Entry 478 — Another Weak Hello
I’ve been bumbling along making very slow progress with my hip. I’ve actually sort of run a few times while playing senior tennis. I’m riding my bike again, too, although I’m not supposed to, the experts believing I might fall and mess up my hip. No chance. Psychologically, I’m still screwed up: I’m sleeping okay after three bad nights in a row, but continue to want to take a nap almost all the time. (And rarely am able to fall asleep once I’ve lain down.)
I’m in a moderately pleased state of mind right now, though, because I’ve gotten 18 framed visiotextual works of mine ready for display at the local library. I’ve decided nine are world-class, and all but three of the others not too far from world-class. None of the others is poor, just not all that great.
It’s always a relief to find one still likes what one did more than a few years ago. I’m not that keen on some of my apprentice-pieces, but tend to like almost everything I’ve done over the past thirty years–and considered keepers when they were done.
I must have twenty or thirty fairly completely sketches of poems I thought would be terrific when I sketched them but never followed through on. Every once in a while I look through them. Haven’t found one yet I think worth doing, or even stealing a piece from for a new work.