Archive for the ‘Samuel Jablon’ Category
Entry 1585 — Simple Country Girl
Monday, September 29th, 2014
I grabbed the following from the Spring issue of Bomb because I felt I didn’t have time for anything but a hurried entry:
It’s by Samuel Jablon. Usually the works I post are ones I consider superior ones, so I thought one I didn’t think much of, with a few explanatory remarks would be a nice change. After more time with Jablon’s work, though, I’m not so sure it isn’t pretty good. I’m not ready to call it superior because the decorative work is terrific but seems to me arbitrary (so far). What metaphoric function do the differently-colored tiles have I want to know, for instance. I feel the artist is choosing them for intuitive visimagistic reasons, which is okay, but limits the result to a beautifully decorated sign, sort of visual prose rather than visual poetry. But I haven’t studied the reproduction sufficiently to consider my thoughts more than a rough beginning from vague liking toward something more. Needless to say, to really do it justice, I’d have see the original–from a gallery with more of his work.
Hey, the reason I felt the need to get this entry done as quickly as possible is that I am really focusing on my novel finally: from an average of a chapter every two or three days to eleven chapters in the past four days, and I had a lot of household chores on two of those days! Five more chapters and an epilogue and I’ll be done. (With this revision; I feel I need to go through the whole thing one more time; copy editing, but also in hopes of unstilting some of the dialogue; I also have two or three narrative lines I have to make sure are logical.
IMPORTANT CORRECTION OF STATEMENT IN EARLIER BLOG ENTRY: “FACT: almost no statistical study of anything whatever takes into consideration all the variables it should” should say “FACT: almost no statistical study of anything having to do with human beings whatever takes into consideration all the variables it should.” Obviously there are many areas of study like the roll of dice where all relevant variables can easily be taken into consideration (to get a maximally if not absolutely accurate statistical analysis of). Sociology and Psychology are the two leading fields of statistically incompetence.