A Dictionary of Grumguage
Begun on 5 February 2011
Grumguage GRUM gwidj: words and phrases created (or redefined) by Bob Grumman in the arrogant belief that the glorious English language is insufficent for the kind of incredibly full-scale understanding of each of the many significant fields of knowledge that Grumman has achieved in spite of the mediocrities and submediocrities in (mostly unconscious) opposition to him
Subjective Maxolute Reality (that reality whose existence comes closest absolute certainty): my mind plus all that it can directly experience through my body’s sensors.
Subjective Probsolute Reality (that reality that exists beyond reasonable doubt): the constituents of maxolute reality according to logic (pure rationality), and is not contradicted by anything I know about maxolute reality. It is not necessary for it to parallel what I know to be maxolutely real, but it helps. Others’ minds, for instance.
Objective Maxolute Reality: That portion of my maxolute reality that (I believe) a majority of others accept as maxolute reality.
Objective Probsolute Reality: That portion of my probsolute reality that (I believe) those (I consider) knowledgeable about the portion involved agree with me about.
Metaphysical Reality: Anything outside the above realities; fun to think about, but irrelevant
aberrateur, aah BUHR uh TUHR, noun, from “aberration” and “teur” as it occurs in such words as “saboteur”: one who makes a significant but extremely defective contribution to world culture–Sigmund Freud, for example.
apollonian, AAH puh low nee aahn, noun, from “Apollo,” Greek god of the sun, whom I consider the ancient god with the most to do with clear thinking: a person whose aesthetic appreciation is more logic-based than anything else. OBSOLETE
behavraceptual awareness.
carticeptual awareness
compreceptual awareness
Long ago an animal’s ability to tell when something in the environment contradicted its expectations had to have evolved. Certainly, human beings have such an ability. In knowlecular psychology, it depends on certain antagonistic pairs of urceptual (i.e., innate) knowlecules called dichotocules. The ways it works is straight-forward. When one dichotocule of such an antagonistic pair is activated, it automatically suppresses k-unit release (i.e., transmission of energy to other brain-cells) of the other to the degree that it is activated. When both are activated at the same time, sensory-cells sensitive to that will turn on a contradiction knowlecule (also urceptual). That neither of the two antagonistic dichotocules can become active will cause frustration–directly or indirectly. As a result, the subject will (or should) lower into accommodance.
Most contradiction knowlecules are activated by some motor or endocrinal dispute such as an arm’s trying to raise and lower itself at the same time (e.g., a child’s parent says not to make a sound, then the child sees a man aim a gun at the parent and tells his vocal cords to yell at the same time that he is continuing to tell them not to yell.) Other natural contradictions may exist, as between black and white, night and day, male and female. . . .
crank, kraahnk, noun: pseudosopher who draws on untenable premises to construct, with extreme logic, theories whose internal inconsistencies, however gross, and contradiction by external data, however damaging, his lack of exploratoriness prevents him from often encountering, his lack of critical intelligence prevents him from recognizing when he does encounter them, and whose inflexibility would prevent him from doing anything effective about if he did, yet never concedes he may be in any way wrong.
culturateur, KUHL chuhr uh TUHR, noun, from “culture” and “teur” as it occurs in such words as “saboteur”: one who makes a significant contribution to world culture.
dionysian, DAI oh NEE juhn, noun, from “Dionysus,” Greek god of wine (and, for me, of instinctual pleasures): a person whose aesthetic appreciation is more instinctive than anything else. OBSOLETE
egoceptual subawareness
egosocioceptual subawareness
evaluceptual awareness
evaluceptual frustration
evaluceptual resolution
expressilyst, ek SPREHS ih lihst, noun, form “expression” and “analyst”: a person whose aesthetic appreciation of an artwork is primarily based on how the poem presents its content, or its manner os expression, rather than with its content.
freewender, FREE wehn duhr, noun, from “free” and “wend”: one of the three temperament types posited by knowlecular psychology, the freewender is characterized by superior accommodance. Roughly similar to David Riesman’s “autonomous personality.”
frustration, see evaluceptual frustration
fundaceptual awareness possible obsolete
hermesian, huhr MEE jee aahn, noun, a person whose aesthetic appreciation is more experience-based than anything else. OBSOLETE
instacon, IHN stih cahn, noun, from “instant of consciousness”: the shortest unit of psychological time, or length of time it takes for a person to be aware of anything.
instinctilyst, ihn STIHNK tih lihst, noun, from “instinct” and “analyst”: a person whose aesthetic appreciation of an artwork is based primarily on the amount instinctive pleasure it affords by means of its attention to stimuli normal human beings are automatically attracted to like a 3-month-year-old happy baby.
Internet troll, IHN tuhr neht TROHL: a psychopath who intrudes on Internet discussions seeking solely to damage, or–better–utterly destroy, someone else’s self-esteem, probably out of jealousy over not having any of his own.
(the) is-flip
magnipetry, maahg NIH peh tree, from “magna” (large) and “poetry,” noun: the best poetry
long-term remembering,
muscclaceptual subawareness
objecticeptual awareness
pre-sequevaluative process
protoceptual awareness another term for fundaceptual awareness
(the) pre-verbal Is
(the) pre-verbal Is-Not
pseudosopher, soo DAH suh fuhr, irrational seeker of truth
psychevent, SI kuh vehnt, noun, from “psychological” and “event”: all a person experiences during a single instacon–that is, the combination of percepts caused by sensory-cell activation by environmental stimuli and retrocepts caused by simulteneous activation of master-cells in the cerebrum.
reality, ree AAH lih tee, noun: that which causes a conscious mind perceptually to experience it; there are two kinds: subjective reality and objective reality; the former is what one person perceptually experiences or believes himself to have experienced but which few or no other persons have also perceptually experienced; the latter what many people have perceptually experienced.
reducticeptual awareness
resolution, see evaluceptual resolution
sagaceptual awareness
scienceptual awareness
sequevaluative process
short-term remembering, noun, the use of the mnemoduct to awaken memories of recent experiences different in no way from the awakening of long-term memories, but favored by the brain because at the time of their creation, dot-routes are primed.
socioceptual subawareness
supra-apollonian, SOO pruh AAH puh low nee aahn, noun, from “supra” (“above”) and “apollonian”: an apollonian strong either or both dionysianly and hermesianly.
supra-dionysian, SOO pruh AAH puh DEYE ow nee juhn, noun, from “supra” (“above”) and “dionysian”: a dionysian strong either or both apollonianly and hermesianly.
supra-hermesian, SOO pruh AAH huhr mee jee aahn, noun, from “supra” (“above”) and “hermesian”: a hermesian strong either or both apollonianly and dionysianly.
urceptual persona
dichotomous anthroceptual personic sub-awarenesses: 12
child/slave father/master
father/master * child/slave
nonconformist anti-model
conformist model
befriendee friend
friend * befriendee
vicariant hero
mother/nurturer ** child
child mother
combatant * enemy
pet-owner dog/cat
male or female sex-object
verosolyst, vehr AH soh lihst, noun, from “verosophy” and “analyst”: a person whose aesthetic appreciation of an artwork is based primarily on its truth (according to its freedom from or contamination by contradictions).
verosopath one who does all he can to sabotage the search for truth
verosopher one engaged in some form of verosophy
verosophy the use of reason to try to understand as fully as possible some significant inter-related portion of material reality field of knowledge, specifically science, history, literary criticism, philosophy, economics, political theory and the like.
viscraceptual subawareness
Columbetry, cuh LUH beh tree, from “Columbus” and “”poetry”: poetry which either does something important for the first time, or does something important effectively for the first time.
Magnipetry, maahg NIH peh tree, from “magnificent” and “poetry”: poetry of the highest excellence.
Textual Design, TEHKS chew uhl dee ZINE: synonym for “textual visimage.”
Textual Visimage, TEHKS chew uhl VIHZ ih mihj, from “textual” and “visual image”: a work of textual visimagery.
Textual Visimagery, TEHKS chew uhl vihz IH mihj ree, from “textual” and “visual imagery” : visual art containing textual elements but no meaningful words.
Visimagery, vihz IH mihj ree, from “visual” and “imagery”: visual art.
Visual Poetry, VIHJ yoo uhl PO eh tree: poetry containing visual elements whose interaction with its words results, in the view of the majority of reasonably knowledgeable, objective observers, in something of central significance to the poem’s full aesthetic meaning.
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