Archive for the ‘Bill DiMichele’ Category
Entry 858 — “Repose and Reconstruction”
Tuesday, September 11th, 2012
Below is the link to the 3rd in a series of chapbooks from the publishers of Tip of the Knife. The title of the series is called TipChapKnifeBook. Number 3 presents Bill DiMichele’s Repose and Reconstruction–with a short introduction by me.
Meanwhile, I’ve been half-assedly continuing my attempt to put mine house in order. Yesterday, I spent an hour going through a shallow box of miscellaneous stuff, figuring out what to do with perhaps a fifth of it. But I found some interesting items I thought worth sharing mith my blog’s legions of followers:
This was at the top of a letter from John M. Bennett. It’s by Al Somebody-or-Other. It may have come in the envelope below, which is a typical JMB envelope:
Plus a sticker of John’s:
More great stuff tomorrow, kids–if you behave!
Entry 854 — “sic transit”
Friday, September 7th, 2012
I’m always harping on the importance of a poetry critic’s quoting passages or whole poems by the poets he discusses. This is not revolutionary: it’s taught, I believe, in most college courses on the subject. A critic should also zero in on quoted material at times, too. I sometimes fail to do both myself, so am re-posting to the following excerpt from a poem from Sheer Indefinite, by Skip Fox, in order to say a little about it:
Neither does the world answer but
in mute response. Cold
wind this morning before
dawn, cold
rock in its eye,
dream in its mind.
Entry 851 — Guess What?
Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
I’m still so out of it I need to grab work by others to post something here. Ergo, here are a poem (top text) and the first stanza of a poem by Bill DiMichele from his Heart on the Right, which my Runaway Spoon Press published in 1992:
My kind of lyricism. I especially like “one’s a felony, the other a/ cloudburst” (referring to veneration and irreverance?), and the rush “to find diagnosis/ or heir,” which I think has to do with whether the quest mentioned is a sickness to be diagnosed or something that will lead valuably (like irreverance?) to other (living) quests.
Entry 850 — Two Early Works by Bill DiMichele
Monday, September 3rd, 2012
The following are from Capacity X, a chapbook my Runaway Spoon Press published in 1988 of visual poems by Bill DiMichele:
“X” in some 28 variations each making the X more knowably unknown.
Entry 849 — Two by Bill DiMichele
Sunday, September 2nd, 2012
The two pieces below are from the collection by Bill DiMichele that I agreed to do an intro for (and–as usual–am procrastinating on although I think I know what to say in it). The top piece is the second in a five-frame series called “Repose”; the lower the first of another 5-frame series, this one called, “Reconstruction”:
All the ones in “Repose” are wonderfully restful and should be easy to do a little twirl about, but–except to point out how unreposeful “Reconstruction” is, and that I like it a lot–I don’t yet know what to say about it.
Entry 604 — A Visimage by Bill DiMichele
Sunday, December 25th, 2011
Here’s something from Bill DiMichele’s latest painting exhibit at the Lindsay Dirkx Brown Gallery in San Ramon, CA. It reminds me a lot of the way I shape my (much lesser) canvasses.
Go here to see more of his works. More will be appearing here.
This is the link to the Cross-Section of a Moment exhibit.
Diary Entry
Saturday, 24 December 2011, 6 P.M. Pretty much a crappy day. I had trouble taking care of my diary entry–until I remember a book of images Geof Huth had sent me that I could steal images from to display. I just finished doing that. I did very little else all day, just a paragraph on my response to Jake Berry’s essay. I did finish the thriller by Tom Clancy I was reading, though. It was about a war–American and Russian against China. Silly stuff but I did enjoy reading about a militarily competent USA, for which I hope my friends in poetry will forgive me.