Entry 600 — Another by Carlyle Baker
I got it into my head that I’d done my entry for today yesterday and it had automatically been posted this morning. Now, at 7 P.M., I’ve discovered I was wrong. So I’ve grabbed another of the works by Carlyle Baker in thebleed.01 to take care of the day’s entry.
It seems to me a visimage with a caption embedded in it, not a visual poem. But I like it a great deal. I versus some indefinite something . . . Intimations of so much more. Significantly, the I is drawn, not mechanically printed, and could be a narrow door. Ancient countries of the Near East seem strongly implied, to me. Are we where a sense of self originated? Where I split off from a? I think that happened much earlier, but who knows.
Diary Entry
Tuesday, 21 December 2011, Noon. A blog entry taken care of–after another round of tennis. And, hey, a mile “run.” I put “run” in quotes because it took 11 minutes and 13 seconds, so was hardly a genuine run. But it was right after three sets of doubles and a bike ride home of over a mile. Later note: well, I read some more in the two long books I’m to review, and knocked out reviews of the three other books on my list. Didn’t get anything else done–other than writing and posting another blog entry about my unpopular belief that words should mean something.