Conspiranoia « POETICKS

Archive for the ‘Conspiranoia’ Category

Entry 773 — Notes on Conspiranoia

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Here, unretouched, are notes about my investigation of conspiranoia I thought important enough to write down one night while I was in bed, too keyed up, probably, to sleep.



Of interest, I think, are the oughtplex and aughtplex, whose constant collision in the minds of conspiranoids is a main source of their unhappiness.  I don’t know whether I’ll be using them, or any of the coinages on the sheet in my final draft.  I definitely won’t be using “forspiraplex,” by which I meant a knowleplex (understanding of some large subject) on its way (fore) to becoming conspiraplex.  I like “black cabal” versus “white company,” though.
