Archive for the ‘photography’ Category
Entry 1607 — 2 Photographs by t. kilgore splake
Tuesday, October 21st, 2014
I don’t know where the day went, but it included my first physical therapy session. It was just an evaluation of my problem, which my physical therapist and her trainee assistant agree is due to my back, and ought to be amenable to pt exercises that I’ll begin doing tomorrow. I bought some cat food, too. I read some. I forgot about doing this entry until almost bedtime, which is why it’s just the two photographs below from Backwater Graveyard Twilight, a collection of poems and photographs by t. kilgore splake I recently got a review copy of:
The (first-rate) photographs here are representative of his work as a photographer. A quite good poet, too, he reminds me of Bukowski and Kerouac. I’d come across his name before but not his poetry, that I remember.