Archive for the ‘E.J. Hauser’ Category
Entry 955 — 3 by E.J. Hauser
Monday, December 17th, 2012
Yesterday, I grabbed the three works below from Bomb, Fall, 2012, to put in this entry in case I still couldn’t get on the Internet from my home computer and had to borrow time on a friend’s (and didn’t want to tie up her computer for long. Well, I can now get on the Internet from my home, but I’m posting the three pieces below, anyway, because they interest me as more specimens of the kind of art that seems to be doing fine in the BigWorld as visimagery, but is almost completely ignored there as visual poetry.
I’m not overwhelmed by the middle and bottom pieces, but like the top–mainly because of “FORESTT/HINKING” AND “FORES/TTHIN.” The use of “SLOW/NATURE” as a unifying principle is nice, too. Actually, the piece seems worth a full poem’s critical attention.