Archive for the ‘Rant’ Category
Entry 1481 — An Over-Reaction?
Wednesday, June 11th, 2014
Why would it be wrong to find the imbecilic vandals adding spam to stuff on the Internet like this blog and execute them? I’m serious. Okay, maybe lock a first offender in a cell one wall of which is a screen blaring the texts of his spam back at him 24 hours a day for a month. The punishment for a second offense should be making it illegal for him to use a computer for the next ten years of his life, with execution the penalty for doing so.
Am I some kind of sexist for being sure the offender would be male? Okay, I’m sure some spammers are female, but very few. Would someone properly raised by politically-correct parents be willing to explain this to me?
Why should the murder of one person be considered worse than intentionally making millions of lives a mere half of one percent extremely annoying?
I can relate to spamming the website of someone I considered hateful, but intelligently spamming the site–with arguments smashing his hateful opinions to smithereens. I could even imagine myself being a spammer of that kind when in my teens. I don’t think I would ever have spammed an individual, though (except a friend, playfully), but I could see spamming some institution I despised, like almost any political party . . .
In case, you haven’t guessed, this outburst is due to the damned underlinings spammed into my latest posts. They were appearing regularly for a while some time ago, but stopped a month or more ago. Now they’re back. And now I’ve just realized that they may be ads by WordPress, which runs my blog: ergo, stupid and annoying but something I probably agreed to without knowing about when I started this free blog. If so, I can’t complain too loudly, but I can still complain. I can’t imagine they could be effective as ads. I would never buy anything advertised by them.