Archive for the ‘Elderly Codger Health Report’ Category
Entry 1685 — Two Plumbing Updates
Wednesday, January 7th, 2015
Yesterday, thinking about today’s appointment with my cardiologist when I would find out how the carotid artery exam I had last week came out, I thought how much finding out my carotid arteries were okay would boost me out of my current zone, which is a better zone than my null zone, but only barely. Well, I got what I was told was good news: 25% blockage in the left artery, 30% in the right. This doesn’t sound very good to me but is good for someone my age. You’re not in bad shape until the blockage reaches 70%. Note: I’m not sure the percentage refers to blockage, only that it’s something that would be zero for a artery in perfect condition.
I was relieved, but it didn’t have much effect on me. Why? Well, last night, around nine, my bedtime, I noticed some water seeping into my bathroom. This has happened before at least twice due to my A/C ‘s having a clogged drainage tube, so I checked that. The tube seemed okay. I thought about calling the company I bought the A/C from but decided to wait until morning to avoid an extra charge, The seepage seemed very slow. But it keep on, so I eventually called in a guy I thought would be able to do something about the leak regardless of whether or not it was an A/C problem or a damaged pipe. He turned out to be only an A/C specialist. Sometime after one A.M., he basically gave up. My A/C’s drainage system had nothing wrong with it, he said, but he put a cap on a tube inside the house that was supposed to be on whatever the tube was. Its being off may have caused the problem. It made no sense to me, and he thought it unlikely. So I was as bad off as I’d been when I’d called him in, except that I was out his $129 fee for an emergency visit. (A daytime visit would have cost $100 less.)
I took a sleeping pill to make sure I got some sleep, thinking it might be difficult for me to. But I went back to a thriller I was reading for a while, then checked the leak to make sure it wasn’t worsening. It had stopped. I watched where the water had been seeping in, which I’d dried. No seepage. Yes, my bad luck turned out to be less bad than I had feared. The area has now been dry for almost 24 hours. I still worry that it’ll return, but it hasn’t yet. It was enough to mess up my day today, though. I did get four hours of sleep, but the day after I use a sleeping pill, I usually feel a crappiness different from the way I general feel–not replacing it, but adding to it. In short, I had a crummy day. Hence, this old man whine for today’s entry here.
Entry 1643 — A Drooby Day
Wednesday, November 26th, 2014
A cold day for Florida today: around sixty but very windy, seemingly from every direction. I went out in it on my bike to the clinic I’ve been having physical therapy at for my final session. It consisted mostly of a massage. I have improved a good deal because of the therapy. I may be back to about where I was a month or so ago except that I lack the running stamina I had then, although that was not all that much, and I can’t take off in anything like a true sprint the way I was almost able too at my best this past summer (and seeming then to be becoming better at). I’m finally seriously exercising and have a reasonable hope of becoming a seventy-year-old in good shape again in another month or so, if I can keep doing my exercises.
My latest strange symptom of who knows what–a kind of pressure near my . . . sternum? I just looked it up: yes, the sternum, but the bottom of it. It seems to have subsided. I still think I have a touch of stomach cancer, naturally, being the way I am, but am not yet ready to go to my doctor about it.
When I started this entry, I wasn’t planning to bore you with my latest elderly codger health report, but had nothing else to say, so it just droobed out. And I ain’t got no more to say.