Entry 1758 — My New Blogs
Today’s blog entry is at my Knowlecular Psychology Blog. Make that was at my Knowlecular Psychologt Blog. As soon as I posted the entry, I realized my new set-up is not likely to work because Pages are not Blogs, they will just go on and on as single pages until, it’s my guess, they reach a limit. I could set up three new real blogs but they’d be too much trouble to operate. So, I’m now shutting down my pseudo-blogs, and poeticks.com will go back to the being the dithered mess it’s been for the past several years. Beginning with what I had in my Knowlecular Psychology Blog for today:
Here beginneth my knowlecular psychology blog.
This has been up for a day or so and has had three visitors! I wasn’t sure anyone was interested in my totally uncertified theory. Anyway, I think the three of you, even though you may all just be students of abnormal psychology. (Actually, I think you’re all academics stealing ideas from me. No problem. Although I would like getting credit for them, I’ve gone too long without any recognition for even one of them to be able any longer to care much.)
Entry 1 — Plexed and Unplexed Data
This won’t be much of an entry, just some notes from another bedtime trickle of ideas. Two nights ago, I think. It is just a return to the presentation of my theory of accommodance. I’d been thinking of it as retroceptual data versus perceptual data, or a person’s memory versus the external stimuli he’s encountering. It’s not an easy dichotomy, though, because it’s really strong memories versus perceptual data and random memories. So I split the data involved into assimilated versus unassimilated data, or fragmentary versus unified, or unconsolidated versus consolidated. Later I got more rigorous: there are, I now posit, plexed and unplexed data, or data consolidated into a knowleplex and “free” data, mostly coming in from a person’s external or internal environment but sometimes containing retrocepts (bits of memory) that have not yet been consolidated into a knowleplex.
I had a second thought: that some plexed data could come from the environment. This would occur when a person encountered a complex of stimuli that quickly activated some knowleplex he had and accompanied it. Ergo, there were two kinds of plexed data: retroceptual and perceptual; there were two kinds of unplexed data, too: retroceptual and perceptual. I think of perceptual plexed data as “preplexed,”
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Maybe when I’m not in my null zone, where I am now, I’ll come up with a better idea for improving my blog.