Entry 356 — Something You All Should Know About « POETICKS

Entry 356 — Something You All Should Know About

Alex Dickow, a friend of mine at New-Poetry, posted a link there to the following. Upon visiting the site, I immediately deemed it of sufficient importance to steal in totum for here:

About the Journal | Instructions for Authors | Subscriptions | Archives

Editor-in-Chief: Caleb Emmons

About the Journal The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected. Despite that apparent drawback, here are a number of reasons you may choose to submit to the JofUR:

  • You can send your manuscript here without suffering waves of anxiety regarding the eventual fate of your submission. You know with 100% certainty that it will not be accepted for publication.
  • There are no page-fees.
  • You may claim to have submitted to the most prestigious journal (judged by acceptance rate).
  • The JofUR is one-of-a-kind. Merely submitting work to it may be considered a badge of honor.
  • You retain complete rights to your work, and are free to resubmit to other journals even before our review process is complete.
  • Decisions are often (though not always) rendered within hours of submission.
  • Instructions for Authors The JofUR solicits any and all types of manuscript: poetry, prose, visual art, and research articles. You name it, we take it, and reject it. Your manuscript may be formatted however you wish. Frankly, we don’t care.

    After submitting your work, the decision process varies. Often the Editor-in-Chief will reject your work out-of-hand, without even reading it! However, he might read it. Probably he’ll skim. At other times your manuscript may be sent to anonymous referees. Unless they are the Editor-in-Chief’s wife or graduate school buddies, it is unlikely that the referees will even understand what is going on. Rejection will follow as swiftly as a bird dropping from a great height after being struck by a stone. At other times, rejection may languish like your email buried in the Editor-in-Chief’s inbox. But it will come, swift or slow, as surely as death. Rejection.

    Submissions should be emailed to the Editor-in-Chief. Small files only, please. Why not just send the first couple pages if it is long?

    Subscriptions An individual subscription may be secured for £120 per year (four issues). Institutional and library subscriptions are also available; prices will be provided upon enquiry. It is unknown whether the subscription will be delivered in print or as electronic content, because no one has yet ordered one.


  • March 2009 (Vol 1, No 1) contents:


  • June 2009 (Vol 1, No 2) contents:


  • September 2009 (Vol 1, No 3) contents:


  • December 2009 (Vol 1, No 4) contents:

    (empty – because we were on holiday)

  • March 2010 (Vol 2, No 1) contents:


  • June 2010 (Vol 2, No 2) contents:


  • Disclaimer: Pacific University does not endorse—and is probably unaware of—this journal
  • .

    Note (from Bob): I’m feeling a little bit less unhappy about being A Colossal Universal Incompetent, at least enough to feel I may continue posting daily entries here.  Warning: I expect them to be almost entirely concerned with knowlecular psychology and its taxonomical basis for a while.  Oh, and for those planning biographies of me, you need to know that I actually did spend an hour or so attacking the untidiness of my house.  What I did specifically was remove over twenty shirts with collars that were hanging in my bedroom closet and toss them in a large cardboard box on the bed I now consider my storage room.  It used to be the cats’ room.  It’s the largest bedroom in the place, with bath, now a storage closet.  I also put aside four shirts with collars to give to Good Will.  I suspect most men would throw them out but I’d wear them if it weren’t that I now rarely have any reason, like having a substitute teaching assignment, to wear shirts with collars, and I’ve never liked such shirts.  I should no doubt give away the twenty shirts I tossed in the box, too, but I’m too much of a pack rat to do that–at least right now.

    My ten or twelve best collared shirts are now all hanging in the closet here in my computer room (formerly a bedroom).  For weddings and funerals, stuff like that.  Once I’d cleared out all the collared shirts from my bedroom closet, I was able to hang up the many collarless shirts scattered through the house.  While at it, I hung my jacket and overcoat in my hall closet where they belong but rarely are–because, hey, pulling out a hanger, putting a coat on it, and the hanging it up seems like way too much trouble compared to just tossing them on a chair.

    The house is a lot less cluttered, albeit still cluttered.  I hope to get rid of some books I’ve never read and never will, although I’ll be amazed if I do.  I need to get rid of my non-functioning Xerox, too.  I’m not sure whether or not it could be repaired but am sure the cost of repairing it, if possible, would not be worth it.  My little computer printer can do just about as good a job.

    2 Responses to “Entry 356 — Something You All Should Know About”

    1. C. DiDiodato says:


      this is hilarious!

    2. Bob Grumman says:

      Glad you like it, Conrad. Caleb Emmons seems soneone who knows wutzWut, for sure.


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    Entry 414 — A New Term « POETICKS

    Entry 414 — A New Term

    I have a new term to announce: “knowlecular mind-flow.”  I’m only announcing it because I have nothing else to write about here, and I’m trying again to do a daily entry.  Although that will probably stop for a week or more fairly soon as I am seeing my hip doctor tomorrow to schedule hip replacement surgery.  I figure if it doesn’t help me, I won’t be worse off than I now am (except if I become permanently, painfully crippled, which I deem highly unlikely).  I won’t be worse off since I feel I’m at the point where my bad hip just barely keeps me from enjoying walking, running and tennis, so if the operation puts me a mile further from enjoying those things, so what.  It’s like the difference between losing in the finals  at Wimbledon 6-7, 6-7, 7-6, 7-6, 100-98, and losing in the first round, 6-0, 6-0, 6-0.

    By mind-flow, by the way, I mean everything one is conscious of at a given moment.  “Thinking” means too many different things, particularly (and mainly) unvoiced words.  “Mentation” is better but tends, I think, to exclude feelings.  The best thing about “mind-flow,” modified by “knowlecular,” is that I can define it.  I need it right now for my discussion of rigidnikry in my Shakespeare authorship book.

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    Entry 1120 — A Tough Night « POETICKS

    Entry 1120 — A Tough Night

    Last night I was up between 2 and 5 because my house flooded.  A leak in my water heater.  It turned out well, though: because I can’t afford a new heater, I’ll be without hot water.  That means I don’t have a gas bill, anymore.  As for hot water, well, it’s nice to have, but it’s a luxury, like the car I’ve almost never had.  Very stressful, the leak, though–I was afraid for a while that a pipe under the house had burst.  That would have been very expensive to fix.

    I don’t believe I react well to stress, but I do suspect I may have an unusually high sensitivity to the signals my brain gives off when it approaches breakdown.  Result: so far, I’ve always shut down before breaking down.  That is, I go into my null zone rather than go absolunically wacko.  My shell continues to do the everyday while the part of me that’s typing this basically gives up.  Meanwhile, Chipper, the little blue bunny rabbit who is also part of me never stops reminding me, usually subverbally, that I’ve been in the null zone before and things have always gotten better.   Dark thoughts occur, but never any plans for dark actions.

    Well, I’m in my null zone again, so much so that the last two zoom-doses were unable to help me out of it.  Ergo, I’m going to tread water for a while, again.  I hope still to post one blog entry a day, but don’t expect to post any that’s more worth reading that a tweet.


    One Response to “Entry 1120 — A Tough Night”

    1. karl kempton says:

      a fine poem

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    Sound Poetry « POETICKS

    Archive for the ‘Sound Poetry’ Category

    Entry 1291 — AT Art, Part 2

    Friday, December 6th, 2013


    Note: a “lavalier” is a kind of microphone, something I had to look up on the Internet so out of it I am in this territory.  But I didn’t feel I had the trouble with “Sound Poem for Emile Berliner” that I thought I would when I listened to it for the first time this morning.

    Here’s what I just wrote to Mark about his piece:

    Yikes, Mark, I’m sure how to break it to you, but . . . I liked your Berliner piece and felt COMFORTABLE with it the very first time I heard it! Before I knew it, I was listening to and enjoying your second piece. I’ll be trying to figure out what happened over the next few days. I think maybe just exposure to things like language poetry, conceptual poetry, even popular movies sometime use of dramatically-expressive noise effects, and an increased ability to be tolerant of new kinds of art due to a fair amount of contact with it as critic and maker, and possibly the thought I’ve given to what music is–for instance, in trying in some of my visual poems to make graphic metaphors of it–have set me up to be able to appreciate what you’re doing–assuming I really am! More in due course, but who knows when, considering how erratically I function.

    Oh, you should know I listened to it a second time, and found more things in it to like. So I expect it to be continuingly interesting, and look forward to where your sequence of pieces will go! By the way, if I were to characterize the piece as a kind of found art, how would you react? It really isn’t, although inventive art is always “found art” in the sense that a finished piece is a specimen of art you’ve found in the result, or maybe found the result to be. Especially the way recording feedback from a microphone will give your a field to find things in that recording chords played on a piano won’t.

    (I bet I couldda made lots of money as a PR man if I’d been able sincerely to like crap the way I like Mark’s work.  I’m so perhaps overboard because I really feel like I have tripped into what is a major new field for me.  Oh, because I don’t know how to include audio in my entries, and actually would prefer not to, so those interested in Mark’s work would buy a set from whomever is selling it, and because I will have the challenge of describing something very hard to convey, I should tell you–roughly now, but better tomorrow, I hope, that it begins with sandpaper-scratching sounds but soon includes random musical tones, single and chordal, sort of falsetto-sounding to me, but not human, and–for me–feels like it’s going somewhere.)

    More on this piece tomorrow.

    One last note: I’m part megalomaniac but also very much amazingly humble in spite of my superiority to everyone else, including you louts, so I want say that the principal joy of being a critic for me is my feeling of being on someone else’s sailboat, plunging into wondrous new climes.  Yow!  And a Large Thank You to the many of you whose boats have done this for me.


    Entry 1290 — AudioTextual Art, Part 1

    Thursday, December 5th, 2013

    One of my many problems as a would-be culturateur is biting off more than I can chew. Today, for instance, I needed something for this entry. My laziness struck first, telling me to just use the graphic immediately below:


    It’s from Mark Sutherand’s Sonotexts, a 2-DVD set he recently sent me–with a copy of Julian Cowley’s user’s guide to sound poetry from Wire.  As soon as I saw what Mark had sent me, I went into one of my yowie-fits, perceiving it, as I wrote Mark, as a sort of class in sound poetry, something I’d been wanting to come to terms with for years.  I had visions of taking a fifteen-minute class in the subject based on Mark’s package–something I’ve followed through on for four or five days now, except my requirement isn’t fifteen minutes daily of immersion, just a significant immersion that might last only a few minutes–like the amount of time it took me to read the text and above and study the graphics.

    I had a second yowie-fit concerning my use of the above here, which I suddenly saw as the first step in a Great Adventure, Bob Grumman’s Quest to Assimilate Audio-Texual Art.  (Not “sound poetry” because I had already realized my subject would cover more than sound poetry.)   I would write a book here, one Major Thought per daily entry that would not just describe my attempt to learn about sound poetry and advance the World’s understanding of  the whole range of audio-textual art, but expose the World to my theory of aesthetics–down to its Knowlecular foundation.  All while working on three or four other not insignificant projects daily.  But I was not wholly unrealistic: my aim was “merely” a good rough draft, not a perfect final draft.

    Well, maybe I’ll keep going for more than a few days.  Perhaps I’ll even write something of value.  For .  .  . ?   One of the reasons I probably won’t get far is my belief, strengthening daily–if not hourly–that there are not more than a dozen people in the world able to follow me at this time, nor will there ever be, so I’ll be wasting my time.   Yes, I do recognize that the reason for this may not be how advanced my thoughts are but how badly expressed and/or obtuse they are.   No matter, I myself will enjoy writing about my adventure, and having it to write about may be enough to keep me in it until I’ve actually accomplished my main aim, an understanding of audio-textual at that makes sense to me.

    Ergo, here’s lesson one, which an enlargement of the text above from the booklet that comes with Mark’s set will facilitate: ForEmileBerlinerText

    Its words, of course, are Mark’s.

    Student Assignment: two words or more concerning “Sound Poem for Emile Berliner”–prior to listening to it.   Not much to say except for taxonomical remarks unsurprising to anyone who knows me.  First off, since there can be nothing in the composition anyone will be able to recognize as verbal, as far as I can now see, I would term it “linguiconceptual music,” “linguiconceptual” being my term for asemic textual matter in an artwork that conceptuphorically (or provides a concept that metaphorically) adds appreciably to the work’s aesthetic effect.  I will say more about this after hearing the composition.  Right now I don’t see how its textual content can be evident without a listener’s simply being told that it is there.Unless the tracing is exhibited as the composition is being played, as it seems to me it ought to be, and maybe is!  The tracing IS a visual poem, albeit a simple one that serves the work as a whole as its caption.

    No, it’s more than that–the textual music is metaphorically its voice, which makes it an integral part of the composition that is secondarily a caption for it.

    So much for lesson 1.  (I think I passed.)


    Al Ackerman « POETICKS

    Archive for the ‘Al Ackerman’ Category

    Entry 1620 — Feeblitzed

    Monday, November 3rd, 2014

    I’m in a non-functional zone again but it’s not my null zone because I feel un-null emotionally.  I’m non-functional because, I’ve now decided, I’m being “feeblitzed” by the gods or whoever is running my life (which sure ain’t me).  Latest episode: my little cat slept on top of the keyboard of my number four computer, a laptop.  When I went to use it to continue playing Civilization, the first round of it in a couple of weeks that I was winning, I found an alarming message on the screen: “Insert Boot Disk.”  When I unplugged it and rebooted, I got the same message.  Fortunately, I use the laptop for almost nothing but playing Civilization, so it was about the slightest large-scale computer disaster I could have had.  But it feeblitzed me–that is, it made me feel feeble against the fates–as, of course, my current back and lower legs make my feel about my physical future.

    Oh, I discovered the problem yesterday–Sunday, of course, at 5:30 in the evening.  I called Staples to find out their hours: on Sunday, 9 AM to 6 PM.  I probably could have made it on my bike to the store before six but I’m sure I would have had to go back today to get my computer back.

    So I took it in this morning and got feeblitzed again: the people there could not order my a boot disk.  I could have left my computer with them for a diagnostics test costing $70, but it seemed to me getting and trying o0ut a boot disk made much more sense.  Not that I really know enough to say, but I by then remembered that one can use the Internet and contact manufacturers when things go wrong with mechanisms like computers.  So I spent a couple of hours later getting feeblitzed on the phone with Toshiba, and on the Internet with Toshiba and other companies I kept getting sent to.  I ended finding a place here in town besides Staples that might help me, and will take my computer there.  Eventually.    –

    I also had to go the the Food Pantry where I, a welfare layabout, can get free groceries once a week by standing in line for an hour or two in the morning to get a ticket, then coming back in the afternoon to stand in line for 30 to 40 minutes to go into the place to get stuff–like the 24 cupcakes I could have gotten (unsold Hallowe’en goodies) but took 12 smaller cupcakes instead because of lack of storage space for all the edibles I have in my house.  Tiring, especially now that I can’t stand for more than a half hour without wanting desperately to sit down (a real case of feeblitzery).

    A final factor were the exercises I should be doing and did one set of, and felt guilty that I didn’t do more–but they may genuinely be too much for me because they are somewhat painful.  I’m probably not doing them more because they don’t seem to be doing anything for me.  I was excellent about doing the exercises I was given after my hip transplant, mainly because I felt I was up to them.  Doing, not doing, and thinking about the exercises feeblitzed me.

    So, that’s why I went through all the things I have lying around my computer room for something to post here, and found this:


    It’s a work of my now no longer here friend Al Ackerman who sent it to me in 2007.  I love his work–it always makes me smile or chuckle, when it doesn’t make me guffaw.  Click to see a larger image.

    (Aside, I wonder if women find his work funny; I suddenly see something of the 3 Stooges in it, although I was never a big fan of theirs, however much they could at times make me laugh.  Ackerman’s brand of comicality was quite a bit higher than that of the stooges, though.  If I weren’t so feeblitzed, I could give the details  There’s a good deal of “this is something some people find funny” in it which makes superior types like me laugh at it, but some kind of hilariously absurd high idiocy, too.  And devices like contrasting . . . argot?  There’s a better term.  Anyway, here you have the cultured caption about “ruffians” contrasted with the lower-class absolute fools the word is describing.  There’s something about unabashed idiocy that I–and I believe many men but not many women–find absolutely hilarious.  Maybe because with can enjoy it vicariously, it being something we’d love to be able to do; but women fear the loss of control it involves–oh, and the physicality of most Grand Idiocy–or, more exactly, the musclaceptuality, to bring my theory of awarenesses into it.  Women probably prefer . . . well, refined humor, but I’m not sure what I mean by that.)

    Oops, I forgot to mention the funniest thing about it: the idea of our constipated government ever issuing such stamps!  I wish I used a few of them, but never thought to, having always been far too little of a mail artist.



    Entry 858 — “Repose and Reconstruction”

    Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

    Below is the link to the 3rd in a series of chapbooks from the publishers of Tip of the Knife. The title of the series is called TipChapKnifeBook. Number 3 presents Bill DiMichele’s Repose and Reconstruction–with a short introduction by me.


    Meanwhile, I’ve been half-assedly continuing my attempt to put mine house in order.  Yesterday, I spent an hour going through a shallow box of miscellaneous stuff, figuring out what to do with perhaps a fifth of it.  But I found some interesting items I thought worth sharing mith my blog’s legions of followers:

    This was at the top of a letter from John M. Bennett.  It’s by Al Somebody-or-Other.  It may have come in the envelope below, which is a typical JMB envelope:

    Plus a sticker of John’s:



     More great stuff tomorrow, kids–if you behave!


    Entry 15 — Misto Peas

    Monday, November 16th, 2009

    One of the “tiny special stories” in Al Ackerman’s recent collection, Misto Peas, is called “The Pendulum of Truth”:

    “I put my face in a cat and it coffed up sucked-in hairs.  So that was some of it.  And out on the lawn something was peering through the swami who’d been posing dead so lmany weeks that his body was beginning to develop rips.  The thing peering through the rips was mimicking Jerry’s Drive-in.  A kid pulled in who’d had too much wine and at first from the awful shade of his nearly purple face we thought he was going to throw up on his date.  But then he began to swing back and forth on the gear shift and we saw it was the pendulum of truth.”

    Why is this so funny to me, and not to many others?  I think partly because I instantly recognize it as a parody of the thought processes of “normals”– matter-of-factly explaining their religion, for instance, taking it for granted they are making sense, never considering the possibility of alternative explanations–and getting away with it!  We connoisseurs of irrationality can make the connections, sparse and frail though they be, to the surreal and/or emotional sense they make.  It’s nonsense of the highest level, but different from Carroll’s in that its speaker doesn’t realize it, which makes it all the funnier.

    Okay, my explanation is lousy.  Just groping for an explanation that works, and confident I can find one.

    Ackerman’s book is avaliable from Luna Bisonte Prods, 137 Leland Avenue, Columbus OH 43214.  ISBN 1-892280-78-7.  Price: $9, ppd.

    Jack Moscovitz « POETICKS

    Archive for the ‘Jack Moscovitz’ Category

    Entry 83 — MATO2, Chapter 1.05

    Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

    About a week later I heard from one of my California writer friends, Moya Sinclair, who called me a little after eight in the evening sounding very cheerful and energetic.  She, Annie Stanton, quite a good linguexpressive poet, Diane Walker, well-known as a television actress under her maiden name, Brewster, who had literary ambitions and was quite bright but never to my knowledge broke beyond the talented dabbler stage, and I had been a few years earlier the main members of a little writers’ group at Valley Junior College in the San Fernando Valley presided over by Les Boston, a professor there.   Technically, we were doing independent studies with Dr. Boston, but in reality we friends who met weekly to discuss one another’s writing, mine at the time plays.  Annie and Diane were about ten years older than I, Moya close to eighty by the time of her phone call, and she was in a convalescent home.  Her circulatory system had slowly been wearing out.  I fear she died there, for I never heard from her again.  Both Annie and Diane died around then in their early sixties, huge unexpected losses for me.

    Moya reported that Annie had been over for a visit and had left my book with her.  Moya said she’d been reading parts of it and found it beautifully written, etc.  She had a few adverse comments on it, too–on Geof’s word for one-word poem (“pwoermd”), for instance, but that was to be expected.  Moya, for years working on an autobiographical novel, was pretty wedded to the old standards.  We had a fine chat that boosted my spirits a good deal.  She represented one of the main kinds of readers I hoped would like my book.

    A day later I got a very positive letter from Jack Moskovitz about my book, and a lukewarm one about it from Geof.  Geof, as I remember, felt I should have lightened up on the Grummaniacal coinages.  I think he was right.  I believe one of the things I tried to do in my two revisions of the book was to cut down on them.

    The next day, according to my diary, I got lots of letters, mostly from people I sent my book to, and for the most part complimentary though Jody Offer, a California poet/playwright friend of mine, felt I got too advanced in parts–I’m sure in part because of my terminology.  I was finding out, though, that my book was not as geared for non-experts as I’d hoped.

    Literary Taxonomy « POETICKS

    Archive for the ‘Literary Taxonomy’ Category

    Entry 925 — Literary Characterization 6, Maybe

    Saturday, November 17th, 2012

    It’s past two in the afternoon, 14 November.  I have just today and tomorrow to take care of four more entries in this series, and tomorrow morning I have to play league tennis, leaving the afternoon for getting ready to leave for the airport at 5 A.M. the following morning.  Ergo, I’m going to try to do all four remaining entries now, even though I only have one idea to use–which I just got.  But I’ll be working off one of my zow-doses (caffeine pill and opiate pain pill) so relaxed and not as unenergetic as usual.  So I may well get all four done.  However shablowly.

    To begin, I want to say a little more about the compreceptual awareness and its self.  I conceive this awareness as basically synthesizing data from all the other awareness active at a given time and taking care of one’s general behavior, with specific awareness taking over partly or completely as appropriate.  The data it receives will only be obviously significant data–or seemingly significant data.  It is probably in the compreceptual awareness that a cerebral executive center is located which is sensitive to how active the compreceptual awareness and each of the other awarenesses is and automatically distribute energy to any awareness or awarenesses significantly more active than the other awarenesses.  No doubt some sense of the short-term importance of some awareness or group of awarenesses at the time is taken into account–a threatening tiger, for example, causes all awarenesses to shut down but the one operating the flight or fight reaction–which, come to think of it, may mean shutting down the cerebrum itself, to leave the cerebellum in charge.  But keeping itself ready to to issue other directions.

    When somebody finally subsidizes me finally to get my full theory down on . . . I mean, into the computer, I’ll provide more details.

    The compreceptual self is simply the self the compreceptual awareness uses to make a person’s final self–yes, what religion thinks of as the soul, but I prefer to call the urwareness–awareness of the main things that are going on, with–sometimes, but not always–a soundtrack.  I wonder what proportion of the compreceptual self’s stream of consciousness (which I want a different name for, and probably have, although I don’t suppose it needs one) consists of one’s internal monologue, and what is averbal.

    I think many different selves, such as, in my case, the little brother self (from the anthroceptual awareness, the part of it devoted to social interactivity), take over for the compreceptual self, but always accompanied by it, with data being supplied by data-supplying awarenesses, and other selves contributing to what the dominant “second self” does.

    Hey, I realize I’m straying farther and farther from what any of my readers can keep up with–not because it’s over their heads, but because they haven’t the background to keep up with it, and because it may well be unkeepable-up-with.  If anyone thinks he’s getting the gist of it, please let me know.  I would so like to learn I’m not 100% into a person world no one else can enter.  As I believe Gertrude Stein often was, which has kept her world from being entered–with enjoyment–but lots of people.  Is it possible for any human being to disconnect entirely from everyone else?

    On the other hand, I sometimes worry that everyone is following me, and bored by my re-inventions of the whale.

    So much for my first entry of the day–and I didn’t use the idea I first had!  I enjoyed it, too, and learned from it, so it fulfilled what I believe is a blog’s mainest function: acting as a laboratory of ideas, regardless of their value as entertainment or anything else.

    (Note, at HLAS I’m making prodigious attempts to understand how the mind of a fellow there works.  Paul Crowley, whom I’ve spoken of here more than few times, is the fellow.  I swear that his method of verosophical endeavor is to assert something, and challenge other, implicitly or explicitly, to prove it wrong.  Then he rejects whatever anyone says against the assertion, not just as an invalid argument, but as no argument, at all.  When asked to support his rejection, it says things like, “it’s obvious nonsense.”   He will never say why.  When I say, as I did in my latest reply to one of his post, “Again, I ask, in whose opinion?” he says things like the following, which is his latest retort, ” The Grumman Gambit is the epitome of  intellectual dishonesty.  You should market  it, much like a snake-oil salesman . . .

    “‘. .  Lost your argument?  Nothing to say?  You’ve no evidence, and you’ve forgotten whatever logic you thought you once had?  Don’t worry  . . .  you can always rely on the Grumman Gambit . . . . only $10 per use each time . . .”

    He’s very good at this sort of thing.  He truly seems as intelligent or more intelligent than anyone else at HLAS, including me.  Well, except that he’s insane.  Or, as I more than half believe, the output of a fiendishly clever computer program concocted by sociologists or the like to see how such a person affects others, perhaps even to find out how successful his tactics are–maybe they are mere pranksters, although I find that hard to believe.  It does also cross my mind that some person or group is for some reason out to try to reveal how stupid I am, for this Paul-figure does trip me into fairly awful blunders at time, for he can be very confusing, and defective arguments are far more difficult to counter than intelligent ones.  And or the person or group is just trying to tempt me away from the many more important things I could be doing.  Or who knows what.  But Paul’s fun for me, recreational fun, most of the time.  And he makes me think about the origin and nature of human error, a primary interest of mine.

    I began this note thinking it’d be short.  All I wanted to do was wonder why no one was trying to figure out the workings of my strange mind the way I was trying to figure out the workings of his.)

    (Note Number Two: the–opiate, I’m sure–has me feeling wonderfully pleased with myself; not feeling superior to anyone, just pleased with Me.  Which, as it always does, certifies to me the complete absurdity of existence.  Still, it’s nice to know that such a feeling is possible.  I’m sure I’ve written here before how I used to feel this way without pharmaceutical help, mainly when I was in my super-creative zone: I always said then that perfect happiness was to be making something one thought of value, remembering similar things one had made and thought of value, and dreaming of similar things one would make–and consider of value . . .  My present feeling is not vocation-related, though.  It is the pleasure of being alive in such a mood.  Is that okay?  I have a lot to say about that, but will wait till later–in one of the three entries I have left to do, or somewhere else.  I don’t think I have anything novel to say about it, though.)


    Entry 545 — $4437.67

    Thursday, October 27th, 2011

    $4457.67 is how much I earned as a writer from the beginning 0f 1988 until the end of 2010.  I just found that out today when I came across a missing zip drive with biographical information about me on it.  A month of so ago when I made $20 for a review, my only earnings as a writer this year, I was eager to give myself credit for it in the “Earnings” file on said zip drive but couldn’t find the drive.  Very weird.  Well, today, on impulse I went through my zip drives again, thinking my biographical data might be on a mislabeled drive.  I’d already checked that possibility in vain, but thought maybe I’d overlooked one drive or something, so tried again.  All my drives were properly labeled. 

    BUT in one of the little plastic holders, wedged under a shelf so hard to see all the way into, that I have my zip drives in, I noticed on the bottom of the container what looked like some kind of colored ad.  When I tried to pull it out I found that it was a zip drive container!  Yes, it was the missing one.  I’m so relieved.  I do so much want to make things easy for posterity.  I owe them untold gratitude for their support, belated though it is.  And I’m sure those of them who are also creative artists and/or critics will be encouraged by my lack of commercial success.  I also wanted you, mine faithful readers, to see how well I’ve done at meta-commerciality–enough to postpone my second go at Gregory’s poem.  I trust it will inspire you to equal or even greater success at it.

    $4437.67 for 22 years, by the way, is just over $200 a year.  I need someone to buy a signed poem of mine for $142.33 before year-end or I’ll  drop under $200-a-year.  Or just send me a check for that amount for “services to poetry.”  I deserve it.  (Which reminds me: I didn’t subtract my expenses, sometimes large, such as the cost of a bus ticket to and from an affair I got paid much less than the ticket cost to give a presentation–but by people as improverished as I so I didn’t mind.)

    Hey, Gregory’s poem hasn’t gotten me stumped.  It is a challenge, though.  Nonetheless, I’ll overpower it even unto its final dot.  Make that its final letter.  Gregory’s only punctuation marks in this poem are commas, and there isn’t one at the end of his poem.  I tend to doubt he likes punctuation marks very much–certainly not as much as I do.  Nobody does, except Marton Koppany–and maybe Geof Huth.  And some Canadian or other.  Which calls for an Announcement before I forget it forever: punctuational poetry is a subclass of infraverbal poetry, an important subclass–except for people like the editors of Poetry.

    I’m not sure when I’ll get to the n at the end of “Skips.”  Maybe not for several days.  Tomorrow is my latest surgical procedure (outpatient).  Who knows how I’ll feel the next few days.  By then I’ll have new excuses, I’m sure.  I do plan to have an entry tomorrow, just to let you all know I’m back home, okay.  If I don’t post an entry, don’t be too worried–I may just have had to stay overnight, and won’t have access to a computer.

    Note: I did post this entry yesterday but forgot to mark it “public.”  Sorry it’s late.


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    Entry 470 — Thoughts about Language Poetry

    Thursday, July 21st, 2011

    I define on the basis of material details: what is materially
    done in a poem, so I have trouble with statements like,
    language poets are those poets “engaged pretty self-
    consciously with the problematics of signification.”  What
    problems?  How are they engaged–that is, how is their
    engagement manifested in their poems?

    I ignore who claims or is claimed by others to be or not be a
    language poet.  My concern is with poems that use what I
    consider language poetry devices.  Which I’m trying
    haphazardly to list.

    I’m gonna jump on you for this, Jerry–because I don’t think
    you’ll take offense, and because you might say something
    back that ain’t dumb.  What’s “languagey” about Lauterback
    or C. D. Wright’s work?  I’m not baiting you or New-
    Poetry.  I’ve have trouble pinning down what language
    poetry is, or should be, since my (belated) first exposure to
    it around 1980.  I’ve long since decided the jump-cut poetry
    I think many poets have been doing since “The Wasteland”
    is in any sense, “language” poetry.

    Vaguely, I think of a language poem as something that
    makes you consider the poetic effect of the non-prose, or
    unconventional, punctuation, spelling, grammar of
    something in a text.  Cummings, for instance, when he
    writes, “What if a much of a which of a wind,” or Gertrude
    Stein when she wrote “rose is a rose is a rose.”  Each
    forcing a reader to consider what grammar is and does–
    more than a poet using a noun as a verb as Dylan Thomas
    beautifully does, say.   Language-centering versus
    language-heightening.  To say a start to what I hope
    someday about language poetry.

    Saroyan’s “lighght” is, for me, a perfect example of a
    language poem, although called a visual poem.  What it
    means as language is secondary; what counts is what it does
    as language–to wit: make metaphoric use of the strange
    fact that “gh” can be silent.

    Another thought: that a language poem uses language for
    more than denotation and connotation.  It goes beyond what
    can be done with those two things.

    Hey, that may be my definition of language poetry: poetry
    whose central aesthetic effect depends not of what its
    language denotes or connotes but what it does.

    > what it does?
    > which leaves us what?
    > diagraming sentences?

    Diagramming sentences was one of the very few things I
    liked doing in school.  You wouldn’t need to do it here
    unless your understanding of sentence structure is really

    I think I can’t explain it to you, at least now, if my “lighght”
    example doesn’t make sense to you.  Think about what
    makes it work as a pooem, if not for you, then for others
    like me for whom it definitely works.

    What makes it for me is what its “gh” is as a fragment of
    language, not what it denotes or connotes (which is zero).
    Think about Cummings’s “What if a much of a which of a
    wind” and Stein’s “rose is a rose is a rose.”  Neither is
    anything without its abuse of syntax, and that abuse does
    much more than simply distort a text sufficiently to slant it
    interesting–the way the sentence I just typed does, or tries
    to do–or the way an impressionistic painting distorts a
    pretty scene enough to make it appealing to those capable
    of appreciating it.

    I think Stein’s passage does something important
    neurophysiologically (according to my post-Chomskian
    theory of linguistics): it disrupts the brain’s reception of
    what the passage denotes in such a way as to let it start
    again out of a blank context, which will give a reader (or
    some readers) a feeling of the word, “rose,” which is much
    closer to what most persons’ first experience of an actual
    rose was than to something more conventional, like Burns’s
    “My love is like a red, red rose” (although his expression
    has other virtues).

    I’m not sure about the Cummings passage, which I haven’t
    thought about too deeply.  I first made an intense analysis
    of the Stein passage 30 years ago–in what I believe was my
    first published piece of criticism, in my college literary

    The fact that this way of considering language poetry seems
    to stymy you suggests to me that I may be on to something
    of consequence (which is not to say I’m saying anything
    original).  A genuine poet or serious engagent of poetry
    would be thrilled to discover words might be used to do
    something more than denote, connote, appeal to the ears,
    appeal to the eyes.  A Philistine would feel threatened.  Too
    threatened to ask questions the way you are, Stephen.  For
    which, I thank you.

    I believe many poets called language poets just assaulted
    grammar in their poems for the sake of problematizing
    language, which they took to be a way to opposing the
    political status quo.  Many didn’t have any aesthetic
    motives, being (I strongly suspect) almost bereft of
    aesthetic sensitivity.  Not that their accidents, like many of
    the accidents of the Dadaists, couldn’t be put to far betters
    uses than they were able to.

    Entry 448 — Another Terminological Change

    Tuesday, May 24th, 2011


    Although many of my coinages sound pretentious, I always aim for ordinariness.  It’s not that easy to achieve.  Hence, “xenological poetry” as one of my main categories of poetry.  Well, I suddenly saw yesterday that “dislocational poetry” could takes its place.  Ironically, that was the very first name I gave such poetry–surrealistic and jump-cut poetry–thirty or forty years ago.  I don’t know why I dropped it.  I see no reason not to use it now, though, so will.

    Meanwhile, I also realized that “vaudevillic” as a term for all varieties of jump-cut poems is unfair since some of them cohere quite nicely.  So I’m bringing back “jump-cut” to its previous position, and demoting “vaudevillic” to a secondary position as an adjective describing one kind of jump-cut poems, the other kind being, “convergent jump-cut poems.”  Be sure to update your copies of A Preliminary Taxonomy of Poetry,” students.

    I’ve made a change in what constitutes aesthetic pleasure, too: one of two things, fundaesthetic pleasure or pleasure due to fundaceptual stimuli, and anthraesthetic pleasure, or pleasure due to anthroceptual stimuli.  Then there’s a sort of new word, “osmoticism,” for the ability to learn osmotically, and its antonym, “unosmoticism,” which I use to represent one of the many intellectual dysfunctions of people who don’t believe in Shakespeare.

    Last, and close to least is, “lifage,” my word for anything a person uses to trade when attempting to  increase the pleasure-to-pain ratio of his life.  An economics term.  There are two kinds of lifage, “inborn” and “acquired,” the latter of which is a person’s private property.  I came up with it because I needed some such term for what one trades to another when one rents a house to the latter in return for (the lifage) of money.  It’s not the lifage of the house (assuming for the sake of argument that it is as good after the rental period as it was before it) but the actual hours of life the landlord gives up, hours he could have used enjoying the house himself and which are permanently lost.  In other words, the term, “unearned income,” is nonsense.

    Entry 445 — Vaudevillic Poetry

    Saturday, May 21st, 2011

    I’ve coined another term, “Vaudevillic Poetry,” for what I’ve been calling “Jump-Cut Poetry.”  This is a somewhat derogatory term inspired by my bias against short-attention span art, the kind of art that presents discontinuous acts.  It reminds me of why I never much liked television variety shows like Ed Sullivan’s when young, and have rarely looked forward to visits to museums.  Lots of fun stuff but within an hour I start getting a headache.  I’m too much of a convergent thinker, I guess.

    Lately I’ve decided that the “language poetry” now gaining Official Recognition is really not much different from Ashbery’s vaudevillic poetry, so really is not extending what the academy recognizes as poetry of value.  Ergo, Wilshberia remains the only part of the contemporary American poetry continuum the Poetry Establishment has any really knowledge of.

    Additional note: I’m renaming “Sprungrammatical Poetry” “Grammar-Centered Poetry.”  Accessibility and all that.  So: in my taxonomy, there are two kinds of Language poetry: grammar-centered and infraverbal.  I’m thinking, too, that there are two kinds of vaudevillic poetry: phrase-length and sentence-length.  “Jumbled-Text” may be a third–one beyond Wilshberia.  But possibly beyond what I conceive as poetry, as well–i.e., hyperhermetic or Steinian, if you consider her short texts poems (although I feel I get some of them).

    Entry 376 — An Ultimate Definition of Poetry

    Saturday, February 12th, 2011


    First, to get my latest coinage out of the way before I forget it: “urentity.”  I’m not keen on it but need something for more or less fundamental things like photons and electrons–both larger like atoms, and smaller like quarks; for light, too, and maybe gravity.  There may be  good term for this already out there; if so, I’m not aware of one, and I’ve often wanted one.  “Bit of matter” would be good enough if there weren’t some things not considered material, like light.

    Maybe “fundent.”  “Urentity” is pissy my ear now tells me.

    What follows are notes written yesterday toward a discussion of how to define poetry.

    Last night I felt I was putting together a terrific monograph on the subject but now, around 3 in the afternoon, I’ve found I haven’t gotten anywhere much, and am out of gas, so will add a few thoughts to what I’ve said so far, without keeping it very well organized.

    The best simple definition of poetry has for thousands of years been “literary artworks whose words are employed for substantially more than their ability to denote.”  With “literary artworks” being defined as having to have words making some kind of sense whose purpose is to provide aesthetic pleasure to a greater degree than indoctrination or information, the other two things words can provide.

    A more sophisticated definition would list in detail exactly what beyond denotation poetry’s words are employed for, mainly kinds of melodation (or word-music), figurative heightening, linguistic heightening (by means of fresh language, for instance) and connotation.  Arguments have always risen about what details a poem should have to qualify as a poem–end-alliteration, the right number of syllables, meter, end-rhyme, etc., with philogushers almost always  sowing confusion by requiring subjective characteristics such as beauty, high moral content, or whatever.

    Propagandists work to make salient words ambiguous.  They never provide objective, coherent definitions of their terms.  Diana Price, the anti-Shakespearean, for instance, attacks the belief that Shakespeare wrote the works attributed to him but saying there’s no contemporary personal literary evidence for him, but in her few attempts to define what she means in her book against Shakespeare does so partially, and inconsistently.  I bring this up because I hope someday to use her book in a book of my own on the nature and function of propaganda.

    I’m not bothering with that right now.  I’m intent only on establishing that poetry has always been, basically, heightened language used to entertain in some way and/or another, with different poetic devices being required by poets of different schools of the art.  At present a main controversy (although now over a century old)  is whether verbal texts using only the device of lineation (or the equivalent) can qualify as poetry, but it would appear that for the great majority of poets and critics, the answer is yes.  The most recent controversy has to do with whether poetry making in which non-verbal elements are as important as verbal elements can be considered poetry.  the outcome is uncertain but it would seem that another yes will result.  Amazingly enough–to me, at any rate–is the belief of many visual artists who make letters and other linguistic symbols the subject of painting that such . . . “textual designs,” I call them . . . are poetry, “visual poetry.”  The question has not reached enough people in poetry to be considered controversial yet, I don’t believe–however controversial in my circles.

    My newest and best definition of visual poetry is: “poetry (therefore verbal) containing visual elements whose contribution to its central aesthetic effect is more or less equally to the contribution to that of the poem’s words.”

    It is constantly claimed how blurry and ever-changing language is, but I’m not sure it is.  It seems to me that most of our language is quite stable, and that only language about ideas, which are forever changing, is to any great extent capricious.  Sure, lots of terms come and go, but only because what they describe comes and goes.  “Poetry,” was reasonably set for millennia, and uncertain only now because for the first time  a significant number of artists are fusing arts, thus requiring new terms like “visual poetry,” and amendments to definitions like “poetry.”

    A precise, widely agreed-on definition of “poetry” is essential not only for critics but for poets themselves, no mater how little many of them realize it.  They want to use it freely, and should if you believe with me that “poetry is the appropriate misuse of language.”  A metaphor is a misuse of language, a lie.  Calling me a tiger when it comes to defending the rational use of language is an example.  I’m not a tiger.  But I act in some ways like a tiger.  A metaphor actually could be considered an ellipsis–words left out because understood, in this case saying “Bob is a tiger” rather than “Bob is like a tiger.”  In any case, if we don’t accept the definition of tiger as a big dangerous cat, the metaphor will not work.

    To say a word can have many meanings according to its context does not make it polysemous, although if provides the word with connotational potential the poet can take advantage of.

    James Joyce’s “cropse’ is a neat misspelling but useless if one does not accept the precise meanings of “crops” and “corpse.”

    Entry 360 — Thoughts about Definitions

    Thursday, January 27th, 2011

    Mathematical Poetry is poetry in which a mathematical operation performed on non-mathematical terms contributes significantly to the poem’s aesthetic effect.

    Mathematics Poetry is poetry about mathematics.

    Neither is a form of visual poetry unless a portion of it is significantly (and directly) visio-aesthetic.

    The taxonomic rationale for this is that it allows poetry to be divided into linguexclusive and pluraesthetic poetry–two kinds based on something very clear, whether or not they make aesthetically significant use of more than one expressive modality, with the second category dividing cleanly into poetries whose definition is based on what extra expressive modality they employ–visual poetry, for example, employing visimagery; mathematical poetry employing mathematics; and so forth.

    Directly.  I mentioned that because there are some who would claim that a linguexclusive poem about a tree so compellingly written as to make almost anyone reading it visualize the tree is a “visual poem.”  But it sends one to one’s visual brain indirectly.  A genuine visual poem about a tree, by my definition, would use a visual arrangement of letters to suggest a tree, or graphics or the like directly to send one to one’s visual brain.

    A confession.  I’ve been using the pwoermd, “cropse,” as an example of a linguexlusive poem that muse be seen to be appreciated, but is not a visual poem.  Yet it is almost a visual poem, for it visually enacts the combination of “corpse” and “crops” that carries out it aesthetic purpose.  To call it a visual poem, however, would ignore its much more potent conceptual effect.  I claim that it would be experienced primarily in one’s purely verbal brain, and very likely not at all in one’s visual brain.  One understands its poetry as a conception not as a visimage.  When I engage it, I, at any rate, do not picture a corpse and crops, I wonder into the idea of the eternal life/death that Nature, that existence, is.  It is too much more conceptual than visual to be called a visual poem.

    I had a related problem with classifying cryptographic poetry.  At first, I found it clearly a form of infraverbal poetry–poetry depending for its aesthetic effect of what its infraverbal elements, its textemes, do, not on what its words and combinations of words do.   It was thus linguexclusive.  But I later suddenly saw cryptography as a significant distinct modality of expression, which would make cryptographic poetry a kind of pluraesthetic poetry.  Currently, I opt for its being linguexclusive, for being more verbo-conceptual than multiply-expressed.  A subjective choice.  Taxonomy is difficult.

    For completeness’s sake, a comment now that I made in response to some comments made to an entry at Kaz’s blog about my taxonomy: “Visual poetry and conventional poetry are visual but only visual poetry is visioaesthetic. The point of calling it ‘visual’ is to emphasize the importance of something visual in it. In my opinion, the shapes of conventional poems, calligraphy, and the like are not important enough to make those poems ‘visual.’ Moreover, to use the term ‘visual poem’ for every kind of poem (and many non-poems) would leave a need for a new term for poems that use graphics to their fullest. It would also make the term of almost no communicative value. By Geof’s logic we would have to consider a waterfall a visual poem because of its ‘poetry.’ Why not simply reduce our language to the word, ‘it?’”

    Entry 352 — More on the Value of Taxonomy

    Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

    The more I think about it, the more I feel like superciliously saying that Truth is one of the two primary values in life beyond survival, and therefore of the highest value for itself alone, and that a taxonomy is the basis of every significant form of Truth, so of the highest value for itself alone.  It is an understanding the value of which can only be appreciated by those able to perceive the full size, if not fully understand a form of verosophy and follow its taxonomical base into “ever-smaller mysteries, and ever-vaster interconnections.”

    But I contend that a taxonomy also has valuable utilitarian uses.  A cardinal one is its use for helping people understand  a given poem.  To demonstrate that, let’s take an untitled language poem with no author’s name that someone not knowing anything about such a thing encounters, and for some obscure reason doesn’t dismiss it as nonsense but wants to understand it.  Let’s assume it has some normal words in it.  If he knows about my taxonomy, he can go to it and figure out from it that the object he has is 1. material and therefore matter, 2. part of life because printed as a human artifact, 3. part of human life because a human artifact, 4. m0re than likely something resulting from mentascendancy, 5. a form of art since it certainly isn’t a form of versosophy–nor recognizable as religious though he may have to investigate that further, by perhaps taking it to a minister of some kind, 6. literature since it certainly is neither persuasive or utilitarian (although it may take him a while to reach that conclusion), and 7. poetry, because not having the set right margin that prose has.

    It is obviously 8. linguexclusive and 9. not songmode, so plaintext poetry, and 10. not  orthological, so xenexpressive (the class I have now, thanks to Geof, replaced xenological and language poetry with).  Under xenexpressive, he’ll find language poetry with jump-cut poetry and surrealistic poetry, neither of which fit, so he’ll identify it as 11. language poetry.  He should be able to tell which main kind of language poem it is–let’s say, 12. sprungrammatical.  In the full taxonomy I hope one day to put together, he’ll be able to determine what kind of sprungrammatical poem it is–one to three levels down.  Now, with a name, he’ll be able to study anthologies of such poems and read articles about them.  Then he can dismiss them as nonsense with a clear conscience!

    What is his alternative?  I can’t think of any–assuming he’s alone–i.e., has no educated friends to help him–except to consult a typology, or list of poetries–after somehow deducing that the text is a form of poetry.  He must then read the description of every kind of poetry until coming on one that seems to be of his text.  A long j0b, and even then he’ll not have learned anything about what such poems are like and unlike.

    A taxonomy can work in the opposite direction, too.  Let’s say our subject finds a text labeled a language poem and finds it interesting, but puzzling in part.  He looks it up in a reference book and finds a fair but finally unsatisfying vague definition of it.  If in a typological reference book, he’ll have nowhere else to go.  Of course, few if any references are entirely typological; most of their definitions will mention what general kind of poetry a specific poem is.  He might find, for instance, that his language poem is “postmodern,” and read about that, which may help a bit.  But if he learns what it is taxonomically, he’ll soon be able to learn more about its xenexpressive qualities, and its plaintext qualities, and so forth  And see why it is not surrealistic but illuminatingly somewhat like surrealistic poetry.  Etc.

    Entry 351 — Debating Huth on Taxonomy

    Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

    Shortly after he got my booklet, A Preliminary Taxonomy of Poetry, Geof Huth wrote an excellent review of it at his blog, here. It is also a critique, which I will not respond to in detail.

    Bob Grumman has released a new book, really a chapbook, entitled A Preliminary Taxonomy of Poetry, and it combines the two halves of Bob’s intellect into one. The first of these is an interest in clear thinking, in making distinctions even if only for distinction’s sake, an interest in definition and categorization. And the second is its opposite, though it is the second that Bob rarely sees. The second is a tendency to simplify distinctions by setting rules that are not in evidence in the facts, a tendency to muddle things a bit, to wander.

    And I love both these halves of Bob, even though, or probably because, they both can annoy me and enchant me, because their annoyance is often a possibility for illumination and because their enchantments lead me terribly astray. These two halves of Bob are the two halves of his visual poetry as well. He creates some of the most considered visual poetry, a poetry interested in the word and new senses of syntax, and he sometimes creates with this intellect visual poems that seem to care little about their visual presentation. Then he will create visual poems almost totally inscrutable from a verbal point of view but which are still among the most beautiful visual poems around. His best work is among my favorite being created these days.

    Somewhere I gave my opinion of this idea of Geof’s but I’ve been unable to find what I said. It wasn’t much, only that I wouldn’t call my intellect divided in two: it’s just the tool I use to define, distinguish and classify reality, among other things. Sometimes it is effective, sometimes not, but it’s the same intellect at all times. As for its creating “visual poems that seem to care little about their visual presentation,” this goes back to an ongoing difference of ours as to the importance of what I consider trivial decorative effects and he considers centrally important effects–because, I feel, I’m more committed to the conceptual meaning of poetry than he is, and less to the sensual meaning. A complicating factor is that I lack the means–e.g., a superior computer and printer–often to create poems that look as well on the page as I’d like them to. All of which may seem to have little to do with our taxonomy debate but which, I think, parallels his greater interest in trees than in forests compared with my greater interest in forests than in trees.

    It would have been helpful if he’d provided an example of my “setting rules that are not in evidence in the facts, a tendency to muddle things a bit, to wander.”

    So there’s the context for this, a little accounting of my point of view, which might be only an accumulation of my own biases. I’ve left a few things out. I’ve known Bob for just under 25 years. He is my oldest visual poetry friend. And we almost never agree on anything. We come to visual poetry with much different ideas. As a matter of fact, when Bob says “visual poetry” he means something considerably narrower than I mean when using the same term. We are not sympatico in that way.

    Why Taxonomy?

    Bob opens the booklet with “A Defense of the Taxonomization of Poetry,” which is an impassioned defense of taxonomies and the effort it takes to produce them. Part of the reason for his passion is that Bob has suffered through a few sometimes heated arguments over the years from poets, especially visual poets, who are themselves passionate in their opposition to taxonomies. These people see a taxonomy as the equivalent of an autopsy that produces no results. In this opening section, Bob does a reasonable, though quick, job of directly disputing the ideas of the critics of taxonomy, but he provides no justification for taxonomy at all, except to say that “an effective taxonomy” allows “the clarification of discussion.”

    This is a big weakness to me. In the face of enormous criticism of taxonomy, Bob undermines the arguments of his opponents, but not in a way that argues the case for his own. All of his arguments are negative. None is positive. The one above is actually my reversal of his refutation of his detractors’. Bob needs to prove how his taxonomies do something valuable. What he does is insist that they do something valuable without clarifying those values or giving any evidence of any.

    As I’ve elsewhere noted, I provided much more justification for taxonomy: for instance, I called it the basis of the conceptual appreciation of art, and declaimed that “At their best, taxonomies (and analysis in general) reveal ever-smaller mysteries, and ever-vaster interconnections to discover down or up to–while allowing us a vocabulary greater than ‘oooh’ and ‘ahhh’ with which to share our pleasure with others.” Geof has since shrugged these off as trivial. I’m in the processing of making much more elaborate points, but I consider these pretty good ones.

    Upper Levels of the Taxonomy

    This taxonomy of Bob’s is the most formal he’s ever created. It begins with the Universe of the taxonomy (in this case “Matter”), and narrows down from there:

    Domain: Life

    Kingdom: Human Life

    Phylum: Mentascendancy (“the pursuit of meaningfulness”)

    Class: Art

    Order: Literature

    Family: Poetry
    Immediately, I’m thrown into a quandary, one of definitional confusion and doubt. Is Poetry really divided into Matter (instead of its opposing universe: Mind) or into Life (instead of Non-Life). Even if stored inside a human, aren’t poems really only inanimate? and are they not more things of the mind rather than of matter? A poem on a page is not so much the poem as a poem accepted into a mind. This is a serious issue, one that needs justification in the taxonomy.*

    Frankly, I feel Geof has been thrown into goofiness here. But maybe that’s my fault, for not having defined “human life” as “everything having to do with human beings, including their activities and products.” I didn’t define “mind,” either. For me, it is irrelevant–a consciousness that observes matter but does not otherwise interact with it. It has no subclasses. I only put it in my taxonomy to be complete.

    I agree with Geof that poems are only inanimate. However, while they are products of the brain, which I’m sure is what Geof means by the “mind,” so are cars. What counts in my taxonomy are what they are as matter, to wit: verbal expressions, oral or written. That they become sets of activated brain-cells is interesting, and I believe will ultimately vindicate the validity of my taxonomy (by showing which brain-cells are activate for each different kind of poetry in my taxonomy), but my taxonomy only deals with what’s out there in the real material world.

    Even if that were not the case, I don’t see that it would make much difference. What defines poetries as written or spoken material artifacts would define them as mentally accepted artifacts.

    At the Level of Prose and Poetry

    Bob divides all literature into two main families, Poetry and Prose, and this might be a satisfactory division, though I would have, at least, discussed dramatic works and addressed the question of apparent hybrid forms, such as the verse novel and verse play. Here, Bob posits that “poetry is intended to be read slowly, read into rather than through: connotations, sounds, rhythms, flesh being emphasize rather than denotation only.” In general, the general direction of this definition is fine, but it’s too absolute and doesn’t take into account such facts as the inclusion of doggerel in the family of poetry, or that fact that many prose works depend on all the effects mentioned by Bob and also do not depend on denotation alone. This definition is complicated by Bob’s paragraph that consists of this sentence: “Literary prose is simply literature that is not poetry,” which seems to assume that any works that depend on denotation alone (or, let’s say, principally) are thus prose. This situation is quickly complicated again by Bob’s not-quite-stated-but-clearly-implied point that poetry is text that includes flow-breaks, the most well known of which is the linebreak. Whatever poetry or prose is or isn’t isn’t clarified here.

    In other writings I’ve done, I’ve gotten into verse plays and other such things. In my unpreliminary taxonomy, I will, too. I didn’t here, which is a minor flaw Geof is right in pointing out. His main criticism may have resulted because I for got to say, as I usually do when differentiating poetry from prose, that poetry is verbal expression in which flow-breaks (as I define them) are clearly significant. Prose is verbal expression in which flow-breaks occur relatively very infrequently. Yes, it’s a subjective matter, and yes, there will be instances of works of verbal expression whose category will be difficult to decide. But expecting a taxonomy to be perfect is absurd.

    The same argument holds for poetry’s being “intended to be read slowly, read into rather than through: connotations, sounds, rhythms, flesh being emphasize rather than denotation only.” I suppose I should have written that it is significantly more than prose “intended to be read slowly, read into rather than through: connotations, sounds, rhythms, flesh being emphasized rather than denotation only.” Again the problem of subjectivity (which no attempt to define or classify can avoid, but must only try its best to minimize) arises, and of the borblur where rare works of verbal expression occur that are hard to define. Note well, however, that what I say about poetry here is descriptive only. It has nothing to do with the classification of poetry, which depends entirely on whether or not its ratio of flow-breaks to words is sufficiently high to make it poetry or not.

    I would add in passing that doggerel is, even without truning to flow-breaks, poetry on the basis of its sounds–since doggerel always has rhyme ends.


    Bob, next discusses, flowbreaks (I’m discarding the hyphen): 1. the linebreak, 2. variable indentation, 3. interior line-gap (which is simply a caesura), and 4. the intrasyllabic linebreak. Here is the genius of Bob Grumman. He sees and defines topographic features of poetry that others have virtually ignored and he sees how they fit together into one set of poetic tools. My only problem with this is that one of his examples of an intra-syllabic linebreak is really intersyllabic, and the the fact that a line breaks within a word or a syllable doesn’t make it significantly different from a traditional linebreak. What he should have used as his fourth category of a flowbreak was an instance of visual tmesis, which would be a different form of flowbreak.

    I checked and was surprised to find that in obsolete verse, blocks of more than one space are used to form caesurae. I always thought of them as rhetorical breaks with nothing special indicating them but the sense of the text where they are, or a simple punctuation mark. The term, “line-gap” is still necessary, however, because it applies not only to blocks of spaces but blocks of anything else that clear put a blocking gap int&&&o a line.

    My two examples of intrasyllabically broken words were “dev/ice” and “i/t.” line-break. For me, “device’s” two syllables are “de” and “vice,” but maybe I’m wrong.

    I like “flow-break” as opposed to “flowbreak,” by the way, because I think the hyphen emphasizes its meaning.

    Types of Poetry

    This lengthy discussion has brought us only to the saddle-stapled middle of the chapbook, which is where Bob divides poetry into three classes: linguiexclusive poetry (poetry dependent on words alone) and pluraesthetic poetry (poetry that mixes “expressive modalities,” such as the verbal and the visual. This distinction is solid, though I have questions with the subsubtypes of poetry Bob identifies.

    Linguiexclusive Poetry

    Just one i in “linguexpressive.”

    Bob divides linguexclusive poetry into three subsubtypes: orthological, xenological, and language. The first is fairly standard poetry (subdivided yet again into categories), the second is poetry that breaks with the conventions of normal sense and syntax in various ways, and the third subsubtype is both confusing and unnecessary. All of its pieces should appear under xenological. Bob has divided to use a term here (“language poetry”) that already has a meaning, though a taxonomically unhelpful one, and he gives it a new sense to no particular purpose.

    Geof may be right, but I think of xenological poetry as breaking with logic, not breaking with syntax, although I can see that a breaking of syntax will also cause a break in logic . . . I think. Not to argue but for background, the reason for the split is that in an earlier version of my taxonomy I divided poetries on the basis of their innovativeness, and put surrealistic and jump-cut poetry under “xenological poetry” among the uninnovative poetries, since their innovations where much older than language poetry’s, and not, in my opinion, as great.

    “Language poetry” has no real meaning. At least I’ve never seen it defined. well, unless you consider “language-centered poetry” a definition. In any case, I long avoided using it but finally decided that it was popular enough and appropriate enough to use, and that I could use it to mean “language-centered,” but go on to define it in much greater detail. I think I will keep it, but perhaps put it under “xenological”–after changing “xenological” to “xenexpressive.”

    The definition he gives is “Language poetry is poetry in words [that?] seem to be used with almost maximum communicational responsibility. Language is at the center of such poetry, not semantics or sound.” This definition does not seem at all helpful to me, and I cannot imagine a poetry without semantics that still focuses on language.

    I would guess my computer screwed me up when I wrote my “definition” of language poetry. However, the three kinds of language poetry I went on to define should have clarified everything sufficiently. Language poetry is poetry whose words seem to be used with almost maximal communicational IRresponsibility (I’m sure i mistake was mine, not my computer’s) Language is at its centr, not semantics or sound. That semantics is not at its center does not mean it does not have semantics. I’m trying to say that it focuses on what words do rather than what they mean. Then in my three kinds of language poetry, I show some of the ways it does that.

    Pluraesthetic Poetry

    In discussing the types of pluraesthetic poetry, I’ll skip any discussion of the fact that Bob redefines “visual poetry” for his own uses, because it is important for him to do it here in order for “visual poetry” to fit neatly into his definition of poetry. Bob, however, also distinguishes mathematical poetry and flowchart poetry (“poetry that uses the symbols of computers or other flow-charting in significantly expressive ways”) from visual poetry, but I do not. Mathematical poems add mathematical features that visualize the poetry, so I consider them visual poems, and to have a category for flowchart poetry assumes that process symbols are textual and thus not visual. I’d argue, again, that they are not orthodox text, so these poems are also visual poems.

    I’ll just state my disagreement–and the reason for my disagreement, which is that the point of my taxonomy is to separate different members of the set, “Poetry.” A term is of value only to the degree that it is specialized. I should add that I flubbed my definition of flow-chart poetry; it should be simply “poetry that uses flow-charting symbols in significantly expressive ways.”

    Also, Bob’s definition remains indefensible: “poetry that uses mathematical symbols that actually carry out mathematical operations.” These mathematical operations are not actual; they are apparent. That is a big different. Duck cannot be divided by yellow in any mathematical way, though it could in a metaphoric way that has nothing to do with math directly.

    See my previous entry discussing this.

    For reasons I don’t understand, Bob distinguishes between “cyber poetry” and “hypertextual poetry,” which is not a distinction. Hypertext poetry would be a subset of cyberpoetry. But the real taxonomic distinctions in the category would be between non-interactive and interactive digital poetries, not by the types of computer languages used in the coding of the poems.

    To me the distinction is between poetry that consists of computer language and poetry that consists of regular language but may have embedded computer instructions that allow it to do things poetry without them can’t.

    Bob leaves out of his poetry videopoetry, which might have some overlap with cyberpoetry that Bob will have to work out.

    Videopoetry is just animated visual poetry.


    Finally, since Bob is presenting a complex nested taxonomy, he should design a numbering system that allows the user to determine their level in the taxonomy and, thus, be able to identify relationships more easily. At points I was briefly confused because I did not understand what certain headings were subsets of. Even the traditional outlining system once taught in school to students drafting essays could work here, but I think, given the number of levels in play, something direct though a little more complex, such as the number system in the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary, would work better.

    Good point.


    Bob’s “Final Comment” includes this unsupportable statement: “I think no members of any other vocation care less about what they do than poets.” I’d say this is an unprovable statement, so it’s opening “I think” saves it, but I also believe everything after those first two words is false. Poets, in my experience, care more about poetics than about poetry. They are more likely to read someone writing about poetry than to read the poetry. They prefer, for instance, blogs on poetics over blogs that reproduce poetry. Poets are thinking people, even when guided by the heart, the spleen, the bone. But sometimes that interest in how poetry works does not extend to an interest in categorization. A general interest is not equivalent to an interest in taxonomy.

    At the end of this, I realize that I’d like to see the next draft of this book. I like the idea of seeing how poetry can fall into categories, though I’m sure those categories will dissolve into one another. And I’m happy that Bob has made this book and glad that he has. But he still needs to prove how these defined categories could help us think about poetry. I don’t see it, even though I like the effort to make these categories and the entertainment of the results of that effort.

    Finally, my thanks to Bob for giving me a special limited edition of one of the book, with a copy of one of his mathemaku pasted in. I’ve filled my copy with pencil marks of various kinds and notes to myself, but it is still a perfect copy. And I used pencil because I’m an archivist.

    I truly thank Geof for his efforts. One of the reasons I say things like “no members of any other vocation care less about what they do than poets” is because, yes, they IN GENERAL are indifferent or hostile to projects like this of mine, even to my simple attempt over twenty or more years to get a list of contemporary poetry schools assembled. Two people suggested schools I didn’t have on my preliminary definitely incomplete list. I would add that I don’t think my idea of what poetics is comes very close to what most poets who think they’re discussing it think it is. But, hey, I’m a bitter old man long ignored by the public at large while tenth-raters make it big.

    Not really. Just when I think about my situation in the world of poetry while writing entries like this one.

    Entry 275 — A Definition of Literature

    Friday, November 5th, 2010

    A short entry today, just to show I’m making some progress on my taxonomical essay:

    In classifying poetry, I need to go back a way, for it’s necessary first to define art.  That’s because when I first was advancing my notion of what a poem was, saying (in my Of Manywhere-at-Once),

    .                             I, for
    .                     example, could
    .                          call myself a writer of poetry here
    .               because I am now lineating
    .                                        what I’m writing.

    a wise ass sneered that in that case my name and address on an envelope,

    .                                   Bob Grumman
    .                                   1708 Hayworth Road
    .                                   Port Charlotte FL 33952

    would have to be considered poetry.  Here’s where the need for a formal taxomomy comes in.  I think very few intelligent persons would see no reason to take the name&address text as poetry: clearly, it is different in kind from a literary text.  That is only according to common sense, however.  Alas, common sense is too close to saying something is because it is, for me.  I therefore felt compelled to Euclidize it.  Hence, I placed texts like a name&address under a coinage of mine for human activities to make survival easier, and more comfortable and secure: medicine, roadmaking, farming, and the like, “utilitry.”

    This necessitated my creating a phylum I’m now tentatively calling “ultracerebration” for art and utilitry to be members of.  Joining those two were verosophy and religion.

    Entry 301 — An Excerpt from a Column-in-Progress « POETICKS

    Entry 301 — An Excerpt from a Column-in-Progress

    What follows is from the column I’m working on for the January/February issue of  Small Press Review.  I knocked it out a little while ago.

    Guy Beining, a frequent contributor to ZYX is represented by an intriguing poem called, “Spheres of Clouds and Skulls,” which alone puts the zine at the forefront of experioddica.  A passage to give the flavor of his “Sphere of Clouds and Skulls: “Prior to heat there is worship.//barely audible one hears- who is the guest of/ the dead bird? Who holds a hanger as grail/ upside down in water?/ the corpse in all of us moves out/ a bit & on spigot we watch a form rotate/ spawn clouds between legs and along tongue.// Direction is a hazard that makes us move.// beyond cloud cover there is the public dance.” What is most wondrous-fine to me about the poem, though, is what Beining does in it with clouds (particularly “cloud cover”), constantly, weirdfully renewingly riffing off them, under-deepening the poem with their presence even when unmentioned, and ending the poem with a moon’s view of them.

    I was all set to put off work on the column until this afternoon. (It is now around ten a.m.) To pretend I was serious about working on it, though, I put what I’d so far written up on my computer screen. Then, uncharacteristically for me–at least now–I thought I’d put in a line about the importance of clouds in the poem. Once I’d done that, I kept going and got the whole paragraph done in two minutes or less. Not a great accomplishment, as I had previously typed the extract from Guy’s poem. I’d already come up with my slant on the clouds and been mulling it over, too. What was new was that I saw a way to organize my take on the whole poem around it–after staying away from the column for a week or more because I couldn’t think how to deal with the poem. I knew I didn’t have room to say much about it but wanted to at least be interestingly informative about it.

    The paragraph made me Very Happy for several reasons. It got me finally back into the essay. It took care of the only part I thought it’d be difficult, so am confident I’ll finish a near-final draft of it today. It gave me something write about here. Most of all, it made me feel good about my writing skill–I’d had fun and said a few good things about something important. Two things tend to make me feel that way about something I’ve written about a poem : a solution to the poem that has been giving me trouble that I believe in, and chances to play with the language with stuff like “weirdfully renewingly” and “underdeepening.” The latter is self-indulgent, but what’s the point of doing anything if you can’t indulge yourself, at least a little? Aside from that, there have to be people around for whom such words are fun, too.

    * * * * *

    It’s now four in the afternoon.  I was hoping to have heard back from Poets House so I could pass it on, but I haven’t, so I’m posting this now.


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    Entry 13 — The Null Zone « POETICKS

    Entry 13 — The Null Zone

    The null zone–I’m in it again.  Not sure why, for my health is improving, and nothing else in my life is going particular wrong.  But I just can’t think of anything to write about here.  And I had two lines of a poem started last night in bed I can only remember the gist of the second line of.  Usually if I can remember that much, the rest comes back to me.  I also remember thinking of a topic to discuss two nights ago, but remembering only that it lead back to my ordaining that there are two kinds of aesthetic pleasure, narrative or sagaceptual aesthetic pleasure and sensual or protoceptual pleasure.

    Oh, well, I did get something done that may prove of some consequence: I e.mailed Ivars Peterson about my mathematical poetry.  He’s a well-known science writer who seems interested in subjects like it.  He wrote one article about the mathematical visual art of John sims.  I’d been meaning to expose him to my work for two or more months, but dawdled.

    There, that’s it for this entry.


    One Response to “Entry 13 — The Null Zone”

    1. miekal says:

      Testing the comment box as a stranger by the artist formerly known as the despot of understanding.

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    Archive for the ‘BOBGRUMMANBLOGS’ Category

    Entry 1757 — My New Blog Set-Up

    Thursday, March 19th, 2015

    My new blog’s homepage, which I hope will allow you a choice of four blogs, is here. It is operational, but the three new blogs have nothing in them yet. I consider it an achievement that I even have it to the stage it is now at.

    I’d appreciate it if you would click “here” and then go to any of the three new blogs you think you may bisit again when there’s something at them.  That will give me at least a little idea of what kind of nuts come here.  Thanks!

    A second entry point can be found in my Pages to the right as “Bob Grumman BLOGS.”

    Now to celebrate the first day of my Blog-Quartet, below is my latest visual poem, thought of and rendered in full yesterday.  Not very original, but it won’t be a stand-alone but the dividend of a long division poem now complete but for the rendering.  It uses the notes I had here a few days ago . . . no, almost two weeks ago.

