Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino has ended the discussion of what mathematical poetry is at his blog, but invited me to re-start it here, which I gladly do. He e.mailed me the following comments for it (which I’ve slightly edited, for flow):
I think if you (or Kaz) are going to make up the rules for mathematical poetry, then anybody can. Me included.
Sure. But eventually those in the field have to accept one, so what we’re doing is having a competition to determine what mathe-matical poetry should be considered by the world at large to be. To that end, each of us is trying to provide a definition that makes more sense than any of the others.
And I would offer, for starters:
1) It is a fallacy to think mathematical poetry is “doing math.”
What is it doing?
2) The “sum” of a mathematical poem need not be the same for everyone.
As in pure mathematics, it has to have the same value for everyone although it need not be “the same” for everyone. Just as in pure math, two plus two can be eight minus two as well as four.
I note that you have not offered a definition of mathematical poetry. Seems to me such a definition is where we need to start. Here’s mine: a mathematical poem is a poem whose engagent needs to perform some mathematical operation indicated in the poem in order to appreciate it. Very simple.
Gregory quickly responded, so I will paste in what he had to say here:
bob, you write:
I note that you have not offered a definition of mathematical poetry.
but bob i have indeed, and that you cannot see that just goes to show that you are either not of sound mind or are indeed a simpleton.
Ah, it couldn’t have shown that we talked past each other, as some people do? Assuming I am indeed either of unsound mind or s simpleton, which is quite possible–unless I’m both, exactly how does pointing that out contribute to trying to find an effective definition of mathematical poetry? That is the main point of this discussion, yes?
When I said you hadn’t defined mathematical poetry, I meant with the two comments you sent me. These I took to be your opening comments in what I called “the re-start” of the discussion that he agreed had ended at his blog. I believe that you gave some sort of definition of mathematical poetry there which I didn’t understand and you would not clarify, or perhaps forgot to clarify, having gotten involved in a different phase of the discussion. Anyway, I wanted the discussion here to be a re-start. My hope was that we could focus on what each of us thought mathematical poetry was, and indicated in careful, clear language as I tired to do above.
So, if you assumed this discussion was a continuation rather than a re-start, would you mind accepting it as a re-start, and provide me with your definition of mathematical poetry? If you did consider this a re-start and believe you defined mathematical poetry with one or both of your first two comments, let me know, and I will critique them on that basis. I’ll let you know in advance, however, that they seem to me woefully incomplete as a definition.
sorry bob, you think you’re so smart, but to an objective person, you’re a basket case. and when you say things like “those in the field,” do you realize you sound delusional?
Shall we declare now that it is accepted by all participants that I’m a basket case and turn to the matter of what mathematical poetry is? I must admit, though, that I have no idea how in the world my reference to “those in the field” makes me sound delusional. I wouldn’t mind you explaining that to me.
why don’t you provide links?
Okay. I didn’t think to before because I figured the very few people interested in what we had to say would know all about it, and because I thought we were starting fresh. Also, because the discussion at your blog is very hard to follow–for me, at any rate. Those interested in the background to this discussion can find a series of relevant comments at Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino’s Eratio in response to a three-part series of posts Gregory put up, beginning on 4 June 2010.
Sorry, I can’t figure out how to make an icon you can click to get to Gregory’s blog. At my Google blog, this was easy. I could do all sorts of thing there that I can’t do here, like change font-size or color. And indent!
Okay, Gregory sent me the HTML code I’d been using but could no longer find so what’s above will get you to his blog discussion of this subject–I hope. He also sent me a definition of mathematical poetry:
The “mathematical poem,” if it is to be, or to contain, poetry, must have some poetic elements, as well as some formal symbols and operations of math.
I would condense this to “a mathematical poem is a poem containing formal math symbols and operations.” I would then want to know exactly what is meant by “containing formal operations of math.” Would a reference to a mathematical operation qualify or would any operation in a math poem need to be put in use for the poem to be appreciated, as my definition requires.
I want to emphasize that by “operations of math” I do not mean that the poem will be “doing math.” What I mean is that the poem will be, in some way or in some sense — be that metaphorical, allegorical, but for the most part figurative — mimicking or imitating or finding a trope in that operation (whichever that operation may be). (I emphasize: I do not mean that the poem is “doing math.” Math does math. The poem is representational.)
I’ll add here that a definition of “mathematical poetry” ought to be such that it includes all the very different types of “mathematical poetry” being written, even those that maintain that they are actually “doing math.”
This last part bothers me as a taxonomist because it seems to allow just about anything to be called “mathematical poetry.” Is Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I looked on Beauty Bare” a mathematical poem?
Gregory’s reply of 22 July follows:
I refer you, again, to the analogy. It’s there in my posts. So far as Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I looked on Beauty Bare” goes: Look, Bob, my idea of mathematical poetry is just what I offer in my posts. It’s an exercise in theory, poetics and in grammar. I really don’t think there is any comparison to what you are doing. You can call what you are doing “mathematical poetry,” and I certainly allow for it in my definition (which is meant to be inclusive, but so as not to stifle your creativity), but, if you want my serious opinion, I don’t think what you are doing (which in my book is a sort of vis-po) merits serious consideration.
Gregory, I do not find your definition of mathematical poetry clear. That’s why I ask questions about it. If you want me to understand your definition, it seems to me you are obliged to try to answer my questions. Particularly the ones that you can answer with a yes or a no, such as my one about the Millay sonnet.
My impression at this point is that you define mathematical poetry as poetry in which an operation analogous to a mathematical operation is carried out, using the same mathematical symbols as a mathematical operation. Yes or no, am I correct? Or do would that be how you define some mathematical poetry. If the latter, what other kinds of poetry qualifies in your view as mathematical poetry?
I have a second question: when you say that you don’t think what I am doing “(which in my book is a sort of vis-po) merits serious consideration,” are you speaking of what I call my mathemaku? I can’t see what else you would be speaking of, although my mathemaku have nothing to do with the topic under discussion, which is the definition of mathematical poetry. I have trouble believing you are, though, considering that you bothered to feature such poems at your blog and discuss them as though you considered them worth serious consideration.
To this Gregory replied:
At my blog? You refer to the review of “A Selection of Visual Poems by Bob Grumman” dated March 5, 2004. Which you should link to. In it I write: “In my opinion, the mathemaku are without doubt Bob’s best work,
Yet not worth serious consideration?
and they are the four best pieces in this collection.” I think your early mathemaku (circa 1993) have a sort of hand-made, bric-a-brac, economy-of-words charm about them. I reviewed I think it was November 1994 in Meat Epoch your second little collection of mathemaku, Mathemaku 6-12, (1994, tel-let Press) and I referred to them as “learned ku” — translating “mathema” as “learned,” with two syllables, (from, “what is learned,” which is the Greek root of the word) and avoiding any reference whatsoever to mathematics or to “mathematical poetry.” But to answer your question: that’s correct, I do think your visual poetry, which you call “mathematical poetry” and which you maintain are performing mathematical operations, although they may be counted as “mathematical poetry” do not merit serious consideration because there are better specimens available.
Better specimens of what? And why aren’t your reviews “serious consideration?” As is often the case, you’ve lost me.
And about my definition, first of all I make it perfectly clear that what I am offering is a “working” definition, so if you think you can improve it be my guest, but nevertheless I Do Not think there is anything wrong with it but rather I think you should ask somebody in this “field of mathematical poetry” of yours to help you to understand it.
Why can’t you help me understand it by answering the simple questions I feel I need answers to in order to understand it? Why won’t you tell me if my guess at your definition is right or partially right or wholly wrong, and why? What do you mean by “working definition?” Why can’t you tell me exactly what mathematical operations are in a mathematical poem, and what they do in a mathematical poem?
Your confusion is your own creation and it’s gotten repetitive and tedious. (By the way, a mutual friend just read the review referred to above and thinks you “doth protest too much.” Hee.)
What an unnamed “mutual friend” says does not seem too relevant, I’m afraid. But what in the world am a protesting too much about? I was not protesting anything, merely trying to find out what you were talking about.
Apologies to Gregory for posting something here of his I thought part of this discussion but he intended as a private message.
Yesterday, 24 July 2010, Gregory and I had a long chat on the phone. After he’d gotten through at least ten minutes of uninterrupted excoriation (not always unjustifiably) of me and my poetics and poetry (unless you count my occasional chuckles as interruptions), we had some serious conversation followed by conversation that was downright friendly. I finally understood things he’d written that had confused me, some because my Internet browser can’t deal with certain symbols such as the unequal sign, the “=” with the “/” through it. It showed it as a question mark. And I think he now understands my point about the mathematical operations in mathematical poems not being analogies.
Later, I thought of what I think is a good illustration of my point: Suppose I’m standing near a table a bowl of apples is sitting on and a friend twenty feet away asks me for an apple whereupon I pick one up and jump in the air and propel the apple to him the same way I’d shoot a jump shot in a basketball game. The apple would be analogous to a basketball, the friend to a basket, but my jump-shot motion would not be analogous to the motion of a player shooting a jump shot, it would be identical to it. Analogously, the long division operations in many of my mathemaku are identical to long division operations in mathematics, but they involve terms that are not idential to mathematical terms but analogous to them.
Anyway, Gregory and I are now friends again, and probably won’t be arguing about the definition of mathematical poetry again, at least for a while. Meanwhile, Karl Kempton has e.mailed me that he, for the most part, agrees with my definition. I’ve changed it slightly since then, however. See Entry 169.