, “Shaxpeare. Fra Ba wrt ear ay,” which believers understood to say, “Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare’s plays.”

To conclude on the Marlowe theory, it has twice the conspiracy requirements of the other theories and as little evidence as they to support it. Worse, Francis Meres, Ben Jonson, John Howes, Robert Greene (if he wrote The Groatsworth of Wit), Henry Chettle (probably) and others of Shakespeare’s time mentioned him and Shakespeare as two different men. We are left with no reason to seriously consider Marlowe to have been The True Author.


Next Chapter here.

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Column 121 — January/February 2014 « POETICKS

Column 121 — January/February 2014

Notes From an Anthology Contributor


Small Press Review,
Volume 46, Numbers 1/2, January/February 2014



Shadows of the Future. Edited by Marc Vincenz.
2013; 166 pp.  Argoist Ebooks.
Downloadable for free.

Early in 2013 I was invited to write an introduction to an ebook anthology, Shadows of the Future, which I happily accepted.  As is my practice in introductions to poetry collections, I devoted about a third of what I wrote to commentary on various poems in it, to prepare readers for what they’d be in for.  But Jeff Side, the anthology’s publisher, nixed that whole section, so I removed it.  I’m not sure why Jeff opposed it, but probably because he’s one of those who believe a poem should stand on its own, without any need for explanation.  True enough for poems not doing anything that readers haven’t been taught for decades how to appreciate, but not, I believe, for poems like the ones in Shadows of the Future that few readers have yet been taught much about, and the not inconsiderable number of ones (like my visio-mathematical ones I contributed to the anthology) that just about no one has even been taught exist.

In any case, I was abruptly left with some poetry commentary I thought well of but had no venue for (except my obscure blog)–until I remembered this column!  It was just the place for it!  (Praise be to them what’s in charge of SPR,  who don’t never cut nuttin’ of mine!)

Before  getting to what I said about a few of its works, I should say that the anthology’s subtitle is “an anthology of otherstream poetry.” As I put it in my introduction, “otherstream poetry” (a term I coined in the eighties, so consider myself the world’s leading authority on its meaning) is simply “any poetry ignored by the Contemporary American Poetry Establishment,”   I went on in my introduction to define and discuss the latter at some length, quite irreverently.  My aim was to be provocative, but so far (as of this writing, early November), the Contemporary American Poetry Establishment has completely ignored what I wrote, and the rest of the anthology.

Now, for those who are interested in what’s going on in poetry you’ll never find specimens of, or critical discussion about, in publications like  Poetry or the New Yorker, here are some of my excluded thoughts beginning with the title and first few lines of something by the John M. Bennett, whom I consider the most insanely creative otherstream poet on earth (because innovative in dozens of ways, in dozens of different kinds of poems)–as in the following language poem:


I’ve called him “the Jackson Pollock” of poetry because of so many of his poems’ struggled ascent from the reptilian bottom of human feeling into a sub-demotic splatter that eventually coheres into a kind of finally understood momentary but full state of mind.  If you stay with it long enough forebearingly.  Read all of X and you may find a war memory from 1970 tying together the gas in the head above its sprinkled/wrinkled  negative neck with sweaty/eaty rifles and twenty or thirty other details it goes on to speak of, that dwindle at the poem’s end to “just all a ,mot/ ion” With no final period.  You should find a lot else, for Bennett’s poem, like many others in Shadows of the Future is–to understate it–multi-interpretable.

Earlier in the book you will see how Bennett has corrupted Ivan Arguelles in the latter’s “Vergilian,” which is dedicated to Bennett and begins: “towel simpering but minded/ crammed to the silt a libyan/ seal arena’d and ’mptied/ foul o’er the buskin’s weed . . .  Later David Tomaloff builds an intriguing poem from texts by Bennett.

Similarly hard (at first) to follow is editor Vincenz’s “The Uh-Huh” which seems to me to track life (with a kind of mordant wit) in seven two-line stanzas from “The demystified./ The wrack and ruin.” to “The Uh-Huh./ The consequence of love.”  Or is it love that is tracked?  Read it, and decide out for yourself.  As I just put it, there’s a good deal of multi-interpretability in this book.

Perhaps my favorite poem in the anthology is completely mainstream, albeit by Jack Foley, who is most often in the sound-poetry or performance-poetry part of the otherstream.  Its title is “Noir.”  “She stared at me the way an empty tin can stares at a cooked peach,” it begins. A wonderful, affectionate parody in verse of the school of detective stories Raymond Chandler, among others, did so well.  Then there’s Larissa Schmailo’s “Oscillation,” which begins, “Cellular grandfather, pity me: once it was understood/ how things were done, how the boiling ferns invited the/ glaciers to come, how the dinosaurs asked to die. . . .”  A compelling bunch of off-thoughts and images on the evolution–astronomical, geological and biological–of the earth.

Marcia Casoly, and “Music Box” by Camille Bacos, are “simply” hued map (I take it as) overlaid with a paratactical poem (or collage of locutions) having to do with women’s combination of fear of and interest in surgery both cosmetic and medical.  A verbalized surgery seems to be plunging through, occasionally occupying, the territory mapped’s female body . . . and/or mind’s interior?

Bacos’s piece is a photograph of part of a somewhat run-down hotel overlaid with a fragment of sheet music that instantly turns the hotel metaphorically into a vividly-lyrical box of remembered music (and all that “music” can connote).

Then there are “Piece,” by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen, and “Ascemic,” by Jurgen Schmidt.  The Kervinen is not so much a graphic with an overlay as a graphic with typography added.  A road past a fenced-off dark area is depicted, with some text representing language-in-general, for me, going interestingly down it, the importance of its undertaking (whatever it is) emphasized somehow by a large sign with a on it, and containing about the only colors in the work–arrestingly.

The Schmidt is a drawing (pen & ink or black magic marker) of a simple landscape dominated by a temple that points to heaven, and seems to climb into it, cheered on by a huge-lettered text in a language I can’t read (and accompanied by other texts drawn in smaller lettering in the same–middle Eastern–language?

I end hoping this fine collection of artworks will be the one that finally gets the gatekeepers to acknowledge the value, or at least existence, of the otherstream, but I rather doubt it will.


2 Responses to “Column 121 — January/February 2014”

  1. This is great, Bob. Your comments on individual poems are some of what you do best – thanks for publishing these. It would have been great if they were in the book!

  2. bill dimichele says:

    sarcophagus lid
    sinks low above the treetops
    wash it down with beer

    returns the moonlight
    half lion and half pharaoh
    mingles with the guests

    the dandelion
    all my scientific friends
    are classifying

    i take a bite
    how sour are the pickles
    that dwell in the worlds

    fallen from the trees
    and into her red mittens
    the visiting moon

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Column048 — January/February 2001 « POETICKS

Column048 — January/February 2001

Anthology News

Small Press Review,
Volume 33, Numbers 1/2, January/February 2001

6 Contemporary American Visual Poets
(a catalogue for a show curated by Pete Spence).
6 pp; Pete Spence, 40 Bramwell Street,
Ocean Grove 3226, Victoria, Australia,
or [email protected]. $5 (in cash–but
contact Spence for details on this and
the other items discussed below).



For the past six months or so, I’ve been suffering through a Major Project I’ve mentioned in this column before: a multi- volume anthology of visio-textual art that Crag Hill and I are editing. It would have been fun except that Sprout, the publish- on-demand outfit we were depending on to get the anthology out at a price we could afford, suddenly discontinued their publish-on- demand operation just as I was readying the master copy of volume one for them. They had three other books my press had done already in their computer, copies of which they were supposed to publish whenever required–indefinitely. Now if there is any demand for more than the few copies of these that I have on hand, I’ll have to have a second edition printed. Moral: he who uses a publish-on-demand company must bear in mind the possibility that it will fold.

I didn’t, so took a while for me to adjust to Sprout’s severing ties with my press. Eventually, I wrote to a few regular printing companies friends in poetry had recommended to me. I heard back from none, probably because I wanted to print only a hundred copies. I also used the Internet to find other publish-on-demand companies but turned up none but vanity presses. The best of these, Trafford, charges a $500 set-up fee (or more, if you want frills like a listing in their on-line catalogue). It then allows you to buy copies of your paperback for around $7 a copy (for a 200-pager)–for a year. To be able to continue to buy copies of your book after the first year, you need to pay them $84 a year thereafter. I found this last charge inexplicable.

Desperate, I tried to use one such enterprise for volume one of our anthology, anyway–until they demanded a substantial amount of extra money because of the many graphics the volume would use. Finally, two of the contributors to volume one suggested we form a collective and ask contributors to contribute part of the cost of publishing it offset. The others agreed, and one of our contributors, Karl Young, will now be publishing it under his light & dust imprint. I’m going to have to steal $2000 from one of my credit cards, at ungodly interest, to cover what the contributors can’t, but we’re hoping to sell enough copies to cover most of what I and the others have put in. Meanwhile, volume two is on the back burner of a stove on the farside of the moon. I’m determined to get that out, too, but probably won’t be able to for at least a year.

Which brings us, believe it or not, to the catalogue of an Australian visual poetry exhibition. How? Well, five of the six people featured in the show are contributors to the first volume of our anthology, Kathy Ernst, Scott Helmes, Karl Kempton, Marilyn R. Rosenberg and Carol Stetser. The sixth is me. And the catalogue seems to me almost as good a summary of what’s been going on in visual poetry in America over the past thirty years as our first volume. At any rate, it presents an excellently compact, quick overview. Two of its six reproductions are in color, too (just one of the anthology’s is).

As soon as I saw it, I wanted to review it, even though it’s only six pages long. That’s because of Kathy Ernst’s cover image. It consists of the sentence, “I feel so nice, like thousands of tiny boats,” printed twenty-two times right to left and twenty-two times sideways and perpendicular to (and crossing) the right-to- left lines. Most of the lines are in shades of blue, but five are in red. The result is one of Ernst’s “quilts.” So what do we have? A silly, banal-seeming but absolutely just-right expression of contentment: quilt-warmth, childhood delight (from the tiny boats), harbored security (since many boats are unlikely except in harbors), sea-gentleness (from the colors, and the rhythm of the printing), energetic cheerfulness (from the colors) and, finally, fun, due to the overprinted text’s needing to be figured out.

The other pieces are equally charged, however different–and mine isn’t the only one with math in it! Carol Stetser’s piece combines some algebraic equations with cave paintings and other matter to speak with her usual eloquence of, among much else, humanity’s quest for Meaning. Marilyn Rosenberg’s piece, all calligraphy as a form of music, is more about the quest for meaningful communication (as I see it), for it rises from wind- blown blotchiness through controlled empty lettering (i.e., outlined lettering) to substantial but still averbal script. There is much more to it I haven’t space to consider here. Karl Kempton’s contribution is one of his invocations of Vishnu that uses repetitions of one of Vishnu’s 108 names to form a gorgeously deep well out of the blank page to speak, among other things, of meaning’s rise from nothingness, and Scott Helmes pulls off a wonderfully swirly red and blue and black commotion about “No.”

On a little broadside separate from the catalogue, curator Pete Spence has put a negative of Kempton’s piece on top of a negative of (part of) Stetser’s, and added three doo-dads of his own; the result is a stunning study of the primitive versus final sophistication, and much else. Aside from that, it brought home the advantage visual poetry has over conventional textual poetry for aesthetic appropriation of this sort, which I deem perhaps the best possible way to critique/extend/counter/reverse, and otherwise improvise on, an artwork.

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Column023 — October 1996 « POETICKS

Column023 — October 1996



Notes from the Null Zone


Small Press Review, Volume 28, Number 10, October 1996

     Blazin’ Auralities #3, January 1996; 18 pp.;
     402 Clark, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2W 1W9. $5.00.

     Taproot Reviews, #9/10, Summer, 1996;
     40 pp.; Burning Press, Box 585, Lakewood OH. $5.00.


I’ve been in my null zone for some time, now. Have gotten almost no work done since my empty bank account forced me to get a job– actually two jobs–last November. One job was as a substitute teacher, the other a three-nights-a-week job with the local newspaper. Because I’d be off from the teaching job, I expected to catch up on my correspondence, publish a few new Runaway Spoon Press books, work on a book of my own, and knock off a poem or two over the summer. I’ve done none of these things, thanks in part to having had to work five or six seven-night-weeks at the paper because of people getting sick or quitting. And now I’m having to rush to get this done. So don’t expect one of my usual Incredibly Incisive columns this time. Mostly it’s going to be off-hand stuff, only loosely tied-together.

Like a response to Kenneth Leonhardt, who complained in a letter in the July/August SPR/SMR about my saying in a previous column that “Mary Veazy’s stylishly-produced Sticks . . . has included work by Richard Kostelanetz and myself, so deserves mention here.” This, said he, “is so blatantly pompous that he has blown all pretense of objectivity. However, with such a high opinion of himself, I’m sure Grumman will have no difficulty getting his views published in even more prestigious venues than SMR.” More prestigious than SMR?! Where is this guy coming from?!

As for his quote, note the three dots. What I really said (mispelling Mary Veazey’s name) was, “Mary Veazy’s stylishly- produced Sticks like CWM, is more knownstream than otherstream but it has included work by Richard Kostelanetz and myself, so deserves mention here.” Probably pompous but a sympathetic reader would observe that I was simply saying, however carelessly, that Sticks generally published knownstream material but also used otherstream work, such as Kostelanetz’s and mine, for which reason it ought to be mentioned in a column devoted to otherstream zines.

As for my objectivity (and what connection that has to my pompousness is beyond me), that is irrelevant: what counts in a review is whether the reviewer has backed his views with concrete evidence or not. Ironically, because the column the quote is from was an overview, I provided NO concrete evidence that Sticks is the worthy magazine I said it was–except, of course, the fact that it includes work by Richard Kostelanetz, Mark Fleckenstein, X.J. Kennedy and *!ME!*, BOB GRUMMAN.

If you really want to see a specimen of bad reviewing, see Vince Tinguely’s hatchet job on two John M. Bennett tapes in the third issue of Blazin’ Auralities. Here’s its second paragraph in full: “Coruscation Drain is a collabroation with the musicians of the Strangulensis Research Labs. On it, Bennett’s text is clearly recorded so we can hear how clearly bad it is. On Autophagia, Bennett’s words are buried under collaborator Mike Hovancsek’s sounds. This would count as a blessing if the music weren’t as monotonously unbearable as the poetry.” Nowhere in the review is a sample of Bennett’s poetry: that’s why the review is crap, not because I like Bennett’s poetry and Tinguely doesn’t. (Nonetheless, I still think Blazin’ Auralities a good place to go for reviews of spoken-word recordings.)

Also in the July/August issue of SPR/SMR, just waiting for me to pop off about it, was a notice that for $95 you can get the sub-mediocrities at Writer’s Digest to consider your self-published book for some kind of prize. I wish I had enough influence to persuade all writers to boycott this competition, and all competitions that require a reading fee. And I don’t want to hear any sob stories from small-pressers who just can’t get by without reading fees: I say if you don’t love literature enough to suffer poverty for it, get out of it.

Now to really cheat on this assignment, I’m going to quote from a letter I just wrote Luigi-Bob Drake, editor of Taproot Reviews (in which, as Kenneth Leonhardt will surely immediately note, I have a vested interest):

TR looks as good as ever. Best thing for me was the cover (collages by David Levy) . . . I hope to start making reviews for the next issue soon  .  .  . I just wish I had new zines to review–I seem only to have new issues of the same old stuff. It’s the same old good stuff, but  .  .  . Which brings me to my latest thoughts about how to make TR more widely appealing–unless it’s true that while millions write poetry, only thousands read it, and only dozens read about it. Maybe. Anyway, here go my thoughts, many, perhaps all, I’ve already thrown at you other times, I dunno.

“First, I assume you’ve tried getting college libraries to subscribe? Maybe give them a discount? Otherwise, I have no marketing ideas. I do have some content ideas. One I know we’ve back-and-forthed on: it’s to have more People-magazine crap, except at a higher level: articles, I mean, on personalities in the field. A second is a repeat of your own editorial philosophy: to cover a wider spectrum of poetry. TR is fine on my kind of pluraesthetic material; it’s fairly good on language poetry, though the latest issue misses Susan Smith Nash’s entries. With Oberc, mainly, but also Basinski, TR is doing reasonably well by the neo-Bukowski school. But there’s too little on the dominant-mode–because you have no reviewers from the establishment (or do you?) Not that dominant mode poetry isn’t getting more than its rightful share of coverage allwhere else, just that TR might gain a larger clientele by doing more by it.

“I guess we’ve discussed letters to the editors before, too. I think they give a worthwhile spark to a magazine. I think maybe surveys might work–but way too much trouble for the present staff, I should imagine. Here’s one: “What’s Language Poetry?”- -to be asked of all known language poets AND all academics, and, in fact, of everyone in poetry. Representative answers out of every main point of view reproduced and circulated among respondants for agreement/disagreement before results published.

Another: “Is visual poetry poetry?” Others: “Who are the best poets in English and Why?” “Is innovation important in poetry?”

“Who are the best poetry critics in this country and why?” “What good is poetry criticism?” “What prevents Taproot Reviews from being as popular as Harper’s?” “What good is poetry?” “Is Bill Moyers helping poetry?” “Should average people be able to understand a poem?” Okay, all of this is impractical but is something along these lines possible?

“It’d be so nice if TR (or any serious magazine about poetry) had the value for the literate the NY Times Book Reviews apparently does, or the New York Review of Books. Impossible dream? I suppose so.”

Readers’ comments on any of this welcome, even from Kenneth Leonhardt and C. Mulrooney

I’ve been in my null zone for some time, now. Have gotten almost no work done since my empty bank account forced me to get a job– actually two jobs–last November. One job was as a substitute teacher, the other a three-nights-a-week job with the local newspaper. Because I’d be off from the teaching job, I expected to catch up on my correspondence, publish a few new Runaway Spoon Press books, work on a book of my own, and knock off a poem or two over the summer. I’ve done none of these things, thanks in part to having had to work five or six seven-night-weeks at the paper because of people getting sick or quitting. And now I’m having to rush to get this done. So don’t expect one of my usual Incredibly Incisive columns this time. Mostly it’s going to be off-hand stuff, only loosely tied-together.

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Column097 — January/February 2010 « POETICKS

Column097 — January/February 2010

The State of North American Vizpo, Part Five


Small Press Review,
Volume 42, Numbers 1/2, January/February 2010

      October is Dada Month
      Edited by Marshall Hryciuk
      2008; 94 pp; Pa; Nietzsche’s Brolly,
      30 Laws St., Toronto ON
      M6P 2Y7 Canada. $100.

      Visio-Textual Selectricity
      Edited by Bob Grumman
      2008; 44 pp; Pa; The Runaway Spoon Press,
      1708 Hayworth Road,
      Port Charlotte FL 33952. $50 ppd.



Eleven of the 88 works in October is Dada Month are by jwcurry by himself or in collaboration with someone else. They are all a challenge for a critic, all Dada mysteries on the verge of some consequential meaningfulness just out of sight. Or, to put it less pretentiously, they are expressions of strange, hard-to-define moods. His “stigation,” for instance, has the “word,” “STIGATION,” printed sideways down the piece’s left half against some kind of mottlely who-knows-what background. “Instigation,” needless to say, comes to mind–someone’s been goaded to do something shady . . . Like make art?. Art? This particular piece of art?

I ask, because most of the small words on the cut-out rectangles that are pasted here and there either parallel or at right angles to “STIGATION” speak of actions related to making a collage, like this piece: “he glued,” “rearrangement,” “he constructed.” Another rectangle has the phrase, “the text does not minimize.” Other words in an oval near the center of the piece have undecipherable words–except for several instances of “seem.” The muddiness of the rest of the entirely monochromatic piece contribute a feeling of mystery and illicitness to it. Along with the “stagnation,” “stigma,” defective sight (stigmatism), and (for me, at least) the Styx that the piece’s title-word hints of.

Is what I’ve said of any help? I probably shouldn’t admit it, but I spent over a month looking at the work and thinking about it before trying to critique it. Most of the better works in the anthology had the same effect on me. Something about them makes them impossible simply to dismiss, but near-impossible, too, to be cogent about.

Not quite from the same realm is Guy Beining’s “Upper and Lower Translation of Text for Beige City.” Beining has several varieties of signature poems to his credit, and this is the four quadrants one. I doubt the set-up is unique to him but he makes unique, uniquely

resonant use of it: it is merely the division by two crossing lines of the page into four sections, each containing a text or graphic or combination of the two on the piece’s central theme. In the piece’s upper left quadrant (but overflowing into the quadrant below it, the text, “BEIGE COPY/ THAT THATCH/ THAT TUFT/ THAT BLONDE BEIGE/ TERRITORY OF HER/ COMMINGLED EDGES/ FRAMED BY HER/ FOUNTAINED SELF.” Strange, but coherent. The other three quadrants contain texts that act as variations of the colors in the first text, blond and beige–for instance, “spit white on/oven fat/ bis/ bise/- – -/ yelowish-grey” in the upper right quadrant.

I’m going to cheat here and not try for a close reading of the above. That would require a full column by itself. I will simply tell you that I think I could come up with a plausible interpretation that made sense. Hence, the “not quite from the same realm,” for I believe the mystery here can be cleared up as well as the mystery in every halfway-decent (modern) poem can be. But you need all the text, and the extra elements in the piece such as the font selection, the intentionally low-grade resolution, the larger bold black “BLOND” off to the side of the upper left text (whose “blonde” has a line through it) to be able to follow me. One impression; that the piece is a rough draft of an attempt to capture some blonde, and each of its texts is a rough draft of a fraction of that attempt.

Beining has several other fine pieces in the issue, some of them in gorgeous full color. Another contributor with well more than one excellent piece in the collection is Daniel f. Bradley. One, “after,” resembles curry’s “STIGATION” in being a monochromatic Dada mood piece. At the top of it is a rectangle that suggests a blackboard with lots of old chalk on it. The words “after” and “air” in white type are super-imposed on it, “after” high and to the left, “air” lower and to the right. Oh, and a white comma is under “after,” with a white period below that to the left, a little higher than “air.” Underneath is a big 50’s televsion set, with a cat perched on it, looking a bit lost. That’s it.

Note for the finicky: the author of this piece considers it poorly reproduced. I find it

imperfectly but certainly sufficiently well-reproduced. There are many in visio-textual art who remind me of the kind of people who write authors of detective stories when they get some detail of a hero’s handgun wrong. Who cares? Not that I would not love everything to be perfectly reproduced, it’s just that perfect reproduction is trivial compared with the over-all design and meaning of a piece (and most everything else about it).

I find it hard to explicate the Bradley piece, but here’s an attempt: some event has happened whose aftermath the poem is describing, or trying to describe, but what it presents is a . . . well, a sentence that peters out after one word, hits a pause after a good deal of blankness, then stops when its period appears after much more blankness. What happened is hard to communicate. What follows is air. But air can transmit the electronic waves responsible for the information on a television screen. So here there’s a strong intimation of meaning inside the air spoken of. But the screen it apparently is being transmitted to is . . . blank. Waiting to be turned on? The cat is indifferent, but gives the scene an ambiance of Total 70’s Normalcy. Life goes on whatever in this case it is after. And it is serene, hakuable.

Another lame grapple, this explication of mine? Who knows. It’s as good as I can do at the moment. I hope it will at least suggest ways into an appreication of this piece–and others like it Melody Wessel’s charming visual poem, “Gossip,” I had less trouble with, for it’s a black-and-white design in which typography (many question marks and commas) suggests something I see as a lighthouse in the midst of a confusion of mad non-language. Its beacon seems a mad swirl from which a jumble consisting of the letters, G, O, I, S, S, P tumbles out.

There are many other first-rate works here, particularly Marshall Hryciuk’s “History of the Marketplace, 51st performatif,” Karen Sohne’s suite of entirely nono-verbal, non-representational artworks, and John Vieira’s “two strains of music.” The price of the collection is considerable. I would suggest trying to get the nearest college library to buy a copy, and visit it there every few months. Unless you’re more affluent than I.


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Column024 — December 1996 « POETICKS

Column024 — December 1996



Out of the Null Zone


Small Press Review, Volume 28, Number 12

     Taproot Reviews, #9/10, Summer, 1996;
     edited by Luigi-Bob Drake. 40 pp.;
     Box 585, Lakewood OH 44107. $5.

     A.BACUS, Number 96, February 1996;
     edited by Peter Ganick. 6 pp.; Potes &
     Poets Press Inc, 181 Edgemont Avenue,
     Elmwood CT 06110. $4.

     Avec, #10, 169 pp.;
     Box 1059, Penngrove CA 94951. $8.50.

     Antenym, #8, December 1995; edited
     by Steve Carll. 50 pp.; 106 Fair Oaks St. #3,
     San Francisco CA, 94110. $4.50.

     Bleeding Velvet Octopus, #2, October 1995;
     edited by Mike Halchin. 12 pp.;
     Box 25760, Los Angeles CA 90025. $1.

     Bullhead, #4, 56 pp.;
     2205 Moore St., Ashland KY 41101. $5.


“The featured poet this time around in this one-poet-per-issue zine is deservedly Nortonized language poet, Ann Lauterbach, with twelve jump-cut, surrealistic poems that start with a ‘Harmony Clown/ from his seat on the shelf before Is,’ or situated in some kind of Ur (also mentioned here) of pre-perceptual imagination. ‘Is this field’s dementia, its prow?’ the poet asks. Next comes a strangely vivid list of situations and their colors–having ‘no boots to hike thru Jerusalem,’ for instance, ‘would be Black.’ Blake, Rilke, Stevens, Roethke and more.”

Here’s another review of mine I want to quote from so I can claim to have reviewed a review of a review. It’s about Mike Halchin’s zine, Bleeding Velvet Octopus, which consists of “around 50 capsule reviews by editor Mike Halchin of (1) music, (2) zines/comix and (3) books/chaps. Halchin is usually informative in a breezy way. Here’s a sample line, about a Dave Alvin chap with a title too long to quote here: ‘Poems that hit across deserts, highways, small towns, relationships on their way to a hearse, and other intense such adventures.’ Of interest to zine- publishers is that Halchin sells ads to his zine and–from his list of rates–seems to have made $65 from them this ish, which should have been enough to pay for its publication. (And the ads are all about worthwhile otherstream stuff, so definitely do not detract from the zine.)”

Among the other reviews in the issue is one about Antenym, which reviewer Jake Berry describes as “An excellent collection of poetry that seems to come out of the Language school, yet follows no approach absolutely. The poets’ names are given in the table of contents yet not on the page, which encourages the reader to see the work for what it is rather than who it is by. In that spirit, this sample:

Dead attention is where I hang my hat,
but for us to change seats you’d have
to make the first motion. the book is
a brick. these ripped oranged stuffed with hurry.
drunk and lolling in the pools of shinning yellow paint.

The work here is rarely so far out as to defy logical approach, rather it illuminates that approach, and expands the possibilities of analysis. Besides that, it’s simply a joy to read.”

I singled out this review not only as one more sample of Taproot reviewing but to call attention to one of the dozens of worthwhile zines of the 115 or so reviewed here that I was unfamiliar with. 143 chapbooks are also reviewed. And the material covered goes, in editor Luigi-Bob Drake’s words, “from punk to pomo to LANGUAGE to dada to visual to even some pretty normal stuff.” I consider it near-final proof of the wretched state of contemporary American Poetry, in spite of what the hype artists on PBS and elsewhere proclaim, that Taproot still has less than a hundred subscribers.

A second significant virtue of Taproot is its concern with not just printed poetry but with poetry on the net, and on video- and audiotapes. Berry’s review, for instance, also includes the e-mail address of Steve Carll, the editor of Antenym, and the website from which one can bring up back issues of his zine.

My main reason for quoting Berry’s review, though, was to call attention to the wonderfully misused language of “these ripped oranged stuffed with hurry,” and the rest of the poem it’s from. Andy di Michele is equally adept at quoting, giving us Laura Moriarty’s “ordinary red precedes! imaginary yellow follows” and Rosemarie Waldrop’s “Milk weeds my thoughts” from Avec, #10.

Outside its reviews Taproot more prominently displays a number of full excerpts from books and zines reviewed. Among them is a fascinatingly infra-verbal work from Bullhead, #4 by Joe Napora, complete with a fine accompanying illustration by Pati Scobey. In his poem Napora rearranges “heart” through “heat” and the like to “head,” which, he observes, (is) “too near to dead; then he precedes to the following magical juggle of the “each” in “reach”: “love we know/ within/ reach// each/ ache/ is fire”.

Before leaving Taproot (far too soon), I want to praise one more characteristic of it, its remarkable stable of reviewers. Among the almost 30 in it are Karl Kempton, John M. Bennett, Ben Friedlander, A.L. Nielson, Karl Young, Nico Vassilakis, Cheryl Townsend, Ann Erickson, Peter Ganick, and on and on. So it’s a great place to meet superior poets from all schools in prose.


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creative writing Archives – POETICKS

Learn to Write Poetry: Creative Writing Lessons

Most people think that poetry is a genius piece of work that only the most intelligent and talented people can undertake. This is however very wrong. Poetry is an open practice that anyone can engage in. There’s no doubt that the talented people will always come up with great poems quickly but this doesn’t mean that ordinary citizens can’t come up with poems just as good. If you are interested and committed to learning poetry then with practice you can also become a master in this form of art. There are several things that as a poet you will need to learn to get good in your work.

1. Accurately identify your goal

The success towards anything first begins with identifying what exactly it is that you want. Are you trying to express a feeling? Do you want to describe a place? Perhaps you want your poem to describe a particular event? Once you have identified your goal, you can then take a look at all the elements surrounding that aim. From these elements, you can now begin writing your poem without going off topic.

2. Look beyond the ordinary

Ordinary people will see things directly as they are. In poetry, you can’t afford to do this. You need to look in more deeply. Make more critical interpretations of what many other people would see as ordinary. A pen, for instance, in most people’s eyes is just a pen. But as a poet, you can start describing how a simple thing as a pen can determine people’s fate. How a tiny pen finally put down a country’s future through signed agreements. How a pen wrote down the original constitution that went on to govern millions of people.

3. Avoid using clichés

In poetry, you need to avoid using tired simile and metaphors as much as possible. Busy as a bee, for example, should never come anywhere near your pieces. If you want to become a poet and standout, then you need to create new ways of describing things and events. You can take these metaphors, try and understand what they mean and then create new forms of description from other activities that most people overlook.

4. Use images in your poem

Using of images in your poem doesn’t mean that you include images. It means that you have to come with words and descriptions that spur your reader’s imaginations into creating objects/pictures in their minds. A poem is supposed to stimulate all six senses. Creating these object makes your poems even more vivid and enjoyable. This can be achieved through accurate and careful usage of simile and metaphors.

5. Embrace usage of concrete words

As a poet, you should always aim to use more real words and fewer abstracts when writing your poems. This is simply because with concrete words most people can relate and understand what you are talking about. It will also create less conflict in interpretation as compared to when one uses abstract words. Instead of using words such as love and happy, which can be interpreted differently, you can think of events or things that would express the same meaning. Concrete words help in triggering reader’s minds extending their imaginations.

6. Rhyme cautiously

Rhyming in poetry can sometimes become a challenging task. When trying to come up with meter and rhymes, you should always take extreme caution not to ruin your poem’s quality. You should also avoid using basic verses and ones that will make your poem sound like a sing-song.

You can incorporate poetry in any aspects of your daily activities. In business, poetry is used to provide desired images to the audience. Check out how to get skinny legs to see how it is done. With practice after a few pieces, you will start noticing that you are becoming better and better in this art. Always follow the above tips and try to revise your poems all the time while making improvements. After some time you will be producing incredible pieces that even you didn’t think are capable of.